EDIT : wrong place
Pro and Contra new fleet page
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See my answer in the french board:
" Quoted
Cannot back up to 5.8.15 again :(
So, if i can't win, I have to adapt ... (grrr), but I think, like others, that it will be better if we could hide buttons that we don't need."
See my words above - As said, it's possible that the buttons can be disabled, needs a few weeks.
The picture for the LAST routine is of course to replace later.
Maybe i upload the old version 5.8.15 in a few days (with disabled update feature) - BUT sooner or later it won't work with newest Browser or OGame versions.
To go on here:
- I have had already in mind to add a feature for hiding unneeded tabs - But for now it's to difficult, the fleet pages are complicated enough. First everything else must work fine.
- I am sure you can use this new concept for a few weeks with some buttons you don't need. AGO reduces the time you need to play in any case, so i can expect some patience from users. -
Yep, but i think that buttons' bloc position was better at the bottom :p
I hope you'll change your mind about this
So, before, when I clic on a routine button, for exemple, the collecte routine button, I just need to do 1 clic, and the Fleet Page II was loaded, but now, I have to do 2 clics ? Or it is a bug ? -
Rock'n'Rolla wrote:
Yep, but i think that buttons' bloc position was better at the bottom :p
I hope you'll change your mind about this
So, before, when I clic on a routine button, for exemple, the collecte routine button, I just need to do 1 clic, and the Fleet Page II was loaded, but now, I have to do 2 clics ? Or it is a bug ?
This is not a bug, this is intentional and the basic of the whole concept. See the french translation AntiGameOrigin - Fleet management concept of the concept.
The point is:
Selecting and sending a Routine with one click is nice, and for sure fine as long everything is correct.
BUT - often you aren't really sure if all selections are exactly as you want them
AND - much more often you can't use a Routin icon because you have to change a setting before.
Do you really want another set of Routine icons for flexible usage ? Or another setting or condition or whatelse to make them more flexible ?
The new layout gives exactly those advantages:
- You select a Routine and all details are shown.
- If everything is OK, you can simply click the SAME icon again to go to the next fleet page.
- If you want to change something, do it -- and click then.
This all is only possible if:
- 2 clicks are always required on fleet page I - First select, then check and change, second to send.
- The Routine Icons are above the calculators and all details.
Anything else is a mess of icons and details and other informations - only it's similiary to the old AGO layout.
So - this new layout is a great advantage, it's simple without any special condition, without different solutions for the same result, without double information - and you are always feeling sure about what you are doing.
So - i am sure in some days you will agree and love it. -
Ok for the double click, I understand the idea, it's not bad, I just feel it as a boring second click, because I've never do any mistake with old button
So, my problem, or question, or interogation is : "Is it easyer to have buttons above or under fleet icons ?" => For the moment, I still think that I prefer when they are under fleet icons.
Another fact/problem : I can't hide, for the moment, routine's icons that I don't want (I only use collect routine and hide fleet routine, I dont do any expedition, I dont atatck inactiv players ...). the fact I cant hide some buttons degrade my experience, and it's harder to make an opinion/choice, but I know you will resolve this problem ASAP, and I trust you when you says that it will be done soon
For other updates, I've nothing to say, I like your work.
To conclue :
- 2 clics on buttons : okay no problemo
- Sets of new icons : no, presents icons are ok, except the new "last mission", with the 2 arrows, it dont look fine
- Options for more flexibility : I would to be able to hide or display icons (in settings, a checkbox "hide this button" for example), or have the choice to use a routine, and not an other, and if a routine is note enable : the button is not display.
- Buttons above fleet icons : i feel it unattractive/overloaded
Sorry for my english, i hope you understand what i fell
Finaly, I would explain that my problem with this new flee page 1 and buttons are : => this is not easy to pick up as 5.8.XX and esthetic problems -
Well, i knew your problem. I needed weeks to convince myself for this decesion because to change the layout completly ..... Like you i think it's a perfect idea to create those Routine icons around the OGame NEXT button - because they do the same plus they set something.
But each day i am using the new layout, i like it more and more - it IS much more flexible and i feel always sure what i am doing - this is excactly what i wanted and what i missed in the old layout.
About your details:
- The LAST mission icon is only a temporary placeholder, i am not a grafic artist.
- Nearly sure i will add the "Enable" checkboxes again to disable each routine and it's icon in the tab list. But once again, this is something at the end of the development.
- I am following the top-down principe .... Start to read and click at the top, check and change the preseletioncs below - Add other chips as you need or want - and go next at the bottom.
It does not make any sense, if the icons are at the bottom and the affected changes are at the top. -
Start to read and click at the top, check and change the preseletioncs below
It is more easy to understand the new layout with this sentence(and it is completed with the 2 clics on buttons).
For the moment, I understand the concept, and I admit that it's not stupid at all (pas bête du tout)... but ... old layout was very fast and intuitive, and I dont feel the intuitiv, instinctiv side on the new layout, at the moment. -
Rock'n'Rolla wrote:
It is more easy to understand the new layout with this sentence (and it is completed with the 2 clics on buttons).
That's one important advantage of the new layout - Click a routine, check selections and simply click again if all is fine.
Rock'n'Rolla wrote:
For the moment, I understand the concept, and I admit that it's not stupid at all (pas bête du tout)... but ... old layout was very fast and intuitive, and I dont feel the intuitiv, instinctiv side on the new layout, at the moment.
Wasn't it the same when i created the Routine buttons next and below the OGame NEXT button ? Many, many player complaint about those "useless, ugly" buttons and they all wanted only one feature - Where to disable them. -
A post on french board :
Jasko wrote:
ça ne pose pas de problèmes en soi, mais quand on multiplie les boutons sur lesquelles appuyer, on peut dire que c'est une régression plutôt qu'un progrès.
d'où le soucis d'ergonomie comparé à l'ancienne version.
It is wath many french players feel : ergonomics was better with old layout.
But, I hear arguments, espacialy for 2 clicks, and I think that the good solution is to conserve the 2 clicks system, but place buttons like in 5.8.15 version :
1) players clicks a 1st time
2) players check if every thing is okey
3) players clicks a 2nd time on button
In my mind, it is a good compromise.
But, in settings, there is a place where I can check "do actions by double click". Is is possible to do the same kind of checkbox for fleet page ? (and if it is possible, is it easy to do ?) -
If the buttons are at the bottom - You have to go down, select a Routine, go up to change something , go down to the bottom and click next or the same icon again .... Is it that what you want ?
The general layout is already fine, that's why i released this update.
But instead of using clicks you can use keyboard shortcuts, for example E is for expedition - So, you can press two times E and you are on fleet II
At the end there is one shortcut for each tab and you can do all by pressing the same key twice.
When and where i am using the feature "do actions with a double click" is planned for the end of the development. But .. there is no difference if you do a doubleclick or if you click twice. -
"go up to change something" => I rarely need to change something, and if I need, I do, fleet icons and other tools aren't very far
But, this problem is realy a problem of feeling, and I don't feel that to have button above is easier for me.
From many years, we always click at the right bottom to send a fleet, and with 5.8.XX and preview, all buttons were in this area, near of the original "send" button.
I'm french, I realy dislike when very old things changes.
How could I explain ...
When I click on a routine button, my aim is to send a fleet, and these buttons make my life easier, but they deserve to send fleet, and in my head, buttons which deserve to send a fleet have to be near of the original "send" button.
The "send fleet function" has always be located at the bottom right, and now, there are 2 send fleet button areas, and this feeling is quiet ... bllllllllllll, unpleasant.
EDIT : I've never use keyboard shortcuts, I dislike it ^^, and letters are so close ... -
Splitted the thread in two discussions, see New layout - alternative with calculators in the middle
if you want to talk about the alternative layout. -
Francolino wrote:
Hello .)
Well, i know that each general change is difficult and annoying for the users which are loving the features as they are.
I explained my intention there, i have a lot of reasons for it, mainly for coming features Pro and Contra new fleet page
I've already created a test layout for all who want to have the icons below / near by the NEXT button - then it's nearly the same as before and you have also the new features.
I am sure that i will spend the time to implement a changeable layout (Icons at the top, icons in the middle) because the first fleet page is the most important one in Ogame. Only - It's planned in one or two weeks when the important details are all done.
Right now you should keep an eye onto the Fleet tutorial, i use if for all development steps as well 08. Fleet
And why i released this final version now and not in a few weeks ?
It's a very, very huge amount of work and i would like to involve the AGO user in here to get feedback about better solutions, missing details etc. I think everyone can live with a "not perfect" release for around two weeks, at the end the fleet page is much more better for everyone.
:) -
Finally, after playing with both layouts a while:
- I like the icons and calculators in the middle more when playing on the desktop machine - it's more comfortable.
- I like them at the top for playing on mobile devices, at first with a phone.
now the tabs are at the bottom of the page. Is there a setting where we can change where the Tabs are?
Slideshow18 wrote:
now the tabs are at the bottom of the page. Is there a setting where we can change where the Tabs are?
Sure, see News AntiGameOrigin - Update 5.9.3
For desktop, i prefer in the middle, for touch devices at the top. But you can change it as you like. -
Obsolete with the feature to choose where the icons are placed. The next update brings back to enable/disable each of the Routine tabs as wanted.
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