Multiple Resource market traders

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Multiple Resource market traders

      Can it be changed so that you can have up to one of each resource trader in green in the resource market window. I get some for free but can't use them right away and they get waisted when I have to buy a different one. If I could keep them I could use them more fluently. Especially if I accidently do the resource wrong and the other one I just got rid of would let me fix the error.

      It should allow all 3 to be lit green so that you can save them until you need them. But only one of each. It would help players spend resources more wisely.


      I had a free crystal trader from expos. I bought a duet trader and was deciding between a high crystal upgrade and a mine upgrade. I was too tired and thought the ammount of duet spent was how much was left over and went for the upgrade. then I'm left with all the resources except the duet for the tech upgrade. If i still had the free crystal trader I could do it again and switch and make up for the mistake. Now I would have to spend 3500 DM again when I already had the means to do it but the game takes it from you.

      Traders are pretty rare as is. Taking the ones you get is pretty pointless. You should be able to get up to 1 of each stored. It would not stop people from buying new ones when needed. they are very rare in expos. In fact this would finally make them useful since you can't control the one you get from an exp.