[Concept] Fleet - Routine Attack and Harvest

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  • [Concept] Fleet - Routine Attack and Harvest

    Routine Plunder is selected from espionage reports by clicking onto the plunder wave links.

    - Add a new icon "Attack" in fleet page I to select the Routine Plunder

    When Routine Plunder is selected / active:

    - Showing a plunder calculator (similiary to the transport calculator)
    -- Resource input are for the resources on the target planet/moon
    -- Calculate and show small and large cargos for each plunder wave
    -- Sending a plunder fleet stores the resource values for the next wave for simple continuation

    - Default target type (planet/moon) is only shown and used for the Routine plunder then.

    - Unneccessary details ( e.g other routine icons ) are hidden

    - The Routine Plunder with the changed layout is used until the routine Icon is disabled
  • Feature settings:

    - Set to attack on foreign coordinates
    -- Only when there are combat ships in fleet

    The second setting is planned to remove. A better replacement is:

    Transport Calculator is selected: Mission transport is preselected

    Attack Calculator is selected: Mission attack is preselected if "Set to attack on foreign coordinates" is enabled