transport doesn't work to the moon

  • transport doesn't work to the moon


    Today I want build one level on robotics factory on the moon. The transport (missing resources carrying to the destination) is very useful servcie in this mod. This is always works for me, extept now.

    Okay, on the moon, I click to the robotics factory, then I click to "i" (pin details onto the panel)
    This job is appear on the panel, under "constructons", this is okay.
    Then I go to one of them planet, then I cick to "transport" button, but nothing happen.
    I saw this error only with the moon/robotics factory.

    Chrome is latest, AGO 5.8.14


    edit.: I built building today, for example deuterium station, fusion power, and transport button is worked. I say again, this problem happen only with the robotics factory, on the moon. But now I see the ship factory level up (on the moon) "transport" doesn't work too.
  • Hello,

    I stumble across this bug this afternoon so I tried to find a bit more informations.

    First, I' m using FF 31 with AGO 5.9.7

    For me, this bug has nothing to do with the building i wand to build but is directly link to the moon. On some moon I don't have any problems, and I can pin the details onto the panel, go somewhere else, click transport and AGO will select resources and cargo.
    But on another moon, i will pin the details, go somewhere else (planet or moon) and click transport. AGO will load the fleet I page and select the transport routine, but select no resources or cargo.

    I tried to find something in common with the moons, but no luck :

    I have a position 12 moon which works, and another one which doesn't.
    Some moons with default name work, another one doesn't. Same with customs names.
    Some moons have buildings and work, others don't. Same when there is no buildings on the moon.
    Some moons have fleet stationed on them and work, other don't. It doesn't seem to change anything.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I'll post again if I find anything else.

    Edit : I noticed something this morning, after restarting Firefox, the bug doesn't affect the same moons. I have moons which weren't working yesterday that are working now. And some which worked fine yesterday are bugging this morning.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by ienh ().

  • I still have the "problem", but I feel really stupid now, because I understand where it's coming from. :oops:

    When AGO doesn't want to load resources, it's because there are already enough on the moon or coming to the moon.
    For example I've seen it happened when I have ghosted fleet to the target moon. Even if the fleet arrive in 2 days, it contains the resources needed for the construction, and since they are included in the calculation, AGO don't need to send more, so no ships/resources are selected.

    Like I said, I feel stupid right now, it's just the normal behavior. Sorry about that :oops:
  • Hmm that explains why i can't find the problem :)

    But you know that you can enable or disable each part of the Construction calculation ? For example, click onto the Shipment (resources in flight) - now they are grey and not beeing calculated anymore.

    And i see that the panel details can be optimized to avoid such missunderstandings .. something for the next winter .)

  • Hi!


    Doesn't work. Doesn't work everywhere. The problem stayed.

    I recorded a video, you can see this. I send video link via private message, the video size only 3MB.

    Transport to the first moon is unsuccessful in this video, to the second moon is successful.

  • mikk - it's exactly the same problem as ienh said - see my screenshot in the last posting here.

    The Construction tab is a small calculator as well, you can choose which result you want to see and to transport.

    Hmmmmm ... there is indeed a bug. Ok, now i can reproduce it.
  • Hi! - doesn't work correctly again, see test video, I sent this video link via PM. In this video, ships counts are zero, but with 5.9.13 ships counts are OK.



    Destionation doesn't matter it is moon or planet, ships counts doesn't filled.