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Vacation mode with ongoing research / shipyard / building
I like this suggestion * a lot * ..
I've had trouble fs'ing for the last 2 weeks for example bcz i had a research going on for a few weeks and didnt want to cancel ..
And if you are a busy person ( work etc. ) this is a good suggestion to have ingame . -
yes for research, but i wouldn't add this for shipyard.
makes it too easy...
game still needs some drawbacks :) -
That's a good idea UNLESS you can activate VM if your shipyard product any def/ship.
'Cause if you can, you can avoid ANY attack by making mass ships/defense. The problem is that if a player have 800M in a planet and not enough ship, if he make lots of ship, he can't activate VM, so other player can fight him later. He must choose between, in exemple, loosing 700M or having the risks of loosing all of his ships 'cause he was away and can't activate VM.
There's lots of situation where activating VM with ships/def in product would be sincerley destroying for ogame's strategy. -
you can save res today with the same method.
on a moon: build ships, destroy moon
on a planet: build ships (this shouldn't take to much time to finish)
so it doesn't matter. important is a fast implementation of this "feature". i hope it doesn't take to long. -
marshen wrote:
you can save res today with the same method.
on a moon: build ships, destroy moon
on a planet: build ships (this shouldn't take to much time to finish)
so it doesn't matter. important is a fast implementation of this "feature". i hope it doesn't take to long.
With this feature
1°) you don't have to destroy moon for VM... SO that's A *sniped* advantage.
2°) on planet 900M ressources (i.e. 15k VB) would take lots of time.
Seriously, lots of player (I mean good player, 'cause a player who think it doesn't matter you need to destroy moon for activate VM is not a good player) will hate this feature. This is destroying part of Ogame's strategy.
Edit: Watch the language plz + PMed~Kamil
The post was edited 1 time, last by Kamil ().
Lol, very nice suggestion.
So, next time i'll connect too late to save my fleet, i still can save my resources to make the attaker rages.
Consequences ? Nothing
Imba indeed, but funny.
Reserch only would be a lot better, because high level are requested for all players. But if a shipyard blocks your vacation mode, it's because you failed somewhere before -
But then how would that be different from just spending all your resources without going into vmode? The protection of vacation mode doesn't matter much if there's no reason to attack anyway.Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
You are not playing Ogame, are you ?
Some people have a moon with 3.000.000 of Light fighter in construction. why ? 'cause they've been destroyed after a HoF they've make.
If they wanna go on VM, they need to destroy their moon. so they're loosing ressource, and a moon.
With your proposition, their idea (of making 3 million of light fighter for saving ressource) will be... WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES !
That's pure ANTI-GAME. Research is not a bad idea. But shipyard will be a destruction of part of Ogame's strategy.
I know strategy is not what Origin like, but seriously, you're destroying Ogame a little more with that kind of suggestions. -
I agree with the fact that you can put VM while a research is going on, especially for some players that are playing for years now, and have really long research going on, and I won't even speak here of high level of Astrophysics that can take more than a year. However, being able to put VM while you have ships/defense in progress is a very bad move IMO. There are already many ways to escape combats, hide ressources without consequences, there's no need for one more.
i think that buildings and research should not unable VM... people have lifes and some of the buildings and researchs when we have big accounts it takes forever to end... and real life is complicated....we should be able to enable VM with both...
about the shipyard....i think that using the shipyard should block VM... making ships or defences only when we have time... using the shipyard to destroy recourses hem atacked is anti-game... my opinion only...
a nice game to all
deveriamos poder activar o MF tanto com estruturas como com pesquisas.... os jogadores tem vida própria, fora do jogo, e muitas das estruturas e pesquisas m estados avançados do jogo demoram eternidades.... a vida real é complicada....
quanto ao hangar, ai já é bem diferente... o uso do hangar deve bloquear o MF.. fazer defesas e/ou naves não demora assim tanto e deveriam ser feitas quando temos tempo.... usar o hangar para gastar recursos é anti-jogo... é a minha opinião....
Bom jogo para todos
I agree. You should be able to v-mode when you have ongoing building/ research, but NOT the shipyard. When you have an acc where it takes forever to finish buildings/reseach, you also have high nanit, so you should be able to plan and do you upgrade in the shipyard, without having the poseblility to v-mode. If you put over too much defence/fleet in panic, because you're being attacked ,,-? just too bad,,, You should have planed it better, and have had enough cargos to move the res.
I love this idea.
that'd be great. sometimes you can't control when you need to take two days off and if you have a 3 week research going, don't really want to cancle it...
this was implemented by Gameforge in v4.1
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