Pinned Meeting 23.10 8pm CET

    • Chat log:

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      <Francolino>well .. lets's go
      <Francolino>Your questions ?
      <Rdet>The messages in Economy will they automatically be deleted, since there is no trash button?
      <Hannah>when alpha version will come
      <Francolino>you mean alpha 7 with a useable chat ?
      <Hannah>yes newer version what all talk about :D
      <Francolino>i think beginning of the next week
      <Hannah>what i need do now in game,whats my mission
      <Francolino>this public test if to collect your feedback about the look & feel, the usability ..
      <Francolino>Hunting bugs is only sensefull at the end, when the BETA releases are out
      <Francolino>so we want : I like this .. i don't like ...
      <Hannah>i like in batlle report that i see full ress steal not only together ress :D
      <Francolino>always the best to do it in the board :)
      <Hannah>ok i alredy writed there
      <Francolino>ok :)
      <Francolino>rdet, all messages are deleted automatic sooner or later
      <Rdet>ok :)
      <Hannah>and its litll hard to see when is new message of player recived when is conversation open but puted down
      <Francolino>Hmm, post this detail with a screenshot
      <Hannah>shuld be short ''beep'' or message become red maybe :D
      <Francolino>this is the best way to forward those comments
      <Francolino>It's best to start a new thread per topic
      <Hannah>ok but its also hard to talk with someone there no much active players ...
      <Hannah> and nobody didnt acept me in ally to test ally chat :P they are not too much online
      <Francolino>use this channel to poke someone .)
      <Rdet>Hannah you can join Tedr
      <Francolino>and .. the chatsystem is buggy .)
      <Psychomagic>there isnt alliance chat yet?
      <Francolino>Not really
      <Francolino>The chat system is a simple P2P chat, from user to user only
      <Francolino>those buttons are only to show the user nicks
      <Francolino>One important reason : a user to user chat has not to be moderated
      <Francolino>you can simply ignore everyone who disturbs you
      <Francolino>Something like an Alliancechat is (maybe) planned for Ogame 7, Allianceupdate
      <Rdet>Reporting insults on he chat will not be possible?
      <Francolino>No, because everyone on the chat list is added via your alliance, your buddie list or by hand
      <Francolino>so it's always your choice
      <Rdet>ok logic :)
      <Francolino>no one can open an chat without your ok
      <Francolino>Ah, again something about the alpha release and why the test starts with a "buggy" release
      <Francolino>Well ... during the development of a new feature there are 3 phases
      <Hannah>i think shuld be some more players for testing :D
      <Francolino>1. Is the concept phase .. planning the feature, decide details ....
      <Francolino>2. Programming the concept (alpha versions) - concept and detail changes are possible and planned
      <Francolino>3. Beta phase is to finish the code
      <Francolino>and any change is difficult
      <Psychomagic>i have a little question
      <Psychomagic>the news of 6.0.0
      <Psychomagic>are "only" the chat, the divided messages
      <Psychomagic>and? anything else?
      <Hannah>spy reports
      <Francolino>Hannah, as said with the next update there are a lot of bugfixes and reports are usefull
      <Francolino>those days are to build up the server, a little team .. etc
      <Psychomagic>oh the galaxy's graphic yet, its so cute
      <Francolino>it's the first time that the GF offers tests in the alpha phase
      <Psychomagic>and the test it's a fantastic idea
      <Francolino><Psychomagic>are "only" the chat, the divided messages <- message boxes and chat, yes
      <Francolino>so .. please be passient, that currently there are only a few users
      <Hannah>and why when i atack ''farm me'' it writes friendly mission :D
      <Francolino>The reason is simply, we contact some interested users if they want to join
      <Francolino>bug bug bug :)
      <Hannah>ok :D
      <Francolino>be sure, there are still many many dozwn
      <Hannah>so all that we need report when new version come ?
      <Francolino>but as said, the task of this public team is giving feedback about the usabiltiy etc, less reporting bugs
      <Hannah>ok i got it
      <Francolino>the team has this special task to test all new features and releases
      <Francolino>hehe and for sure i'll explain next week more about this team, they do need new member .)
      <Francolino>and preferably from different communities
      <Francolino><Psychomagic>and the test it's a fantastic idea <- Yes, and taking only factual users makes sure that the GF will go on with that
      <Psychomagic>guys i have to dinner
      <Psychomagic>good evening :D
      <Francolino>have fun .)
      <Hannah>bye :D
      <Psychomagic>oh, i repeat what hannah said: [20:07:49] <Hannah> and its litll hard to see when is new message of player recived when is conversation open but puted down
      <Francolino>as said, for each detail a new thread with a screenshot
      <Francolino>i'll forward your feedback to the developers
      <Psychomagic>i go
      <Francolino>any other question ? and simply ask here in the channel, if i am not available, i'll post the answer later
      <Francolino>or someone else from the Origin team will do so
      <Rdet>Not at the moment
      <Hannah>no question for now :D