player trends

    • player trends

      The leader of my alliance made a comment regarding player activity trends in our universe ( uni 1 .us )

      i was looking at some stats this morning regarding uni 1, i.e., our uni which we r playing in.

      frankly, i was a little bit stunned. i had suspected but still didn't think the numbers were so high.

      what i am talking about is the percentage of players in vmode/inactive, etc.

      here's the breakdown for u:

      30.22% = normal activity

      3.7% = suspended

      9.77% = inactive less than 30 days

      52.13 = inactive for more than 30 days

      47% = vmode

      (the numbers will add up tpo more than 100% b/c a player can be in both vmode AND inactive status)

      what do those numbers mean ?

      well, actually, they r not detailed enuff. it would have been more informative if they gave such a breakdown based on the ranks of players.

      is it more hi ranked players in vmode ? if yes, that would mean lower ranked players could breathe easier b/c there are fewer bandits out there actively raiding.

      however, from my experience, i believe the numbers are skewed the other way. i find that more newer players tend to become inactive b/c they decide that they don't like ogame so they quit shortly after they start playing.

      likewise, more lower ranked players tend to go into vmode b/c i believe that after they've played for a while, and they start becoming lucrative, i.e., building fleets and having some valuable rez, they become worthwhile targets for raiding by higher players so those players will go into vmode to escape for a while, (and often become long-term inactive and even simply abandon ogame altogether.)

      So, in the final analysis, only around 1/3 of the players who sign up for ogame continue to play, and one expects that it's established players who stick around active b/c they are hi ranked enuff to be more or less invulnerable.

      i don't mean to scare anyone, especially our lower ranked players b/c by belonging to an ally like XIII, who has a aggressive reputation for retaliation/protection, in particular when compared to other groups, that greatly helps all our shipmates survive and prosper !
      What do you think about this and what are your comments ?