Error on Fleetpage 3, max. load capacity

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  • Error on Fleetpage 3, max. load capacity

    I noticed this problem some days ago, but wanted to reproduce it for more details. When I send fleets with resources to a colony and use the autofilling of Firefox for loading, the remaining capacity is not reduced accordingly, i.e. after loading Met:

    In the movement menu, the actually loaded resources are shown:

    As you can see, 9 SC with 45 k capacity are under way. Fleet 3 suggets 75 k capacity in this case. It is, however, possible to "overload" the ships nearly 3 times.

    AGO is off, btw, and the gaming experience feels very incomplete. :P

  • So your problem is the fill on from your browser are not corrected automatically? That´s no game related issue and also not related to any change we made in 6.0.0

    If you just click in those imput fields or click the max button near the imput field it will be corrected. The Browser integrated feature overrules the checking part, that´s why a new user action is needed.


    I play ogame since 11 years without any addon, it feeld complete, but maybe i`m a oldschooler and can calc manually :P

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