Routine Last does not work anymore to collect resources

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  • Routine Last does not work anymore to collect resources

    Can you please add the Last Target button back so it makes it faster to select all resources and send to that one planet rather than having to select res. Click last missions tab, select target hit enter enter enter and check to be sure it didnt send it to the moon that the plugin wanted to anyway.
  • Slideshow18 wrote:

    Can you please add the Last Target button back so it makes it faster to select all resources and send to that one planet rather than having to select res. Click last missions tab, select target hit enter enter enter and check to be sure it didnt send it to the moon that the plugin wanted to anyway.

    Still there , see 08. Fleet
  • I understand that. But the button on the top the last button as a tab selects the exact same number of ships and resources that the previous mission had. As I and the other players go thru and collect dailys we have different amounts of res that dont come thru when you click that and it send the same things from each world despite whatever resources the world already has.
  • Slideshow18 wrote:

    I understand that. But the button on the top the last button as a tab selects the exact same number of ships and resources that the previous mission had. As I and the other players go thru and collect dailys we have different amounts of res that dont come thru when you click that and it send the same things from each world despite whatever resources the world already has.

    Please use the Routine Collect for this task. It's exactly created to collect all your resources each day to one target.

    If you want to set only the coordinates, speed and mission from the previous fleet, you can do this as well. Check the newest changelog.
  • Ok so i click routine collect button it selects all res and puts on transports. Routine collects first mission is to send it to that planets moon not the the collection point. How do i fix that?
  • Slideshow18 wrote:

    Ok so i click routine collect button it selects all res and puts on transports. Routine collects first mission is to send it to that planets moon not the the collection point. How do i fix that?

    Go to the AGO Options -> Fleet

    There are special settings for each Routine. For Collect you can choose one of your planets or moons, the remaining resources, the preferred cargo type and the speed.

    Once you set it up properly, you need only to press Enter to do all. ( First select one time the Tab Collect of course)

    Next week you can change the target directly in Fleet I page - and then it's pretty simple to collect each day to another target as you like.