Buying Honor Points

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    • Buying Honor Points

      Many Have known the influence of honor points in Ogame. Attacking a player a bit lower ranked and status than you, you'd gain negative honor points AKA you'd become a Bandit , Bandit Lord and Finally a Bandit King. It wont irritate if you unless and untill your a greater player with huge defense and/or fleet to smash someone else to gain points. Its just modern to ignore the stuff. But we keep constantly get raided for our resources AND Raid everything in one round AKA 100% Resources can be plundered.

      I Keep a medium Defense not to protect huge fleet but to sace Resources in my planet in each my galaxy that when i find a spy n fly target on that galaxy, i jump my fleet, i use the Deut available, Smash and crack. Nothing more and Nothing less. I Mean, is tooooo Complicated guys. We can Use Honor points to buy in auction. Why dont we use Resources to Buy Honor Points to neutralize the Honor Points?

      Introducing the Universal Diplomat

      Lets Say The Diplomat is taken into Action from Trader/Mechant Section. Lets add Something in the Middle Named the Diplomat Section. There are Two Ways this can be worked into.

      1) Profit Deal from the Hit
      2) Buying the Honor Points.

      1) Profit Deal From the Hit.

      Lets say you are on a hit, you have damaged say 100 million Resurces. You are in a Normal Speed universe and you have made 30 mill as Debris Field . Profits are like 30 million or 60 million. The only thing the Diplomat would expect would be just the 10% Profit I.E the Debris which has been formed Due to the Defender's Fleet( which can be calculated automatically ) . The User must Simply check how much Resources/units he/she must pay to the Diplomat . So now we have a situation, the Resulting Debris ( which are the considered profits of he Diplomat ) is highjacked by someone else or the Defender, the Attacker is still in a risk to have to pay the Resources which has been created by him in the Deal. And This Deal can be made any time either on the Hit or without the Hit. The Diplomat just Neutralizes the Negative points by this action.

      Ok that was a Theoratical Explenation , Lets try Something in a better Trip which i had been thinking when i was high on a Joint :phatgrin:

      Merchant>>>>>>>Diplomat>>>>>>1) Profit From Hit .

      Attack on hit has been made,

      The Attacker has destroyed the Defender's fleet of 100 Million . At These Space Co-Ordinates float 25 million Metal and 15 Million Crystal. ( 30 million resources due to the Defender's fleet and 10 million due to the Attacker's Fleet ) So now, you need to pay 10% of the Debris which you have Either gained or lost. Either way, you HAVE to pay the Units the Diplomat Expects.

      2) Buying Honor Points.

      Ok So we are tooo tiered of the Negative Points, we are also lazy enough to make the Deal and stuff. But we have extra Resources to pay. We pay 1 Honor point as to auction 100 Units. We can just Buy Honour points with 150 Units of Resources, Same as that of the 3:2:1 Metal.

      Either way, User has to pay for his needs .

      This Thought was just a Fraction when i was in high in a Joint xD . Just wanted to express this thought since it mean something coz i hate this 100% Raid happening.

      If you are not satisfied with the Calculation of the resources and stuff, just edit the calculation and resources.

      What say you , Saavy?