increase the daily login bonus

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • increase the daily login bonus

      Many games have a daily login bonus .

      Since Ogame is a long run game - planned to run for years . It will be interesting to give players that login at least once a day a small bonus . And will also be nice to increase the bonus for coming back each day after day, the longer the better.

      For example :
      give (n+1) buddy points for each day of consecutive logins where n is the number of days in row the player login to the game


      give random surprises valid only for a day at each 10th day of consecutive login :
      +1 fleet slot
      +1 spy tech level
      +10% energy boost
      +1 expedition slot
      +1 plasma research
      +1 jumpgate level

      give special rewards for 100 days of consecutive logins
      +10% found DM
      half the time of ongoing resarches
      half the time of ongoing buildings

      If player fails to login the counter resets
    • Valent wrote:

      Many games have a daily login bonus .

      Since Ogame is a long run game - planned to run for years . It will be interesting to give players that login at least once a day a small bonus . And will also be nice to increase the bonus for coming back each day after day, the longer the better.

      For example :
      give (n+1) buddy points for each day of consecutive logins where n is the number of days in row the player login to the game

      Very good idea! It can be useful for those players who start to forget the game, because they can get a nice reward without any work


      give random surprises valid only for a day at each 10th day of consecutive login :
      +1 fleet slot
      +1 spy tech level
      +10% energy boost
      +1 expedition slot
      +1 plasma research
      +1 jumpgate level

      A bit unbalanced i think...

      give special rewards for 100 days of consecutive logins
      +10% found DM
      half the time of ongoing resarches
      half the time of ongoing buildings

      If player fails to login the counter resets

      Could be ^^
    • If this sort of thing is introduced there is one thing that NEEDs to be implemented. And that is the one thing I always have problems with. It should detect and go on activity not just the login screen. I have played so many where you leave up the screen and it doesn't auto unlog you after you bring up your computer in the morning and you forget to log out manually and it never gives credits. That can really screw up a streak!

      And even though you have it set to auto log out it still doesn't always do it. And it won't always. so it needs activity detection with it to count! 8) Then it would be perfect! Some people play every day but never have to log in! 8) It the major flaw of all daily counters up to this point. And a pretty pathetic one too!
    • Full marks many games have some stuff called daily login so why not us. I like the idea. But a small change instead of counter reset let it be like 10,20,50,100.... The higher the better reward but if the player fails to login on the 14th day the clock resets to 10 instead of 0. So people dont do the first 10 and reset again to 0 and then 10.
    • I would agree that the current factor is kinda unbalanced, but still a good idea to have of though.

      Perhaps could be placed for an interest to employ new ideas and/or suggestions to be used as well, rather for first implementation and/or only use acquiring. And still maintain say base value gains for percentages and/or amounts for the day. Especially in regards to resources, but still leave things like power and Dark Matter be optional for use and still reasonable.

      Also the prospect of ships gained seems overly reasonable as well.

      With regards to Inventory, Items and Effects/Boosters would seem to be good implements. As such for imply could perhaps place new ones for like 5:10:15 min ranges and say 1-2:3-4:5 percents. For such given also as well for being login bonus for say just bonus plus side to say can use to additional for that day received with other similar effect to/the same kind and/or put in Inventory for another time if still not just for later that day. With each interest perhaps lasting 24hrs at a time until otherwise if there is any.

      As well every 7 days or on 7th day, you gain choice of say listings., and able to pick one, with one always being a choice not given for the week but not limited to.

      Log-in Bonuses is a good idea, and probably just as well as one for say maintain and/or sustain current players.

