Wrong Mission Type Selected On ACS

  • Wrong Mission Type Selected On ACS

    Sometimes it selects normal attack and sometimes espionage in fleet dispatch III page. (the latter started to occur after the new fleet dispatch I page was implemented)

    I'm guessing this occurs because fleet II page doesn't pass the form entry "mission=2" correctly to the next page (it passes a null value instead), unlike it does when AGO is off.
  • Just made further tests and apparently it occurs when the newly joining fleet is made of probes only. Also, joining 1 probe and joining 2 or more probes cause different behaviors.

    * When joining 1 probe:

    - Wrong mission type (attack) is selected after choosing ACS fleet to join, as shown by the wrong mission type marker
    - document.getElementsByName('mission')[0].value returns 1
    - When proceeding to fleet dispatch III, the browser sends form data "...&mission=1&..."
    - After proceeding to fleet dispatch III, attack is selected

    * When joining 2 or more probes:

    - No mission type is selected after choosing ACS fleet to join, as shown by the mission type marker missing
    - document.getElementsByName('mission')[0].value returns "" (null string)
    - When proceeding to fleet dispatch III, the browser sends form data "...&mission=&..." (null value)
    - After proceeding to fleet dispatch III, espionage is selected
  • Thanks a lot for this detailed report .) This information makes it easier for me, and your hint about the difference between one and two probes is for sure the answer, it's caused by the feature to set espionage / attack if there are only probes in the fleet. Something wrong on Fleet II

    Now the basic work of the new concept is done, the next few days i'll remove the last parts of test code etc and check the fleet pages II and III for those problems.