Chat-Script outside html

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    • Chat-Script outside html

      Hi there,

      the following is inserted after closing body and html tag.

      Source Code

      1. var visibleChats = [];
      2. var bigChatLink = "http:\/\/\/game\/index.php?page=chat";
      3. var locaKeys = {
      4. "bold": "Bold",
      5. "italic": "Italic",
      6. "underline": "Underline",
      7. "stroke": "Strikethrough",
      8. "sub": "Subscript",
      9. "sup": "Superscript",
      10. "fontColor": "Font colour",
      11. "fontSize": "Font size",
      12. "backgroundColor": "Background colour",
      13. "backgroundImage": "Background image",
      14. "tooltip": "Tool-tip",
      15. "alignLeft": "Left align",
      16. "alignCenter": "Centre align",
      17. "alignRight": "Right align",
      18. "alignJustify": "Justify",
      19. "block": "Break",
      20. "code": "Code",
      21. "spoiler": "Spoiler",
      22. "list": "List",
      23. "hr": "Horizontal line",
      24. "picture": "Image",
      25. "link": "Link",
      26. "email": "Email",
      27. "player": "Player",
      28. "item": "Item",
      29. "coordinates": "Coordinates",
      30. "preview": "Preview",
      31. "textPlaceHolder": "Text...",
      32. "playerPlaceHolder": "Player ID or name",
      33. "itemPlaceHolder": "Item ID",
      34. "coordinatePlaceHolder": "Galaxy:system:position",
      35. "charsLeft": "",
      36. "colorPicker": {"ok": "Ok", "cancel": "Cancel", "rgbR": "R", "rgbG": "G", "rgbB": "B"},
      37. "backgroundImagePicker": {"ok": "Ok", "repeatX": "Repeat horizontally", "repeatY": "Repeat vertically"}
      38. };
      Display All
      OGame Tech