Amortisation calculations.

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    • Amortisation calculations.

      First of all I'll like to say that AGO is a great add-on and I am happy to use it.

      During my usage of the add-on, I have looking into the Amortisation part when you build new mines, and I cant figure out how it works. I know the basic, it is the time it will be take to earn back the resources you spent on the mine, according to resources weigh set on option screen. But I am not sure how it takes the weight into account. I would think its rather standard, but then a weight of 4:2:3 and 8:4:6 should give the same time, as ratio is the same, and they do not in my testing.

      Is it possible to get the actual formula used to better understand, or could someone guild me on the right path?

    • AGO uses the Standard unit settings - Set it up as you like

      Found in Buildings & Constructions

      Base resource for Standard units
      Resources ratio for Standard units (Metal:Crystal:Deuterium)

      The Amortisation is good to compare your mine levels and decide, which one is the next most important.