Panel/Galaxy - more tags for search links

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    • Panel/Galaxy - more tags for search links


      i would like if there is gonne be a better Tag system, to improve the tools.
      it works so far with galaxytool. but just the report search.
      i want a new tag for the current moon/planet within the tooltipp
      should be look like[CORDS]&moon=true for moon[CORDS]&moon=false for planet
    • Done in 5.7.56 and .57

      Improved the feature to create own search links. Examples are shown in the "Search" tooltip.
      [UNI] is replaced with the universe number
      [ALLIANCE] is replaced with the alliance ID
      [ALLIANCENAME] with the alliance tag
      [ALLIANCETAG] with the alliance tag
      [PLAYER] is replaced with the player ID
      [PLAYERNAME] with the player name
      [TARGET] is replaced with the target ID (planet/moon)
      [TARGETCOORDS] is replaced with the target coordinates (1:1:2)
      [TARGETMOON] is replaced with "true" if target is a moon

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      >see this thread<

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().