I think this might be a feasible super weapon for the defensive side. It should probably be planet only and can also likely only affect attacks on it's own planet.. This could be change if deemed feasible enough or specifically needed for moons.(AKA. if it should shoot at incoming attacks against that planets moon as well as that planets incoming attacks. Or be install able on moons.)
Old version:
Display Spoiler
***"Moon Cracker" attack is available for planets with a fusion cannon upon reaching Graviton Tech: 1.
Requirements for use of this attack could include a certain amount of free energy available. Say an extra 5-10k(uncertain of value.) Then you could turn off your buildings temporarily to activate the attack. the attack activation could/would also have a timer. Maybe several hours of charge. This would allow other players to destroy your structure if desired to stop you. If they have a means to detect it that is. Maybe a phalanx would detect any "Moon Cracker" charge attempts or even espionage. Or it could naturally send out messages to those who detect the charge in their mail. It would depends on what is needed for balance and gameplay.(If there are multiple Fusion cannons allowed per planet they could be combined with greater resource requirements to shorten the time.)
Also, when doing the moon shot there could be a small chance of the moon not reforming but simply being destroyed!
Being a utilitarian attack. it could also simply have a set chance to destroy the moon and reset with random numbers while not taking into account any debri. This might be simpler to design and maintain. Plus take less speculation from the player.
The attack value of the Fusion Cannon is the 30% chance for the DS(270,000) plus it's shields(320,000) at equal tech(This can/will likely be lowered to rely even more on other defense unless it absolutely needs to or sufficiently should be otherwise.). This allows it to damage a single DS per round(if it actually hits one.) to let other defense pop it potentially. It is built in the defense screen. It is either singular like the Defense shields or allowed to be limited by the planets/players resources. This allows each Fusion Cannon to potentially kill 0-6 DS (in the 6 rounds of combat) if a planet is attacked soley by deathstars making it a little risker to send in large fleets of DS. This would encourage more combined fleets or creates more moons making RIP attacks on moon more needed. This making the RIP more useful hopefully and moon kills potentially more common occurrences. Although the "Moon Cracker" attack is completely optional. It does not need to exist. And if it does exist it could have some more prereqs for higher tech to activate, or be usable from the guns creation depending on desired design. This being defense has a 70% chance to come back if destroyed like other defense.
The main point is to, at minimum, remove risk free attacks from the game. Or at least make them much harder.
This defense also enhances DS when used in defense as it makes it easier for them to kill other DS.
This defense should also naturally make IBM's more commonly used as well. Hopefully making certain aspects of the existing game more needed. BTW, it takes 64 IBM's to destroy this structure at even tech levels.(Bringing out the advantages of Attack Tech in profitability to more people. Especially in relations to IBM's.)
Hypothetically, if you can have an unlimited ammount, this would give use to heavy duet planets as research planets. This would allow much higher defense for storing resources and carring out research. As you would focus almost exclusively on energy and deut production and possibly defense for storage. It might make those cold distant planets useful again.
***As noted in the stats now, it could also be made for moon use. Or made to only be installed on a moon! Then it has counters from SS being the only energy source!
Maybe a version for the moon with one req and a version on the planet with another for the lunarbase/Terraformer prereqs specifically.
New Version:
Ok. Here is a new version that is moon only. And has my original name for the special attack. Planet cracker!
(Edit: REREdone for the new new version! IE 5,000,000 structure.)
I have been using the wrong value for crystal with only 2x. This will
be a simple redo with 3x giving it a better weaker value in hull. This will make it easier to overcome with any ship setup!
This also has a base build time of 83.33 days on a moon. At level 12 shipyard it takes 6.4 days to build!
The infastructure on a planet can either not be counted towards the planets resize or they could affect the potential size of the planets resizing but still be a random outcome within that potential. The moon being incorporated into the planet can do the same. It either only takes into account the Moons size or can also take into account the infrastructure on the moon as well. I have no idea what those infrastructure/defense/ships should count unless it is simply done as a raw resource. Maybe they count for 30% or whatever the debris fields count towards for the uni in some manner.
There could be an option to speed up the weapon discharge. The RP behind this could be that the charge is not just the weapon charge but the relocation of the planetary populace to the moon or other locations. If you choose to discharge early(which should probably still only be usable after a % of the total time has passed) allows the early discharge of the gun but at a cost of human lives. This gives a massive negative bonus to honor points. Uncertain of values.
The total time for the discharge can be either static or based on stats of some kind. Uncertain of what stats. It should also tick every hour it is charging giving a potential mail to planets within some vicinity a clue there is a "Planet Cracker" attack charging allowing them to search for it and stop it if possible. This should be based on espionage tech. Uncertain of specifics for detection.
This attack can only affect the planet the moon is directly orbiting!
Not sure if I'm forgetting anything...
The Planet Cracker should/could take at least 20 hours if not much longer to charge. The planet cracker is to give more options to try to get developed planets up and running better after you have had them a while. Then you don't necessarily have to abandon them to resize them.
BTW, Planet Cracker was my original name for it but changed to moons as I originally wanted it on planets.
So is this better than the original version?
Old version:
Optional idea: "Moon Cracker" attack(AKA Moon size reset): This allows the use of a special attack on your moon(The moon directly orbiting the planet this weapon is on only) to reset it's size and remake it. When attacked it is just like releasing a planet(waits till server reset to be remade in the same fashion.) and take a while to reform. when doing so all resources on the moon go towards a new moon shot. When doing this a new moon is made. It can be smaller or bigger than the current moon. No guarantees. But the amount of resources slightly raises the odds of a larger moon.(This raises the minimum size of the moon a bit, but only by a very small amount.)" Can only be activated if a moon already exists on the current planet. Wipes out everything on the moon(including structures)! All debri is calculate but does not go into a DF field like any moon attack. It can only be activated against the moon of the planet the Fusion Cannon is on. ***FYI if the energy or other resources are cut while "Moon Cracker" attack is charging it is stopped and must be restarted from scratch.Fusion Cannon(Planet/Moon):
Desription: The Fusion Cannon, AKA, the "Moon Cracker," Is the end all be all of planetary defenses. The largest gun ever built it can fire enough damage to almost permanently inhibit a DeathStar.
Cost: Min: 3,333,333; Cry: 3,333,333; Deut: 3,333,333
Structure: 6,666,666
Hull: 666,666
Shield: 100,000
Attack: 300,000 (270,000-320,000?)*Anyone 1 tech ahead in structure is not affected by this as far as RIP profitability! 1 Tech in shield also lowers the chance of loss. And anyone using fodder is virtually immune regardless!
- BO, DS, or none?
Planet Slots: 5(Planet); 1 (Moon)
Deut Per hour: 5,000 (Only activated while/if the optional "Moon Cracker" attack is charging(IE doesn't affect moons.))
Energy Per hour: 5,000 (Always active!)
Max number: 1
Prereqs: Shipyard: 13; Teraformer: 1(/or LunarBase:1); EnergyTech: 12; LaserTech: 12; IonTech: 14; PlasmaTech: 9; WeaponTech: 12; ShieldTech: 12; ArmorTech: 12
* Two version exist. One with (Planet) label with Teraformer: 1 req. The other with (Moon) with LunarBase 1 as a prereq.
**Anytime the Fusion Cannon ceases to have sufficient energy/resources it ceases to function during defense.
***"Moon Cracker" attack is available for planets with a fusion cannon upon reaching Graviton Tech: 1.
Requirements for use of this attack could include a certain amount of free energy available. Say an extra 5-10k(uncertain of value.) Then you could turn off your buildings temporarily to activate the attack. the attack activation could/would also have a timer. Maybe several hours of charge. This would allow other players to destroy your structure if desired to stop you. If they have a means to detect it that is. Maybe a phalanx would detect any "Moon Cracker" charge attempts or even espionage. Or it could naturally send out messages to those who detect the charge in their mail. It would depends on what is needed for balance and gameplay.(If there are multiple Fusion cannons allowed per planet they could be combined with greater resource requirements to shorten the time.)
Also, when doing the moon shot there could be a small chance of the moon not reforming but simply being destroyed!

Being a utilitarian attack. it could also simply have a set chance to destroy the moon and reset with random numbers while not taking into account any debri. This might be simpler to design and maintain. Plus take less speculation from the player.
The attack value of the Fusion Cannon is the 30% chance for the DS(270,000) plus it's shields(320,000) at equal tech(This can/will likely be lowered to rely even more on other defense unless it absolutely needs to or sufficiently should be otherwise.). This allows it to damage a single DS per round(if it actually hits one.) to let other defense pop it potentially. It is built in the defense screen. It is either singular like the Defense shields or allowed to be limited by the planets/players resources. This allows each Fusion Cannon to potentially kill 0-6 DS (in the 6 rounds of combat) if a planet is attacked soley by deathstars making it a little risker to send in large fleets of DS. This would encourage more combined fleets or creates more moons making RIP attacks on moon more needed. This making the RIP more useful hopefully and moon kills potentially more common occurrences. Although the "Moon Cracker" attack is completely optional. It does not need to exist. And if it does exist it could have some more prereqs for higher tech to activate, or be usable from the guns creation depending on desired design. This being defense has a 70% chance to come back if destroyed like other defense.
The main point is to, at minimum, remove risk free attacks from the game. Or at least make them much harder.
This defense also enhances DS when used in defense as it makes it easier for them to kill other DS.
This defense should also naturally make IBM's more commonly used as well. Hopefully making certain aspects of the existing game more needed. BTW, it takes 64 IBM's to destroy this structure at even tech levels.(Bringing out the advantages of Attack Tech in profitability to more people. Especially in relations to IBM's.)
Hypothetically, if you can have an unlimited ammount, this would give use to heavy duet planets as research planets. This would allow much higher defense for storing resources and carring out research. As you would focus almost exclusively on energy and deut production and possibly defense for storage. It might make those cold distant planets useful again.
***As noted in the stats now, it could also be made for moon use. Or made to only be installed on a moon! Then it has counters from SS being the only energy source!
Maybe a version for the moon with one req and a version on the planet with another for the lunarbase/Terraformer prereqs specifically.
New Version:
Ok. Here is a new version that is moon only. And has my original name for the special attack. Planet cracker!
(Edit: REREdone for the new new version! IE 5,000,000 structure.)
I have been using the wrong value for crystal with only 2x. This will
be a simple redo with 3x giving it a better weaker value in hull. This will make it easier to overcome with any ship setup!
This also has a base build time of 83.33 days on a moon. At level 12 shipyard it takes 6.4 days to build!
Optional attack:(optional!!) "Planet Cracker:" This attack allows a reset of a planets size by blowing it up and reincorporating the resources on it and around it. It take a long time to charge over the Cannons normal function and take 5,000 deut per hour in top of it's Normal energy reuirements. When it is finished the planet is shattered or Cracked. It then sits until the planet slowly reforms and is reborn as a new body.(it does this on server reset exactly how giving up a planet works.) Generally this goes without problems(aside from potential mass genocide if populations are not evactuated or mass property/infastructure loss!) But on occasion the moon is sucked into the planet with it and destroyed. (This destroys the moon but ensures a larger planet then before relative to the moons size.)
Fusion Cannon:(moon only)
Desription: The Fusion Cannon, AKA, the "Planet Cracker," Is the end all be all of planetary defenses. The largest gun ever built it can fire enough damage to almost permanently inhibit a DeathStar. Unfortunately, though, because of it's mass it can only be built in a near zero gravity environment. So it is only available to be built on moons."
Min: 2,500,000; Cry: 2,500,000; Deut: 2,500,000
Structure: 5,000,000
Hull: 500,000
Shield: 50,000 (previously 100,000)
Attack: 300,000? (270,000 - 320,000)
- Nothing
Planet Slots: 1 (Moon)
- Nothing
Deut Per hour: 5,000 (Only activated while/if the optional "Planet Cracker" attack is charging)
Energy Per hour: 5,000 (Always required!)
Max number: 1
Prereqs: Shipyard: 13; LunarBase: 1; EnergyTech: 12; LaserTech: 12; IonTech: 14; PlasmaTech: 9; WeaponTech: 12; ShieldTech: 12; ArmorTech: 12
**Anytime the Fusion Cannon ceases to have sufficient energy/resources it ceases to function..
The infastructure on a planet can either not be counted towards the planets resize or they could affect the potential size of the planets resizing but still be a random outcome within that potential. The moon being incorporated into the planet can do the same. It either only takes into account the Moons size or can also take into account the infrastructure on the moon as well. I have no idea what those infrastructure/defense/ships should count unless it is simply done as a raw resource. Maybe they count for 30% or whatever the debris fields count towards for the uni in some manner.
There could be an option to speed up the weapon discharge. The RP behind this could be that the charge is not just the weapon charge but the relocation of the planetary populace to the moon or other locations. If you choose to discharge early(which should probably still only be usable after a % of the total time has passed) allows the early discharge of the gun but at a cost of human lives. This gives a massive negative bonus to honor points. Uncertain of values.
The total time for the discharge can be either static or based on stats of some kind. Uncertain of what stats. It should also tick every hour it is charging giving a potential mail to planets within some vicinity a clue there is a "Planet Cracker" attack charging allowing them to search for it and stop it if possible. This should be based on espionage tech. Uncertain of specifics for detection.
This attack can only affect the planet the moon is directly orbiting!
Not sure if I'm forgetting anything...
The Planet Cracker should/could take at least 20 hours if not much longer to charge. The planet cracker is to give more options to try to get developed planets up and running better after you have had them a while. Then you don't necessarily have to abandon them to resize them.
BTW, Planet Cracker was my original name for it but changed to moons as I originally wanted it on planets.
So is this better than the original version?
The post was edited 41 times, last by Articulon ().