Combat / Drives / Espionage information is missing from user info in oGame / Galaxy View

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    • Combat / Drives / Espionage information is missing from user info in oGame / Galaxy View


      Chrome extension install is okay, but these infos (see subject or attached file) are missing, I see only: ? / ? / ?

      Browser database, or Personal server (GT) usage is doesn't matter.

      I use the hydra server from Hungary, this is the link.

      Certainly, I read all spy report message.


      ps.: All version is latest (Browser/this plugin/GT/GT plugin etc.)

      edit.: Planets second number is missing too at many users.
      • Clipboard01.png

        3.18 kB, 166×75, viewed 293 times
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Which browser are you using (and version) ?

      Can you delete the player database via the UniverseView menu and try again ?

      This is doesn't help. Look, I tested this problem perfectly, and I write these steps accurate:

      I downloaded portable web browser, from here. I installed it. This is clean, untouched browser.

      I installed this mod extension from here.

      I login to my oGame, I choiced Hydra server.

      I get message on left-top:

      UniverseView Notification!
      You need to update the galaxy database

      Okay. I click to Open UV menu button. Browser database already selected. I click to update galaxy button. Okay.

      I spy two planets. I read spy reports. But I get ? / ? /? (Combat / Drives / Espionage) again.


      This mod has got any log/debug function? It would be a big help. In galaxy tool, I can choice this options: "Show debug information"

      The post was edited 2 times, last by mikk ().

    • Warsaalk wrote:


      Have you tested it in the normal Google Chrome browser (not portable) ?
      Also do you see players their planets in the tool tip ?

      No, this tool doesn't have a debug or log function.


      No, in first time I tested it with my "normal" Chrome and Firefox.

      I tested portable chrome only that you see, this is not browser problem.

      I see player planets (in the tooltip) without I use spy.

    • Mmmm that's weird.
      What operating system are you using ?

      Can you try this in chrome ingame:
      1. Go to overview and press this combination Ctrl+Shift+J
      2. Go to UV menu and delete the player database
      3. Refresh the overview page
      4. Go to the galaxy page or messages page wait a few seconds and see if errors are thrown**
      5. If any errors are shown please take a screenshot and past it here

      ** You can see if it is an error if the text line is red, like this example:…nsole#errors-and-warnings

    • Okay, I play with this.

      If I click to recover default, then I click to overview, I see error messages:

      Source Code

      1. XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. index.php?page=overview:1
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Ok, that's normal :)
      But did the question marks in the tooltip disappear after you read a spy message ?

      I don't see any different, If I read spy message or I don't read it, the result is always: ? / ? / ?

      I think the debug/log function is very useful and the most important of all programmer, I almost alwawys use in my apps.

    • Well you need to read a spy message before the techs get registered.

      When you spy a player can you see his techs ?
      And again, what is your spy message setting in Ogame ?

      Debug & log functions for testers come in handy when you got a massive userbase, a lot of code and can't test all the code by yourself.
      This isn't the case with UniverseView.
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Well you need to read a spy message before the techs get registered.

      When you spy a player can you see his techs ?
      And again, what is your spy message setting in Ogame ?

      Debug & log functions for testers come in handy when you got a massive userbase, a lot of code and can't test all the code by yourself.
      This isn't the case with UniverseView.

      My spy-tech is 13, please, I know what is the spy message, and yes, I see all high tech in spy message.

      "what is your spy message setting in Ogame" Sorry, I wrote this already in this forum:
      Doesn't matter this settings is full spy report or not, the result is: ? / ? / ?
      Look, If this mod really works (I don't know), then I think two things are different for me:

      1. server type, my server is hydra
      2. game language, for me this is Hungarian
    • It does matter what you spy setting is, we're trying to find the cause.
      Did you test both settings, because I can't tell from your posts if you did?

      Another and much faster way is if you send me your login data via PM so I can login and see if it's your computer or your universe.
      I know it's not the best way but I don't think we'll find the problem this way.
      1 tip before you do this, change your original password to a temporary one and change it back after I took a look.
      Save your fleet and leave me a few spy probes or go in vmode and make sure there are still some spy reports in your messages.
    • Hi!
      Doesn't matter this settings is full spy report or not, the result is: ? / ? / ?
      this is mean: I try these settings both and the result is: ? / ? / ?

      Another and much faster way is if you send me your login data via PM so I
      can login and see if it's your computer or your universe.
      I think this bad idea, but I'm thinking on it.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by mikk ().