Occupy planets to revive the war system

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    • Occupy planets to revive the war system

      This is a suggestion I made on Board.fr and the idea was quite welcomed by the community. Thus I was asked to expose it there. Our discussion was about how to revive the war system, since the only benefit of declaring war is the lifting of the bashing rule. In years of gaming I haven't seen much people using this.

      My idea is simple: your fleet can occupy other people's planet. However it will have a cost: your fleet will need supply. The Alliance Depot (renamed supply depot, since it's totally useless as an "alliance" depot) will be used to supply 1 fleet, thus the possibility of occupying planets would be limited to the number of depots you have. Moreover, you could also plunder a part of the resources produced by the occupied planet. Consequently, the bigger the mines of the occupied planet, the lower the cost of occupation.

      On the occupied planet itself, all production would be blocked. Resource production would be either stopped or reduced. And players could free their own planet by attacking the occupying fleet from their other planets. The occupant, of course, would be able to see incoming fleets.

      This system would be, I believe, easy to implement and Ogame would remain Ogame, but with more attention devoted to wars and diplomatic relations.

      So, what do you say?
    • although the idea sounds good on paper it is not fit for ogame since it would cause many players to quit the game . think of it this way you get attacked on 8 out of 9 planets and they are occupied how long would you want to play with the number 3 fleeter takeing over your account . they could tear buildings down and un build your account . making it even harder for you to recover and catch up to the top 10