First impression

    • First impression

      All the things looks nice.
      But sometime it start hard to understand how everything is working...I mean, actually I can't open the comunication messages, I have 2 messages to read but I can't open them.
      The other think that could be easier for everyone i to put the chat down on click on the top of it (maybe it could be write the player name inside)
    • and these letter ( '' ) in chat gives alot these ////////////////////////

      and if is chat open with alot messages and i press ''overview'' or anithing else chat come back up on first message,so i need scrool down again to last message on chat :D

      its litll hard to see when is new message recived when is conversation open down...

      in combact report cant open ''more details'' and will be great that write not only together ''Loot: 14999'' will be great if write how many metal/cristal/deut :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Hannah ().

    • I'm having the same issue of bizz8, with 2 messages marked to read, but actually nothing new.
      And I'm also having the same problem of Hannah. The \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' appears also on the ' (a pretty essential character in the italian language).

      When I chat with someone I'd like to autohide the chat while switching pages. In cases of urgent fleetsave / last second retiring of the fleet it can hide half of the interface, and manually clicking on it is time consuming.
      I'd put an option, letting people to choise about that.
      "Do you want to chat everytime with people? Ok, the messages won't autohide while switching pages. But if they nuke your fleet you can't blame the slow interface / the devs etc etc, because with an option you can hide it."
      And yea, I'm a moderator of the .it, and I know that people loves to cry and blame the GF. :P
      I don't know if now is working as intended, because everytime i click on something, something different happends :P
    • I like the idea of the completion messages for buildings and reseaches. It may be, however, a bit overwhelming for inexperienced players. Also, in combat situations this might cause unnecessary lags. Maybe an option of turnig them on/off might be called for.

      In late game this could be very useful, when you have the patience to wait weeks or months for the finishing of such projects.

      I have also some issues with the buddy invitations and, following this, with the small chat window, causing error messages upon sending.

      Regarding the chat windows: will they be detachable from the current position? They tend to block the planet list if you have more than two colonies.