Language Setting

    • Language Setting

      Hey there,

      First, I thank all the people who are trying this add-on to be improved.

      Now, I have a question about the language of this great add-on. I've read that it took its menu language from the server that one's playing. What I want to do is that to play the ogame in a different country's server but for example when i play on greek server the add-on translates its language into greek.

      Is there any solution to avoid this situation? can I use the add-on in english anyhow ?
    • TheViking wrote:

      I think you are talking about ago.
      That tool has an own Baord Area here. (Look a bid dwon in the board.)

      But i can answer your question too for now.
      AGO gets his loca information from the game itself,
      so many of the writings will be in the universe language forever.
      Afaik Francolino didnt want to change something in that baheaviour.

      sorry, i thought all this forum is about antigame origin.
      i understand the fact that the software is using the ogame server as a source, what i'm saying is that there may be an option to change the "ago menu" language other than the server's.
      for example: I'm playing in ".gr" nekka universe I can do almost everything in-game activities without auto-translating but when it comes to the use the ago tool its language is also greek and i have to translate all the site just to understand something on ago. i can just use it like %60 performance.