Galaxy/C&H - More options in color status

    • Galaxy/C&H - More options in color status


      When i go in the galaxie page, i see a lot of inactif below a specific rank and their are no interresting for me...
      So i was wondering if it's possible to add more option to the color status of people like inactif or other.

      At the moment the option "user above this rank" is available, but i think put the option above, between or "out the bound" is a good idea if it is possible.

      And why not be able to add more changement for the same status. For exemple Inactif (I) ranked aboce 2000 in blue and an other line Inactif (I) ranked above 1000 in red.

      At least the will need to put this ruls in the good order.

      Sorry if i made mistake, i'm french ^^

      Have a nice day !
    • I agree that's interesting to have one more setting for the most important player status ( active, inactive ) - and "Player rank below" etc is already on my ToDo list.

      During the next month i work again on the Coloring and Highlighting feature.

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      this feature has been implemented: >see here

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().