Spiohelper - more options to sort

    • Spiohelper - more options to sort

      Can we have more options to sort the Spy Reports Summary ?? The one I think it's easier to implement is sorting by Resource type and not just the entire plunder. Also if we could define Sort First by Defense > Then by Crystal <. Also Something I'd love to have is the ability to see other Spy Details in that Resume. I use "Energy" a lot, but I always need to use Galaxytool to see that because it's simply not easy to go over all spy reports and look to every single one's energy
    • Spiohelper - Sorting by distance to own position

      Is ist posible to build a new Sort feature and column for the Espionage Reports.
      with this new Distance Sort, you can order the reports according to distance from the planet(espionage target) to the player planet(actual selected planet/moon or the planet from which the probes where startet).

      Display Spoiler

      Ist es möglich eine neue Sortierfunktion bzw. Spalte bei der
      Spiobericht Übersicht einzubauen.

      Mit dieser neuen Sortierung sollten dann die Spionageberichte anhand der Entfernung
      des Spionage Ziels zum Aktuell ausgewählten planet oder aber zum Planeten von
      dem aus die Sonden gestartet wurden(was technisch besser machbar ist) sortiert

      I hope the suggestion is understandable, my english is not so good :(

      Greetings :)

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      thread merged here because of topic

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri: look at EDIT ().