Expo Combat Reports - Reloaded

  • Expo Combat Reports - Reloaded

    There are still some unfixed issues (alpha12-2): the EH is stuck after a combat and no expo result message is generated.

    Three expo fleets were started a few seconds apart:

    Expedition Result [1:10:16] 20.02.2015 14:23:10
    From: Fleet Command
    The new and daring commander successfully traveled through an unstable wormhole to shorten the flight back! However, the expedition itself didn`t bring anything new.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It feels great to be the first ones traveling through an unexplored sector.

    Combat Report [1:10:16] 20.02.2015 14:23:17
    From: Fleet Command

    Attacker: (Pirates): 0
    Debris field (newly created): 0

    Defender: (kfg): 0
    Moon Chance: 0 %

    More details

    Expedition Result [1:10:16] 20.02.2015 14:28:17
    From: Fleet Command
    Besides some quaint, small pets from a unknown marsh planet, this expedition brings nothing thrilling back from the trip.

    Entry from the communications officers logbook: It feels great to be the first ones traveling through an unexplored sector.


    Addendum: Maybe it is possible to let [fixed]-threads open? I don't see any spamming here and sometimes it would be useful.
  • Today:

    1st Expo:
    Expedition Result [1:30:16] 24.02.2015 13:20:50
    From: Fleet Command
    Your expedition fleet made contact with a friendly alien race. They announced that they would send a representative with goods to trade to your worlds.

    2nd Expo:
    Expedition Result [1:30:16] 24.02.2015 13:21:02
    From: Fleet Command
    On an isolated planetoid we found some easily accessible resources fields and harvested some successfully.

    Crystal 11.640 have been captured.

    3rd Expo:
    Combat Report [1:30:16] 24.02.2015 13:21:12
    From: Fleet Command

    Attacker: (Aliens): 0
    Debris field (newly created): 0

    Defender: (kfg): 101.000
    Moon Chance: 0 %

    No lag this time, but no Expedition Result message either. No drunk pirates, no alien invasion fleets, ... nothing at all.


    PS: Maybe the lag comes only after the generation of the Combat Report and would then affect the following Expo Report message? I will look out for that.

    ... and found something:

    Expedition Result [1:30:16] 23.02.2015 23:27:12
    From: Fleet Command
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.

    Deuterium 9.400 have been captured.

    Combat Report [1:30:16] 23.02.2015 23:27:26
    From: Fleet Command

    Attacker: (Aliens): 0
    Debris field (newly created): 0

    Defender: (kfg): 141.000
    Moon Chance: 0 %

    Expedition Result [1:30:16] 23.02.2015 23:32:26
    From: Fleet Command
    On an isolated planetoid we found some easily accessible resources fields and harvested some successfully.

    Metal 30.450 have been captured.

    5 min sharp after the Combat Report. Return time is unaffected:

    Return of a fleet 24.02.2015 00:04:10
    From: Fleet Command
    Your fleet is returning from planet [1:30:16] to planet [1:30:9].

    The fleet is delivering 0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 9.400 Deuterium.

    Fleet in alien combat (35 SC + 1 Probe) was destroyed.

    Return of a fleet 24.02.2015 00:04:32
    From: Fleet Command
    Your fleet is returning from planet [1:30:16] to planet [1:30:9].

    The fleet is delivering 30.450 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium.