08. Fleet I

    • 08. Fleet I

      Fleet I
      • Select a tab based on your mission of choice (transport, attack, collect, etc.).
      • Check and change the pre-selected options if needed. Any detailed information is shown at the top.
      • Press on the tab icon again or click NEXT.

      • Optional features (AGO Options):
        • Details and action icons in the middle
          - See the second screenshot.
        • Remaining ships and remaining / preferred resources
          - Setup the most used values of your ships and resources.
        • Choose different settings for current position
          - Setup differences for each of your planet/moon. Use -1 to set a standard value to zero.
        • Set to harvest and debris field if there's only recyclers in the fleet (takes effect in tab transport, attack, and harvest)
        • Set to attack / espionage if there's only probes in the fleet (takes effect in tab transport, attack, and harvest)

      1. Details:
        - Used/maximum fleet and expedition slots. Clicking takes you to the movement page.
        - Resources are the total resources stationed on this planet/moon.
        - Capacity shows, by default, the total number for all available ships - or for the selected ships, if any.
        - Edit coordinate and type.

      2. Routine tabs and Calculators:
        - Changing a tab resets selected resources and for some tabs, the selected ships.
        - The most important detail is always shown below the icons.
        - Clicking on the green arrow opens/closes the calculator.

        - Tab 1 - Normal Details
        - Tab 1 - Routine Transport Details
        - Tab 2 - Routine Attack Details
        - Tab 3 - Routine Harvest Details
        - Tab 4 - Routine Collect Details
        - Tab 5 - Routine Fleet save Details
        - Tab 6 - Routine Expedition Details
        - Tab 7 - Routine Last Details

        • The behave from each Routine icon is changeable (AGO Options):
          - "Hide" shows the Routine icon only, if neccessary (takes effect in tab attack and harvest)
          - "Show" shows the Routine icon always.
          - "Reuse tab" uses this tab again next time.
          - "Reuse selection" uses this tab and it's selections again next time. (takes effect in tab expedition and last)

        • Icon colors:
          - Grey icon: Routine is not possible.
          - Colored icon: Routine is possible.
          - Colored icon with yellow border: Routine is active. Clicking sends you to next page.

        • Icon checkmarks:
          - Orange checkmark: Routine is possible with all important preselections, but check for changes. missing / in development
          - Green checkmark: Routine is possible with all preseletions

      3. Edit Ships:
        - The selected number of combat and civil ships are shown in the headline.
        - The remaining or missing number is shown on the icon.

      4. Set Ships:
        - You can select all ( >> ), most of all ( > ), or no ( 0 ) ships by clicking on those icons.
        - Setup "most of all ships" in AGO Options -> Fleet -> Remaining ships and remaining / preferred resources
        - You can set the required small and large cargo ships for all resources directly.

      5. Send ships:
        - The NEXT button shows coordinates, planet/moon, and mission for a final check.

      6. Set targets:
        - Clicking a standard target sets the shown values (coordinate, type, mission and speed).
        - Setup "Standard Targets" in last section of AGO Options -> Fleet

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jackle485 ().

    • 1. Tab - Normal
      • Default tab without any special function.

      1. Edit coordinates:
        - You can use the arrow keys to increase/decrease the number for about 1 (holding shift = 10, ctrl = 100)
        - A click resets the number - the value will be restored if you leave the input box without any change.

      2. Set type:

      3. Set speed:

      4. Additional details
        - Consumption and duration for the entire fleet.

    • 1. Tab - Routine Transport
      • Calculates and sets the required cargo ships (preferred type first) each time you change resources, coordinates, or the speed.
      • Keyboard shortcut: T
      • Routine Transport is active when there are any selected resources.
      • Clicking the icon selects all or most of all resources, if no ships and resources choosen

      1. Set resources:
        - You can select all ( >> ), most of all ( > ) or none ( 0 ) resources by clicking on those icons.
        - Setup "Most of all" in AGO Options -> Fleet -> Remaining ships and remaining / preferred resources

      2. Remaining resources:
        - Clicking on the icon/number toggles the input value.
        - If the input box is active, the current value is taken as remaining number and both values are swapped.
        - Otherwise, everything or nothing will be set.
        - The preferred resource is marked with an orange border and will be set first (even in Fleet III). missing / in development
        - A long click sets and stores this type as preferred one. missing / in development

      3. Edit resources:
        - You can use the arrow keys to increase/decrease the number by approximately 1 (holding shift = 10, ctrl = 100, shift + ctrl = 1000)
        - You can use "k" to add 000 to the end.
        - A double click resets the number.

      4. Cargo types:
        - The preferred type of ship is marked with an orange border.
        - Clicking sets this ship as preferred type for this one time.
        - A long click sets and stores this ship as preferred type.
        - The third ship type is changeable in the Panel or in AGO Options.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jackle485: Grammar Fixes for Franco ().

    • 2. Tab - Routine Attack
      • Preselects and prefers mission attack.
      • Calculates and sets the required cargo ships (preferred type first) to plunder all resources. missing / in development
      • Using the Attack button (or A) in espionage reports preselects the resources, fleet strength, plunder ratio and other details. missing / in development
      • Using the AGO Routine Attack button in WebSim or Osimulate does the same next time you'll load the fleet page. missing / in development
      • Routine Attack is active as long as the mission is attack.
      • A Routine Attack with calculated plundering will be stored, the next plunder wave is available with the "LAST" Routine icon (using the attack symbol with a wave number) missing / in development

      • Optional features:
        - Set to harvest and debris field if only recycler in the fleet.
        - Set to attack / espionage if only probes in the fleet.

      1. Details:
        - Capacity is shown for plundering. missing / in development
        - Fleet strength to edit - fleet strength of the entire fleet - to calculate the tactical retreat ratio. missing / in development
        - Tactical retreat ratio. missing / in development

      2. Set resources: missing / in development
        - You can reset all resources by clicking on those icon.

      3. Plunder ratio: missing / in development
        - Choose the ratio for a correct plunder calculation.
        - The value is submitted from the espionage reports and WebSim by using the "Attack" buttion.

      4. Plunder result: missing / in development
        - A click onto the icon/number resets this input value.

      5. Preferred type:
        - The preferred type (planet or moon) is marked with an orange border and will be preselected.
        - A long click sets and stores this type as preferred one.

      6. Edit resources: missing / in development
        - You can use the arrow keys to increase/decrease the number for about 1 (holding shift = 10, ctrl = 100, shift + ctrl = 1000)
        - You can use "k" to extend the number with 000.
        - A doubleclick resets the number.

      7. Cargo types: missing / in development
        - The preferred type of ships is marked with an organe border.
        - A click sets this ship as preferred type for one time.
        - A long click sets and stores this ship as preferred type.

      8. Send more ships:
        - You can send more ships for plundering than needed to get all resources for longer delayed attacks.

      9. Edit ships:
        - A click onto the espionage probe icon sets the number from the OGame Options (if there is no value ?? ) missing / in development

      10. Attacks list:
        - A list with all attacks during the last 24h - counted and sorted by coordinates.missing / in development

    • 3. Tab - Routine Harvest
      • Preselects and prefers mission recycle debris field and the debris field.
      • Keyboard shortcut: R
      • Calculates and sets the required recycler for harvesting.
      • Using the AGO Routine Harvest button in WebSim and Osimulate preselects the calculated debris field next time you'll load the fleet page.
      • Routine Harvest is active as long as the mission is recycle debris field.

      • Optional features:
        - Set to attack / espionage if only probes in the fleet.

      1. Details:
        - Capacity is only for the recylcer.
        - Freight is the total debris field size.

      2. Set resources:
        - You can reset all resources by clicking on those icon.

      3. Toggle resources:
        - A click onto the icon/number resets this input value.

      4. Edit resources:
        - You can use the arrow keys to increase/decrease the number for about 1 (holding shift = 10, ctrl = 100, shift + ctrl = 1000)
        - You can use "k" to extend the number with 000.
        - A doubleclick resets the number.

      5. Set recycler:
        - A click onto the icon/number sets the calculated recycler again (and removes all other ship types)

    • 4. Tab - Routine Collect
      • Collect your resources to your planets or moons.
      • Keyboard shortcut: S

      1. Edit resources: missing / in development

      2. Cargo types: missing / in development
        - The preferred type of ship is marked with an orange border.
        - Clicking sets this ship as preferred type for this one time.
        - A long click sets and stores this ship as preferred type.

      3. Timing ship: missing / in development
        - Set one ship of this type to delay your collect fleet or for a better timing.

      4. Temporary target and mission:
        - Changing the preferred cargo type or selecting any of your planets/moons starts the temporary target and mission.
        - Clicking the "Reset" button removes it and the option settings will be used again.
        - Included values are: Coordinates, type, mission, speed and preferred cargo type. Your selection is updated each time you'll send the fleet.
        - Store selected resources as well and use this value again missing / in development

    • 5. Tab - Routine Fleet save
      • Saving your fleet and resources easily.
      • Keyboard shortcut: F

      • Optional features (AGO Options):
        • Standard settings (details)
          - Setup the most used values and details.
        • Choose different settings for current position
          - Setup differences for each of your planet/moon. Use -1 to set a standard value to zero.
        • Select mission in this order when nothing is selected.
          - These are fallback missions, if the selected mission in the standard/different settings is not possible with the entire fleet.

      1. Edit resources: missing / in development

      2. Estimated arrival/return times: missing / in development
        - Calculates and shows the best matching coordinates for those times.

      3. Current debris field:
        - A simple shortcut to fleetsave onto the current debris field.
        - The last used speed will be stored. missing / in development

      4. Temporary target and mission:missing / in development
        - Changing the preferred cargo type or selecting any of your planets/moons starts the temporary target and mission.
        - Clicking the "Reset" button removes it and the option settings will be used again.

      5. Change preseletion: missing / in development
        - Preselections for the current position (default)
        - Preselections for the current position, but to the debris field on this position
        - Use the standard preselections

      6. Planned / in development
        - Adding a "split fleet" button to fleetsave in two or three parts

    • 6. Tab - Routine Expedition
      • Sending an optimal expedition fleet.
      • Keyboard shortcut: E
      • Clicking the icon selects the Routine settings, changing details is possible afterwards.
      • Clicking again goes to the next page. A doubleclick goes next immediatly without any change.

      • Optional features (AGO Options):
        • Send Espionage Probe
          - Check if you want always an espionage report.
        • Standard settings (details)
          - Setup the most used values and details.
        • Choose different settings for current position
          - Setup differences for each of your planet/moon. Use -1 to set a standard value to zero.
        • Range for random system selection
          - A counter (for the entire system) will increased each time you send an expedition and the target system will be increased, too.

      1. Presets on page load:
        - Requires "Reuse selection" in AGO Options.
        - The coordinate, mission and speed are preselected after loading the page.

    • 7. Tab - Routine Last
      • Repeat one of the last send missions.
      • Keyboard shortcut: L
      • Clicking the icon selects the last mission as it was, changing details is possible afterwards. Choose previous missions from the list.
      • Clicking again goes to the next page. A doubleclick goes next immediatly without any change.
      • Each mission without an active Routine or with Routine Transport, Attack or Harvest is stored.
        - Only coordinate and mission are used to store a new, different entry.

      • Optional features (AGO Options):
        • Number of last missions in standard targets.
          - Shows up to five last missions in the standard targets, only coodinate, mission and speed will be set.

      1. Last mission:
        - The last mission is shown at first and always visible.

      2. Previous missions:
        - Up to five missions are shown in the list.
        - Mission details: Coordinate / Type / Mission / Speed / Routine / Ships / Resources

      3. Disable ships and resources:
        - Clicking the Disable button disables the selection of ships and resources for all of the last missions in the list.
        - Disabled details are grey, click the button again to enable their selection.

      4. Presets on page load:
        - Requires "Reuse selection" in AGO Options.
        - The coordinate, mission and speed are preselected after loading the page.