Messages/Spiohelper - MSU and ressource thresholds for filtering and highlighting

    • Messages/Spiohelper - MSU and ressource thresholds for filtering and highlighting

      WIth the current version of antigame I can sort out the espionage reports with less loot than X (say 65000). But this number is unweighted and most players might specifically look for farms with a lot of crystal or deuterium. It should be quite easy to implement a feature that takes this into account. Here are 2 suggestions:

      1) thresholding. Implement the above mentioned feature for each resource separately (so that a player can chose to delete all reports with less than 100k krist and 20k deut, completely disregarding the amount of metal)

      2) weighting the resources of targets. User may define a weigting ratio of for example 1:3:2. The resources on the planet are then multiplied with that value and added together, resulting in a score. The score may then be thresholded by the player. Lets take a look at two examples here: Planet 1 has 250k M, 200K Crystal and 20k Deut, Planet two has 400k/60k/15k. With the above mentioned weighting, the player tells the script to specifically look for planets with a lot of crystal. The scores of the planets are 890k and 610k, respectively for planet 1 and 2. based on this scoring, a player can find the targets that suits its needs, but will still keep the reports of targets with a lot of accumulated other resources (Although a target with 1M/0/0 is not what the player is looking for he might still want to go for the metal because it is so much)

      Please let me know what you think
    • Thats good to know thank you! It would be awesome to have separate MSUs for construction and raiding, though. At the moment for example I am prioritizing Crystal over everything else when it comes to raiding but other than that 2:1:1 is a good MSU
    • Suggestion for Spiohelper

      In case an useful implementation of Spiohelper for v6 is possible, here's a feature request:

      Instead of sorting the spionages by loot (the resources to be stolen), I think it would be useful to take in account (or at least have the option) the ratio used in the preferences of AntiGame.

      That way, if one says ratio 2.5:1.5:1, then Spiohelper would show, e.g., (1) Spionage with 1.000.000 deut, (2) spionage with 1.400.000 crystal, (3) spionage with 2.200.000 metal.

      Right now (well, in version 5) the order would be just loot 2.2M then 1.4M then 1M deut, but I definitely prefer 1M deut than 2.2M metal and would be perfect to be able to tell that to AntiGame.

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      thread merged here because of topic

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri: look at EDIT ().

    • Messages/C&H - Spy reports - threshold for highlighting

      Is it possible to be able to highlight spy reports that contain a specified minimum amount of a certain resource? I'm sure I've been able to do that before (maybe it was foxgame?)

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      thread merged here because of topic

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri: look at EDIT ().