Battle of the day Friday, November 28, 2014
The battle lasted 4 rounds
Attackers (1):
bfree [X:X:X]
Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
Cruiser 26.409 Lost 3.328
Destroyer 27.587 Lost 839
Loses 201.387.000 units
(116.900.000 Metal, 65.246.000 Crystal, 19.241.000 Deuterium)
Defenders (1):
finistere [X:X:X]
Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
Small Cargo 212 Lost 212
Large Cargo 182 Lost 182
Light Fighter 5.648 Lost 5.648
Heavy Fighter 30 Lost 30
Cruiser 30 Lost 30
Battleship 1.990 Lost 1.990
Recycler 30 Lost 30
Espionage Probe 831 Lost 831
Bomber 230 Lost 230
Solar Satellite 464 Lost 464
Destroyer 320 Lost 320
Deathstar 49 Lost 49
Battlecruiser 490 Lost 490
Rocket Launcher 180.000 Lost 180.000
Light Laser 110 Lost 110
Heavy Laser 850 Lost 850
Gauss Cannon 170 Lost 170
Ion Cannon 20 Lost 20
Plasma Turret 100 Lost 100
Small Shield Dome 1 Lost 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Lost 1
Loses 1.127.665.000 units
(773.255.000 Metal, 286.118.000 Crystal, 68.292.000 Deuterium)
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured: 2.326.858 Metal, 774.987 Crystal, 3.942.333 Deuterium
Attacking fleet: 201.387.000 units
Defending fleet: 1.268.636.000 units
Total: 1.470.023.000 units
Debris (12875 Recycler)
Metal: 154.917.000 units
Crystal: 102.563.700 units
Profitability (12875 Recycler)
Attackers (recycling): [31%] 63.137.878 units
(40.343.858 Metal, 38.092.687 Crystal, -15.298.667 Deuterium)
Attackers (no recycle): [-97%] -194.342.822 units
(-114.573.142 Metal, -64.471.013 Crystal, -15.298.667 Deuterium)
Defenders (recycling): [-80%] - units
(-698.158.000 Metal, -230.747.300 Crystal, -82.250.000 Deuterium)
Your recycler(s) (15000) have a total cargo capacity of 300.000.000. At the target [x:xxx:xx], 154.917.000 Metal and 102.564.000 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 154.917.000 Metal and 102.564.000 Crystal.
The battle lasted 4 rounds
Attackers (1):
bfree [X:X:X]
Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
Cruiser 26.409 Lost 3.328
Destroyer 27.587 Lost 839
Loses 201.387.000 units
(116.900.000 Metal, 65.246.000 Crystal, 19.241.000 Deuterium)
Defenders (1):
finistere [X:X:X]
Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
Small Cargo 212 Lost 212
Large Cargo 182 Lost 182
Light Fighter 5.648 Lost 5.648
Heavy Fighter 30 Lost 30
Cruiser 30 Lost 30
Battleship 1.990 Lost 1.990
Recycler 30 Lost 30
Espionage Probe 831 Lost 831
Bomber 230 Lost 230
Solar Satellite 464 Lost 464
Destroyer 320 Lost 320
Deathstar 49 Lost 49
Battlecruiser 490 Lost 490
Rocket Launcher 180.000 Lost 180.000
Light Laser 110 Lost 110
Heavy Laser 850 Lost 850
Gauss Cannon 170 Lost 170
Ion Cannon 20 Lost 20
Plasma Turret 100 Lost 100
Small Shield Dome 1 Lost 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Lost 1
Loses 1.127.665.000 units
(773.255.000 Metal, 286.118.000 Crystal, 68.292.000 Deuterium)
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured: 2.326.858 Metal, 774.987 Crystal, 3.942.333 Deuterium
Attacking fleet: 201.387.000 units
Defending fleet: 1.268.636.000 units
Total: 1.470.023.000 units
Debris (12875 Recycler)
Metal: 154.917.000 units
Crystal: 102.563.700 units
Profitability (12875 Recycler)
Attackers (recycling): [31%] 63.137.878 units
(40.343.858 Metal, 38.092.687 Crystal, -15.298.667 Deuterium)
Attackers (no recycle): [-97%] -194.342.822 units
(-114.573.142 Metal, -64.471.013 Crystal, -15.298.667 Deuterium)
Defenders (recycling): [-80%] - units
(-698.158.000 Metal, -230.747.300 Crystal, -82.250.000 Deuterium)

Your recycler(s) (15000) have a total cargo capacity of 300.000.000. At the target [x:xxx:xx], 154.917.000 Metal and 102.564.000 Crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 154.917.000 Metal and 102.564.000 Crystal.
The post was edited 1 time, last by bfree1 ().