Tutorial 17: Premium features

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    • Tutorial 17: Premium features


      - To use premium features, you first have to find, earn or buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get small advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players
      - Dark Matter can't be transferred from an account to another
      - Once activated, the premium functions can't be cancelled even if you have to enter in vacation mode or your account is banned

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to grow faster, there are several premium features, which can be purchased using real money. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      ==Dark Matter – the premium currency==

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. If you buy Dark Mater for a specific account, it will not be possible to transfer it to another. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions. Accounts that have unspent DM (bought DM) will not be deleted for inactivity (accounts that are not accessed for 35 days in a row will be deleted).

      ==Premium feature classic: the Commander==

      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.

      Besides the advertisement free feature, the commander enables you to:
      - have access to the Empire View (giving you in one page a complete image of resources and infrastructure of all your planets and moons),
      - Improved messaging system (you can send up to 25 messages in 5 minutes, compared with only 5 without commander);
      - an advanced sorting system for received messages which also last longer (7 days instead of normal 1 day), you have outbox and address book (for your buddies)
      - you can make a building Queue with up to 5 buildings/researches that will be built in sequence if you have enough resources
      - you can spy moons and harvest Debris Fields directly from the Galaxy View

      ==The Officers – game (pros) for pay==

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offer concrete game advantages (pros). If these pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral like the name suggests, offers advantages for active fleeters. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more fleet slots, whereby you can send more fleets, be it raids, attacks, deploy's or transports. Therefore, in a newly started Universe this is a great advantage and you can develop faster. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But for those who want to play on top or farm a lot, the Admiral is useful has very good usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral, the Engineer first of all offers advantages mainly to defense players because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the defense will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Another benefit of the engineer is that it generates 10% more energy.
      You will have lower defense losses and increased energy output by 10%.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred by miners. He elevates the Resource production by 10% on every planet you have. As your mines get bigger so does the advantage of using the Geologist.
      Of course fleeters can also use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Technocrat offers two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology by 2 levels. This is at first a great advantage while starting in a new universe where you can espionage earlier, that this is a way to minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level so you can espionage other players easier and with less probes while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a reduction of the research time by 25%. As you advance in game, every level of research the research time gets longer and longer. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for players who want to lead in the research/high score category.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      ==Commanding Staff - the whole premium staff at once==

      This bundle provides you with not just one specialist, but an entire staff instead: Commander and all the Officers available in one shot. Using this premium feature, and next to the already detailed advantages you can obtain from Commander and Officers, the bundle will provide your Empire with some extra benefits, such as: 1 extra fleet slot to send more fleets at the same time; a 2% bonus in the energy production and a 2% bonus in your mines production in all your planets; and, 1 extra level of espionage research.
      Costs: 42.500 DM a week or 425.000 DM for 3 months.

      ==The Resource Market – resources fast and uncomplicated==

      In resource market you can find two main options: "Get more resources" and "Exchange resources".
      First option, “Get more resources”, allows you to refill your storage with 10%, 50% and 100% of your whole capacity for each type of resources but limited to 10M. The upper limit is smaller for fresh universes. If there is less than 50% or 10% of the storage capacity available, only the 100% variant is offered. This option is also visible in storage building menu.
      Related to this there is also the option to build constructions, ships& defense and so researches by using DM. The limit here is also the storage capacity (you can’t buy more resources than your storage capacity). If you cancel the construction or research ordered in this way, the resources will be returned.
      Second option is "Exchange resources". Trading resources with other players is not always the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. For this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources for an unknown rate inside of a definite range, however you can modify the exchange rate for another 3.500 DM. Sometimes you can find a trader during an expedition. Everything you need to know about resource swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      ==Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems==

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defenses for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defences. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains cost is 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      ==Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you==

      Once a day Daily you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] but you will not know the contents until after you have purchased it. The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalent to 100 metal. You can choose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item. You can only do this change twice.

      ==The Auctioneer ==

      Auctions start every morning at 6AM and end every evening at 11PM.
      Auctions last between 35 and 45 minutes each.
      Time left until auctions end is an estimate of 5 or it's mathematical multiple [20 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes...] so you will never exactly know when an auction ends.
      Objects you can bid on are:
      Resource Boosters of all types [Bronze, Silver, Golden] and for all type of resources [Metal, Crystal and Deuterium], Krakens, Detroids and Newtrons of all types [Golden, Silver and Bronze].
      If you bid on an object and someone overbids you, the resource you have spent will not be refunded!

      ==Shop - Premium items for your Empire==

      Resource Boosters:
      At the ingame Shop you will be able to acquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The Resource Boosters work for all 3 types of resources (Metal, Crystal and Deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet or all planets and will last for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for Bronze boosters
      20% for Silver boosters
      30% for Gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can use own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they are activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import/Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:
      Acquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of fields that are available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet field items can be running at the same time. Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Gold Planet Fields(+15 fields) : 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields(+9 fields): 150.000 Dark Matter
      Bronze Planet Fields(+4 fields): 75.000 Dark Matter

      Moon Fields
      Similar to Planet Fields,you can buy them form the shop and they are increasing the building slots on a moon. After activation, the effect is permanent and lasts until the moon is destroyed or abandoned. Only one moon field item can be activated at a time. Two moon field items can't run at the same time. Higher items can overwrite lower ones but not the other way around.

      Gold Moon Fields (+ 6 fields) : 100.000 DM
      Silver Moon Fields (+ 4 fields): 50.000 DM
      Bronze Moon Fields (+ 2 fields): 30.000 DM

      M.O.O.N.S.- moonshots at your frontdoor
      M.ercenary O.nslaughts O.ffering N.ew S.tars

      One M.O.O.N.S item is giving only a 20% moonchance, forming of a moon is possible but not guaranteed.
      Once you are positioned on the planet you want to get a moon, you make sure you have the necessary amount of DM and resources and also the defense and ships on your planet to be able to destroy the 1667 LFs. You can buy & activate a M.O.O.N.S. item in order to have a fleet of 1667 Light Fighters to crush on your planet defense or fleet stationed there. The attack is initiated from the position 16 in your system. The techs are 0 0 0 (player space) and the fleet is traveling from position 16 with 100% speed (Combustion Drive Level 8).
      These items can be activated as often as you want and several at the same time. Once activated, you can’t cancel them. Attacks won't be visible by phalanx and NO debris will be created during the battle.
      Attack will start after a warm up phase.

      You can buy these articles from the shop. If the planet you are in the moment you buy a M.O.O.N.S item already has a moon, you will have only the option to buy. If the planet has no moon and has the required amount of resources, you can buy&activate the item, one or more in a row. At each activation of the item the resources are deducted.
      Gold M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1h
      Costs : 100.000 DM, and 2.500.000 Metal, 850.000 Crystal

      Silver M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 18h
      Costs : 50.000 DM, and 3.000.000 Metal, 1.000.000 Crystal

      Bronze M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1d 18h
      Costs : 30.000 DM, and 3.500.000 Metal, 1.150.000 Crystal

      ==Acceleration Button - Building and researching in two clicks==

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to finish a building/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halve the initial construction time, and the second will finish the building/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial building/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to finish has 3 days until it's done; activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits from 750 Dark Matter to 108.000 Dark Matter per click

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      ==Relocation - Moving around the Universe==

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system.

      While you are on the planet you intend to move, go to galaxy view, select the desired new location, click on the small icon named “relocate” and in galaxy view at the selected coordinates you will see a 24 hours countdown until the planet will be moved. The same countdown will appear on the moving planet's overview. During this time you can use your planet as normal. When the countdown finishes, the planet is moved to the new location. The relocation will be canceled if any construction, research is under development or fleets from that planet are in flight at the time the countdown ends.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings and all stored resources on the planet and the moon (if there is a moon attached to the relocated planet) are moved immediately. The fleet will automatically fly to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. The fleet will be invisible to phalanx. In the case that a Jumpgate is present on the relocated moon, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1) You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2) You can also use your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3) Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3/13-15 position will result into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4) Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move across the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move from 4-12 to 1-3 or 13-15 slots but you can move from 1-3 or 13-15 slots inside the 4-12 slots.
      5) The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6) You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by ErikFyr ().

    • Premium Features


      - To use premium features, you first have to buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to there are several premium features, which can be purchased for just a few pounds a month. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      Dark Matter – the premium currency

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.

      Premium feature classic: the Commander
      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.
      But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three month.
      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a practically overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as to a adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are assorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings to be buildet just one after the next is comfortable just as the better galaxy overview where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by mouse-click.

      First of all this additional functions, which are added to the commander one after the next, appreciate the commander for active gamers so much, because simplify the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleethunters who often use the galaxy view, there is often no other way than using a commander, because only with it you can spy moons directly.

      The officers – game-pros for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offers concrete game-pros. If this pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral offers, like the name suggests, advantages for active fleeter. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more slots, whereby you can send more fleets at the same time und accordant raid or transport more. Eminently in a new started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But who want´s to play on top or farm a lot has well usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players, because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Additive the engineer generates a bonus of 10% energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for plants or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred for miners at first. He elevates the Resource production 10% up on every planet. As bigger your mines are, as greater is the advantage of the Geologist.
      Of course also fleeter can use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The technocrat combines two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology 2 levels. This is at first an great advantage while starting in a new universe, where you can espionage earlier that way and so minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level. So you can espionage other players easier while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a abbreviation of the research time of 25%. In every level of research the research time growth more and more. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for player, who want´s to lead the research-highscores.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.
      The trader – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated

      Not always is trading resources with other players the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. By this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources in an accidental rate inside of a definite range.
      Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      Newly you can change you planets positions with the help of dark matter. For that you get information in another chapter.
    • Premium Features


      - To use premium features, you first have to buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to there are several premium features, which can be purchased for just a few pounds a month. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      Dark Matter – the premium currency

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.

      Premium feature classic: the Commander

      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.
      But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three month.
      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a practically overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as to a adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are assorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings to be buildet just one after the next is comfortable just as the better galaxy overview where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by mouse-click.

      First of all this additional functions, which are added to the commander one after the next, appreciate the commander for active gamers so much, because simplify the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleethunters who often use the galaxy view, there is often no other way than using a commander, because only with it you can spy moons directly.

      The Officers – game-pros for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offers concrete game-pros. If this pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral offers, like the name suggests, advantages for active fleeter. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more slots, whereby you can send more fleets at the same time und accordant raid or transport more. Eminently in a new started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But who want´s to play on top or farm a lot has well usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players, because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Additive the engineer generates a bonus of 10% energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for plants or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred for miners at first. He elevates the Resource production 10% up on every planet. As bigger your mines are, as greater is the advantage of the Geologist.
      Of course also fleeter can use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The technocrat combines two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology 2 levels. This is at first an great advantage while starting in a new universe, where you can espionage earlier that way and so minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level. So you can espionage other players easier while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a abbreviation of the research time of 25%. In every level of research the research time growth more and more. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for player, who want´s to lead the research-highscores.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Resource Market – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated

      Not always is trading resources with other players the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. By this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources in an accidental rate inside of a definite range.
      Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defense for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value, including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defence. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains costs 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you

      Daily, you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] which content you will find out only after buying it.
      The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalate to 100 metal.
      You can chose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item.
      You can only do this change twice.

      Shop - Premium items for your Empire

      Resource Boosters:

      At the ingame Shop you will be able to adquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The resource boosters work for all 3 types of resources (metal, crystal and deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet and lasts for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for bronze boosters
      20% for silver boosters
      30% for gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they were activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import / Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:

      Adquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of planet fields available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet fields items can be running at the same time.
      Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Bronze Planet Fields: 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields: 150.000 Dark Matter
      Gold Planet Fields: 75.000 Dark Matter

      Speed up Button - Building and researching in two clicks.

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to to finish a buidling/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halfen the initial construction time, and the second will finish the buidling/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial buidling/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to be built, has 3 days until it's done, activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits:

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      Relocation - Moving around the Universe

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system far away.

      After activation, selection the coordinates for the new planet location, the relocation take place after 24 hours. During this time you can use your planet as normal. A countdown will appear, showing to you the remaining time before the relocation.
      Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets stationated in that planet should be active (going from or coming to the planet under relocation process) and any building or research either. The relocation will be cancelled if a building, research or fleet is still active when the countdown finishes.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings, all stored resources in the planet and the moon (if there is a moon in the relocated planet) are moved inmediately. The fleet will fly automatically to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. In the case that Jumpgate presents in the moon relocated, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1- You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2- You can also your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3- Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it is. That means that a relocation switching 1-3 / 13-15 position will furnish into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4- Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move acroos the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move between 4-12 and 1-3 or 13-15 slots.
      5- The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6- You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.
    • So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a practically overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as to a adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are assorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings to be buildet just one after the next is comfortable just as the better galaxy overview where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by mouse-click.

      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a much better overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as an adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are sorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings in que can be built one after the other (as long as you have enough resources for all) and the Galaxy view is much better where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by a mouse-click.

      First of all this additional functions, which are added to the commander one after the next, appreciate the commander for active gamers so much, because simplify the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleethunters who often use the galaxy view, there is often no other way than using a commander, because only with it you can spy moons directly.

      First of all these additional functions which are added to the commander one after the other are appreciated very much for active gamer's so much because it simplifies the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleet hunters who often use the galaxy view there is often no other way because you can spy moons directly in galaxy view only with commander.

      The Officers – game-pros for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offers concrete game-pros. If this pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral offers, like the name suggests, advantages for active fleeter. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more slots, whereby you can send more fleets at the same time und accordant raid or transport more. Eminently in a new started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But who want´s to play on top or farm a lot has well usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Officers – game (pros) for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offer concrete game (pros). If these pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral like the name suggests, offers advantages for active fleeter's. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more fleet slots, whereby you can send more fleets, be it raids, attacks, deploy's or transports. Their for in a newly started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But for those who want to play on top or farm a lot has very good usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players, because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Additive the engineer generates a bonus of 10% energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for plants or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Another benefit of the engineer is that it generates 10% more energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for planets or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred for miners at first. He elevates the Resource production 10% up on every planet. As bigger your mines are, as greater is the advantage of the Geologist.
      Of course also fleeter can use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Geologist is preferred by miners. He elevates the Resource production by 10% on every planet you have. As your mines get bigger so does the advantage of using the Geologist.
      Of course fleeter's can also use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The technocrat combines two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology 2 levels. This is at first an great advantage while starting in a new universe, where you can espionage earlier that way and so minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level. So you can espionage other players easier while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a abbreviation of the research time of 25%. In every level of research the research time growth more and more. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for player, who want´s to lead the research-highscores.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Technocrat offers two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology by 2 levels. This is at first a great advantage while starting in a new universe where you can espionage earlier, that way to minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level so you can espionage other players easier and with less probes while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a reduction of the research time by 25%. In every level of research the research time gets longer and longer. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for players who want to lead in the research/ high score category. Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Resource Market – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated

      Not always is trading resources with other players the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. By this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources in an accidental rate inside of a definite range.
      Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      The Resource Market – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated
      Trading resources with other players is not always the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. For this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources for an unknown rate inside of a definite range, however you can change exchance rate for another 3.500 DM. Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defense for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value, including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defence. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains costs 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems
      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defenses for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defences. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains cost is 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you

      Daily, you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] which content you will find out only after buying it.
      The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalate to 100 metal.
      You can chose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item.
      You can only do this change twice.

      Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you
      Once Daily you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] but you will not know the contents until after you have purchased it. The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalent to 100 metal. You can chose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item. You can only do this change twice.

      Shop - Premium items for your Empire

      Resource Boosters:

      At the ingame Shop you will be able to adquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The resource boosters work for all 3 types of resources (metal, crystal and deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet and lasts for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for bronze boosters
      20% for silver boosters
      30% for gold boosters

      Shop - Premium items for your Empire
      Resource Boosters:
      At the ingame Shop you will be able to acquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The resource boosters work for all 3 types of resources (metal, crystal and deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet or all planets and will last for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for bronze boosters
      20% for silver boosters
      30% for gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they were activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import / Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they are activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import / Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:
      Adquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of planet fields available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet fields items can be running at the same time.
      Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      Planet Fields:
      Acquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of fields that are available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet field items can be running at the same time. Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Bronze Planet Fields: 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields: 150.000 Dark Matter
      Gold Planet Fields: 75.000 Dark Matter

      Speed up Button - Building and researching in two clicks.

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to to finish a buidling/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halfen the initial construction time, and the second will finish the buidling/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial buidling/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to be built, has 3 days until it's done, activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits:

      Acceleration Button - Building and researching in two clicks.

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to to finish a buidling/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halfen the initial construction time, and the second will finish the buidling/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial buidling/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to be built, has 3 days until it's done, activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits:

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      Relocation - Moving around the Universe

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system far away.

      After activation, selection the coordinates for the new planet location, the relocation take place after 24 hours. During this time you can use your planet as normal. A countdown will appear, showing to you the remaining time before the relocation.
      Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets stationated in that planet should be active (going from or coming to the planet under relocation process) and any building or research either. The relocation will be cancelled if a building, research or fleet is still active when the countdown finishes.

      Relocation - Moving around the Universe

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system far away.

      After activation, select the coordinates for the new planet location, the relocation will take place after 24 hours. During this time you can use your planet as normal. A countdown will appear, showing you the remaining time before the relocation.
      Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets stationed at that planet should be active (going from or coming to the planet under relocation process) nor any building or research either. The relocation will be cancelled if a building, research or fleet is still active when the countdown finishes.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings, all stored resources in the planet and the moon (if there is a moon in the relocated planet) are moved inmediately. The fleet will fly automatically to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. In the case that Jumpgate presents in the moon relocated, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings and all stored resources on the planet and the moon (if there is a moon in the relocated planet) are moved immediately. The fleet will fly automatically to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. In the case that a Jumpgate is present on the relocated moon, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1- You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2- You can also your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3- Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it is. That means that a relocation switching 1-3 / 13-15 position will furnish into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4- Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move acroos the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move between 4-12 and 1-3 or 13-15 slots.
      5- The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6- You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      1- You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2- You can also use your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3- Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3 / 13-15 position will furnish into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4- Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move across the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move between 4-12 and 1-3 or 13-15 slots.
      5- The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6- You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Marlboroman ().

    • Proposal for the introduction :

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees. The game designers provided some premium articles to shorten the time or to enhance certain features but they are not giving an outstanding advantage for players using these premium features that can be acquired in exchange of a few euros for a working time between a week and 3 months. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages. But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision. Please be aware that no money can substitute to constant play and skill in game.
    • Compendium

      - To use premium features, you first have to buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to there are several premium features, which can be purchased for just a few pounds a month. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      Dark Matter – the premium currency

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.

      Premium feature classic: the Commander

      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.
      But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three months.
      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a much better overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as an adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are sorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings in que can be built one after the other (as long as you have enough resources for all) and the Galaxy view is much better where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by a mouse-click.

      First of all these additional functions which are added to the commander one after the other are appreciated very much for active gamer's so much because it simplifies the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleet hunters who often use the galaxy view there is often no other way because you can spy moons directly in galaxy view only with commander.

      The Officers – game (pros) for pay

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offer concrete game (pros). If these pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral like the name suggests, offers advantages for active fleeter's. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more fleet slots, whereby you can send more fleets, be it raids, attacks, deploy's or transports. Their for in a newly started Universe this is a great advantage and you develop a healthy margin. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But for those who want to play on top or farm a lot has very good usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 months.

      Different to the Admiral the Engineer first of all offers advantages to defense players because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Another benefit of the engineer is that it generates 10% more energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources for planets or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 months.

      The Geologist is preferred by miners. He elevates the Resource production by 10% on every planet you have. As your mines get bigger so does the advantage of using the Geologist.
      Of course fleeter's can also use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 months.

      The Technocrat offers two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology by 2 levels. This is at first a great advantage while starting in a new universe where you can espionage earlier, that way to minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level so you can espionage other players easier and with less probes while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a reduction of the research time by 25%. In every level of research the research time gets longer and longer. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for players who want to lead in the research/ high score category.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 months.

      Commanding Staff - the whole premiun staff at once

      This bundle provides you with not just one specialist, but an entire staff instead: Commander and all the Officers available ain one shot. Using this premium feature, and next to the already detailed advantages you can obtain from Commander and Officers, the bundle will provide your Empire with some extra benefits, such as: 1 extra fleet slot to send more fleets at the same time; a 2% bonus in the energy production and a 2% bonus in your mines production in all your planets; and, 1 extra level pf espionage research.
      Costs: 42.500 DM a week or 425.000 DM for 3 months.

      The Resource Market – swapping resources fast and uncomplicated

      Trading resources with other players is not always the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. For this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources for an unknown rate inside of a definite range, however you can change exchance rate for another 3.500 DM. Sometimes you can find a trader on an expedition. Everything you need to know about swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defenses for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defences. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains cost is 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you

      Once Daily you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] but you will not know the contents until after you have purchased it. The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalent to 100 metal. You can chose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item. You can only do this change twice.

      Shop - Premium items for your Empire

      Resource Boosters:
      At the ingame Shop you will be able to acquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The resource boosters work for all 3 types of resources (metal, crystal and deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet or all planets and will last for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for bronze boosters
      20% for silver boosters
      30% for gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they are activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import / Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:
      Acquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of fields that are available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet field items can be running at the same time. Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Bronze Planet Fields: 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields: 150.000 Dark Matter
      Gold Planet Fields: 75.000 Dark Matter

      Acceleration Button - Building and researching in two clicks.

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to to finish a buidling/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halfen the initial construction time, and the second will finish the buidling/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial buidling/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to be built, has 3 days until it's done, activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits:

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      Relocation - Moving around the Universe

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system far away.

      After activation, select the coordinates for the new planet location, the relocation will take place after 24 hours. During this time you can use your planet as normal. A countdown will appear, showing you the remaining time before the relocation.
      Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets stationed at that planet should be active (going from or coming to the planet under relocation process) nor any building or research either. The relocation will be cancelled if a building, research or fleet is still active when the countdown finishes.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings and all stored resources on the planet and the moon (if there is a moon in the relocated planet) are moved immediately. The fleet will fly automatically to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. In the case that a Jumpgate is present on the relocated moon, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1- You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2- You can also use your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3- Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3 / 13-15 position will furnish into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4- Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move across the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move between 4-12 and 1-3 or 13-15 slots.
      5- The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6- You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.
    • Kramagon wrote:

      Premium feature classic: the Commander

      But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three months.
      So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a much better overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as an adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are sorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead of 24 hours. A building list with up to five buildings in que can be built one after the other (as long as you have enough resources for all) and the Galaxy view is much better where you can spy moons and abolish debris fields just by a mouse-click.

      First of all these additional functions which are added to the commander one after the other are appreciated very much for active gamer's so much because it simplifies the daily business.
      For Raiders and Fleet hunters who often use the galaxy view there is often no other way because you can spy moons directly in galaxy view only with commander.
      Besides the advertisement free feature, the commander enables you to :
      - have access to the Empire View ( giving you in one page a complete image of resources and infrastructure of all your planets and moons),
      - Improved messaging system ( you can send up to 25 messages in 5 minutes, compared with only 5 without commander;
      - an advanced sorting system for received messages which also last longer ( 7 days instead of normal 1 day), you have outbox and address book (for your buddies )
      - you can make a building queue with up to 5 buildings/ researches that will be built in sequence if you have enough resources
      - you can spy moons and harvest debris fields directly from the galaxy view

      Kramagon wrote:

      Once the countdown finishes and the planet is to be moved, none of your fleets stationed at that planet should be active (going from or coming to the planet under relocation process) nor any building or research either. The relocation will be cancelled if a building, research or fleet is still active when the countdown finishes.
      When the countdown finishes, the planet is moved to the new location. The relocation will be canceled if any construction, research is under development or fleets from that planet are in flight at the time the countdown ends.

      Kramagon wrote:

      3- Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3 / 13-15 position will furnish into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      maybe change "will furnish" with " will result "
    • suggestion:
      we have frequent requests to move bought Dark mater from one account to another.

      I suggest we should add :

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. If you buy Dark Mater for a specific account, it will not be possible to transfer it to another.Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.
    • M.O.O.N.S.
      M.ercenary O.nslaughts O.ffering N.ew S.tars

      One M.O.O.N.S item is giving only a 20% moonchance, forming of a moon is possible but not guaranteed.
      Once you are positioned on the planet you want to get a moon, you make sure you have the necessary amount of DM and resources and also the defense and ships on your planet to be able to destroy the 1667 LFs. You can buy & activate a M.O.O.N.S. item in order to have a fleet of 1667 Light Fighters to crush on your planet defense or fleet stationed there. The attack is initiated from the position 16 in your system. The techs are 0 0 0 ( player space) and the fleet is traveling from position 16 with 100% speed (Combustion Drive Level 8 ).
      These items can be activated as often as you want and several at the same time. Once activated, you can’t cancel them. Attacks won't be visible by phalanx and NO debris will be created during the battle.
      Attack will start after a warm up phase (1h for gold item; 18h silver; 42h bronze).

      You can buy these articles from the shop . If the planet you are in the moment you buy a M.O.O.N.S item already has a moon, you will have only the option to buy. If the planet has no moon and has the required amount of resources, you can buy&activate the item, one or more in a row. At each activation of the item the resources are deducted.
      Costs :
      Gold M.O.O.N.S.
      Warm up : 1h
      Costs : 100.000 DM, and 2.500.000 Metal, 850.000 Crystal
      Silver M.O.O.N.S.
      Warm up : 18h
      Costs : 50.000 DM, and 3.000.000 Metal, 1.000.000 Crystal
      Bronze M.O.O.N.S.
      Warm up : 1d 18h
      Costs : 30.000 DM, and 3.500.000 Metal, 1.150.000 Crystal
    • ==Compendium==

      - To use premium features, you first have to buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get small advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to grow faster, there are several premium features, which can be purchased using real money. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      ==Dark Matter – the premium currency==

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. If you buy Dark Mater for a specific account, it will not be possible to transfer it to another. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions.

      ==Premium feature classic: the Commander==

      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.

      Besides the advertisement free feature, the commander enables you to:
      - have access to the Empire View (giving you in one page a complete image of resources and infrastructure of all your planets and moons),
      - Improved messaging system (you can send up to 25 messages in 5 minutes, compared with only 5 without commander);
      - an advanced sorting system for received messages which also last longer (7 days instead of normal 1 day), you have outbox and address book (for your buddies)
      - you can make a building Queue with up to 5 buildings/researches that will be built in sequence if you have enough resources
      - you can spy moons and harvest Debris Fields directly from the Galaxy View

      ==The Officers – game (pros) for pay==

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offer concrete game advantages (pros). If these pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral like the name suggests, offers advantages for active fleeters. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more fleet slots, whereby you can send more fleets, be it raids, attacks, deploy's or transports. Therefore, in a newly started Universe this is a great advantage and you can develop faster. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But for those who want to play on top or farm a lot, the Admiral is useful has very good usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral, the Engineer first of all offers advantages mainly to defense players because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the Def will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Another benefit of the engineer is that it generates 10% more energy.
      So you can save defense costs and Resources have more Energy for planets or satellites.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred by miners. He elevates the Resource production by 10% on every planet you have. As your mines get bigger so does the advantage of using the Geologist.
      Of course fleeters can also use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Technocrat offers two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology by 2 levels. This is at first a great advantage while starting in a new universe where you can espionage earlier, that this is a way to minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level so you can espionage other players easier and with less probes while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a reduction of the research time by 25%. As you advance in game, every level of research the research time gets longer and longer. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for players who want to lead in the research/high score category.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      ==Commanding Staff - the whole premium staff at once==

      This bundle provides you with not just one specialist, but an entire staff instead: Commander and all the Officers available in one shot. Using this premium feature, and next to the already detailed advantages you can obtain from Commander and Officers, the bundle will provide your Empire with some extra benefits, such as: 1 extra fleet slot to send more fleets at the same time; a 2% bonus in the energy production and a 2% bonus in your mines production in all your planets; and, 1 extra level of espionage research.
      Costs: 42.500 DM a week or 425.000 DM for 3 months.

      ==The Resource Market – resources fast and uncomplicated==

      In resource market you can find two main options: "Get more resources" and "Exchange resources".
      First option, “Get more resources”, allows you to refill your storage with 10%, 50% and 100% of your whole capacity for each type of resources but limited to 10M. The upper limit is smaller for fresh universes. If there is less than 50% or 10% of the storage capacity available, only the 100% variant is offered. This option is also visible in storage building menu.
      Related to this there is also the option to build constructions, ships& defense and so researches by using DM. The limit here is also the storage capacity (you can’t buy more resources than your storage capacity). If you cancel the construction or research ordered in this way, the resources will be returned.
      Second option is "Exchange resources". Trading resources with other players is not always the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. For this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources for an unknown rate inside of a definite range, however you can modify the exchange rate for another 3.500 DM. Sometimes you can find a trader during an expedition. Everything you need to know about resource swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      ==Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems==

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defenses for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defences. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains cost is 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      ==Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you==

      Once a day Daily you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] but you will not know the contents until after you have purchased it. The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalent to 100 metal. You can choose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item. You can only do this change twice.

      ==Shop - Premium items for your Empire==

      Resource Boosters:
      At the ingame Shop you will be able to acquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The Resource Boosters work for all 3 types of resources (Metal, Crystal and Deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet or all planets and will last for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for Bronze boosters
      20% for Silver boosters
      30% for Gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can use own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they are activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import/Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:
      Acquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of fields that are available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet field items can be running at the same time. Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Bronze Planet Fields(+15 fields) : 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields(+9 fields): 150.000 Dark Matter
      Gold Planet Fields(+4 fields): 75.000 Dark Matter

      Moon Fields
      Similar to Planet Fields,you can buy them form the shop and they are increasing the building slots on a moon. After activation, the effect is permanent and lasts until the moon is destroyed or abandoned. Only one moon field item can be activated at a time. Two moon field items can't run at the same time. Higher items can overwrite lower ones but not the other way around.

      Gold Moon Fields (+ 6 fields) : 100.000 DM
      Silver Moon Fields (+ 4 fields): 50.000 DM
      Bronze Moon Fields (+ 2 fields): 30.000 DM

      M.O.O.N.S.- moonshots at your frontdoor
      M.ercenary O.nslaughts O.ffering N.ew S.tars

      One M.O.O.N.S item is giving only a 20% moonchance, forming of a moon is possible but not guaranteed.
      Once you are positioned on the planet you want to get a moon, you make sure you have the necessary amount of DM and resources and also the defense and ships on your planet to be able to destroy the 1667 LFs. You can buy & activate a M.O.O.N.S. item in order to have a fleet of 1667 Light Fighters to crush on your planet defense or fleet stationed there. The attack is initiated from the position 16 in your system. The techs are 0 0 0 (player space) and the fleet is traveling from position 16 with 100% speed (Combustion Drive Level 8).
      These items can be activated as often as you want and several at the same time. Once activated, you can’t cancel them. Attacks won't be visible by phalanx and NO debris will be created during the battle.
      Attack will start after a warm up phase.

      You can buy these articles from the shop. If the planet you are in the moment you buy a M.O.O.N.S item already has a moon, you will have only the option to buy. If the planet has no moon and has the required amount of resources, you can buy&activate the item, one or more in a row. At each activation of the item the resources are deducted.
      Gold M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1h
      Costs : 100.000 DM, and 2.500.000 Metal, 850.000 Crystal

      Silver M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 18h
      Costs : 50.000 DM, and 3.000.000 Metal, 1.000.000 Crystal

      Bronze M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1d 18h
      Costs : 30.000 DM, and 3.500.000 Metal, 1.150.000 Crystal

      ==Acceleration Button - Building and researching in two clicks.==

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to finish a building/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halve the initial construction time, and the second will finish the building/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial building/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to finish has 3 days until it's done; activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits from 750 Dark Matter to 108.000 Dark Matter per click

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      ==Relocation - Moving around the Universe==

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system.

      While you are on the planet you intend to move, go to galaxy view, select the desired new location, click on the small icon named “relocate” and in galaxy view at the selected coordinates you will see a 24 hours countdown until the planet will be moved. The same countdown will appear on the moving planet's overview. During this time you can use your planet as normal. When the countdown finishes, the planet is moved to the new location. The relocation will be canceled if any construction, research is under development or fleets from that planet are in flight at the time the countdown ends.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings and all stored resources on the planet and the moon (if there is a moon attached to the relocated planet) are moved immediately. The fleet will automatically fly to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. The fleet will be invisible to phalanx. In the case that a Jumpgate is present on the relocated moon, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1) You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2) You can also use your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3) Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3/13-15 position will result into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4) Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move across the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move between 4-12 and 1-3 or 13-15 slots.
      5) The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6) You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.

      6th Dec edited by Icegirl
    • Added :

      The Resource Market – resources fast and uncomplicated

      In resource market you can find two main options: "Get more resources" and "Exchange resources".
      First option, “Get more resources”, allows you to refill your storage with 10%, 50% and 100% of your whole capacity for each type of resources but limited to 10M . The upper limit is smaller for fresh universes. If there is less than 50% or 10% of the storage capacity available, only the 100% variant is offered. This option is also visible in storage building menu.
      Related to this there is also the option to build constructions, ships& defense and so researches by using DM. The limit here is also the storage capacity (you can’t buy more resources than your storage capacity) . If you cancel the construction or research ordered in this way, the resources will be returned.

      Second option is "Exchange resources" .
    • ==Compendium==

      - To use premium features, you first have to find, earn or buy Dark Matter
      - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality
      - Players who invest money in Officers, will get small advantages in game
      - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players
      - Dark Matter can't be transferred from an account to another
      - Once activated, the premium functions can't be cancelled even if you have to enter in vacation mode or your account is banned

      As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees or any other costs.
      But for those who want to grow faster, there are several premium features, which can be purchased using real money. We are often asked, which of the additional functions really help, and so we'll introduce them here and discuss their advantages.
      But I want to stress that this article is just for information, we don't want to give you any advice on whether to spend or not spend money for the commander or officers – it's your decision.

      ==Dark Matter – the premium currency==

      The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should buy DM in larger quantities instead of smaller purchases, because the more expensive packages offer more for your money. If you buy Dark Mater for a specific account, it will not be possible to transfer it to another. Two special cases are Offerpal and Sponsorpay, these offer you Dark Matter for filling in surveys and subscribing to various things - but make sure to check the offer carefully to avoid any nasty surprises! Apart from these it's also possible to find small quantities of Dark Matter on Expeditions. Accounts that have unspent DM (bought DM) will not be deleted for inactivity (accounts that are not accessed for 35 days in a row will be deleted).

      ==Premium feature classic: the Commander==

      A long time ago the commander has been established and offers assertive only comfort-features, so the users won´t get any arbitrative gaming advantage. The main aspect of using the commander is to be free of advertising in the account. All banner ads and Layers will disappear by activating the commander. That makes OGame more comfortable and in part faster.

      Besides the advertisement free feature, the commander enables you to:
      - have access to the Empire View (giving you in one page a complete image of resources and infrastructure of all your planets and moons),
      - Improved messaging system (you can send up to 25 messages in 5 minutes, compared with only 5 without commander);
      - an advanced sorting system for received messages which also last longer (7 days instead of normal 1 day), you have outbox and address book (for your buddies)
      - you can make a building Queue with up to 5 buildings/researches that will be built in sequence if you have enough resources
      - you can spy moons and harvest Debris Fields directly from the Galaxy View

      ==The Officers – game (pros) for pay==

      In contrast to the commander, the officers offer concrete game advantages (pros). If these pros are needed for you and your playing style, you have to decide on your own.

      The Admiral like the name suggests, offers advantages for active fleeters. By the use of this subscription, you will get two more fleet slots, whereby you can send more fleets, be it raids, attacks, deploy's or transports. Therefore, in a newly started Universe this is a great advantage and you can develop faster. For defensive miners or deffer of course this officer is not that appealing. But for those who want to play on top or farm a lot, the Admiral is useful has very good usage for the Admiral.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      Different to the Admiral, the Engineer first of all offers advantages mainly to defense players because this feature halves the defense causalities. If a planet gets attacked, normally only 70% of the defense will be recovered, which can be a big attrition. With the engineer 85% will be recovered.
      Another benefit of the engineer is that it generates 10% more energy.
      You will have lower defense losses and increased energy output by 10%.
      Costs: 5.000 DM a week or 50.000 DM for 3 Month

      The Geologist is preferred by miners. He elevates the Resource production by 10% on every planet you have. As your mines get bigger so does the advantage of using the Geologist.
      Of course fleeters can also use the geologist to have a small extra income.
      Costs: 12.500 DM a week or 125.000 DM for 3 month.

      The Technocrat offers two very different advantages. First he elevates the espionage Technology by 2 levels. This is at first a great advantage while starting in a new universe where you can espionage earlier, that this is a way to minimize your risk while attacking other users.
      In the later run of the game, it´s also good to have the higher espionage level so you can espionage other players easier and with less probes while more espionage probes are needed to get information about you.
      The second Technocrat´s feature is a reduction of the research time by 25%. As you advance in game, every level of research the research time gets longer and longer. Against that the Technocrat is a fantastic investment. So this officer is very interesting for players who want to lead in the research/high score category.
      Costs: 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for 3 month.

      ==Commanding Staff - the whole premium staff at once==

      This bundle provides you with not just one specialist, but an entire staff instead: Commander and all the Officers available in one shot. Using this premium feature, and next to the already detailed advantages you can obtain from Commander and Officers, the bundle will provide your Empire with some extra benefits, such as: 1 extra fleet slot to send more fleets at the same time; a 2% bonus in the energy production and a 2% bonus in your mines production in all your planets; and, 1 extra level of espionage research.
      Costs: 42.500 DM a week or 425.000 DM for 3 months.

      ==The Resource Market – resources fast and uncomplicated==

      In resource market you can find two main options: "Get more resources" and "Exchange resources".
      First option, “Get more resources”, allows you to refill your storage with 10%, 50% and 100% of your whole capacity for each type of resources but limited to 10M. The upper limit is smaller for fresh universes. If there is less than 50% or 10% of the storage capacity available, only the 100% variant is offered. This option is also visible in storage building menu.
      Related to this there is also the option to build constructions, ships& defense and so researches by using DM. The limit here is also the storage capacity (you can’t buy more resources than your storage capacity). If you cancel the construction or research ordered in this way, the resources will be returned.
      Second option is "Exchange resources". Trading resources with other players is not always the fastest and easiest way to swap your resources. For this reason you can call the trader for 3.500 DM. This feature swaps your resources for an unknown rate inside of a definite range, however you can modify the exchange rate for another 3.500 DM. Sometimes you can find a trader during an expedition. Everything you need to know about resource swapping you will find in the chapter “trade”.

      ==Scrap Dealer - recycling your ships and defense systems==

      The Scrap Merchant will buy your ships and defenses for a percentage of it's initial costs for free.
      If you want to get rid of some ships or defensive units, you won't have to crash them into someone else's planet anymore, the scrap merchant will offer you 35% of their value including Deuterium.
      You can sell as many ships as your storage space will allow you to cash in the resources.
      The premium "Bargain" button will increase the percentage of resources you get from selling your ships and defences. A bargain will increase the percentage with 5 up to a maximum of 14% every time to a cap of 75% of the ship's cost.
      The first bargains cost is 2.000 Dark Matter; each bargain after will have it's costs increased with 2,000 Dark Matter up to 10,000 Dark Matter per bargain.

      ==Import/Export - Unknown rewards waiting for you==

      Once a day Daily you have the chance to buy a surprise package. This package will contain a premium item [resource booster, kraken, newtron or detroid] but you will not know the contents until after you have purchased it. The object can be bought similar to an auction, exchange rates being 1 / 1.5 / 3 and honor points being equivalent to 100 metal. You can choose to take the object or to try and exchange it with another random object, but this will cost you 500 Dark Matter for a Bronze Item, 1,500 Dark matter for a Silver Item and 4,500 Dark Matter for a Gold Item. You can only do this change twice.

      ==The Auctioneer ==

      Auctions start every morning at 6AM and end every evening at 11PM.
      Auctions last between 35 and 45 minutes each.
      Time left until auctions end is an estimate of 5 or it's mathematical multiple [20 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes...] so you will never exactly know when an auction ends.
      Objects you can bid on are:
      Resource Boosters of all types [Bronze, Silver, Golden] and for all type of resources [Metal, Crystal and Deuterium], Krakens, Detroids and Newtrons of all types [Golden, Silver and Bronze].
      If you bid on an object and someone overbids you, the resource you have spent will not be refunded!

      ==Shop - Premium items for your Empire==

      Resource Boosters:
      At the ingame Shop you will be able to acquire some boosters to amplify the resource production of your planets.
      The Resource Boosters work for all 3 types of resources (Metal, Crystal and Deuterium).
      They can be activated on one planet or all planets and will last for 7 days, enhancing the production on the planet you chose to activate it on.
      Depending on the type of booster you activate, it will increase production by:
      10% for Bronze boosters
      20% for Silver boosters
      30% for Gold boosters

      1. You can't activate two boosters of the same resource on the same planet at once [ex: one 10% metal booster and one 20% metal booster]
      2. You can use all the boosters on the same planet as long as they are not for the same type of resources [ex: one 10% metal booster, one 30% crystal booster and one 10% deuterium booster]
      3. You can use own boosters on all of your planets, they work only for the planets they are activated on.
      4. Boosters and the Geologist work together [ex: If you have a 1000/hour production and you buy a Geologist and a golden booster, your mines will work at 140%, producing 1400 resources/hour]

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store (or get them from an auction or by chance from Import/Export):
      Bronze boosters: 2.500 Dark Matter
      Silver boosters: 8.500 Dark Matter
      Gold boosters: 25.000 Dark Matter

      Planet Fields:
      Acquiring this type of items at the Shop, you will be able to expand the amount of fields that are available at your planets.
      After activation, their effect is permanent but there can be only one item activated on a planet; that means that no two planet field items can be running at the same time. Even so, a weaker item can be overwritten by a high-value item. For example, a bronze planet field item can be overwritten by a silver or gold item.

      You can buy boosters with Dark Matter from the store:
      Bronze Planet Fields(+15 fields) : 300.000 Dark Matter
      Silver Planet Fields(+9 fields): 150.000 Dark Matter
      Gold Planet Fields(+4 fields): 75.000 Dark Matter

      Moon Fields
      Similar to Planet Fields,you can buy them form the shop and they are increasing the building slots on a moon. After activation, the effect is permanent and lasts until the moon is destroyed or abandoned. Only one moon field item can be activated at a time. Two moon field items can't run at the same time. Higher items can overwrite lower ones but not the other way around.

      Gold Moon Fields (+ 6 fields) : 100.000 DM
      Silver Moon Fields (+ 4 fields): 50.000 DM
      Bronze Moon Fields (+ 2 fields): 30.000 DM

      M.O.O.N.S.- moonshots at your frontdoor
      M.ercenary O.nslaughts O.ffering N.ew S.tars

      One M.O.O.N.S item is giving only a 20% moonchance, forming of a moon is possible but not guaranteed.
      Once you are positioned on the planet you want to get a moon, you make sure you have the necessary amount of DM and resources and also the defense and ships on your planet to be able to destroy the 1667 LFs. You can buy & activate a M.O.O.N.S. item in order to have a fleet of 1667 Light Fighters to crush on your planet defense or fleet stationed there. The attack is initiated from the position 16 in your system. The techs are 0 0 0 (player space) and the fleet is traveling from position 16 with 100% speed (Combustion Drive Level 8).
      These items can be activated as often as you want and several at the same time. Once activated, you can’t cancel them. Attacks won't be visible by phalanx and NO debris will be created during the battle.
      Attack will start after a warm up phase.

      You can buy these articles from the shop. If the planet you are in the moment you buy a M.O.O.N.S item already has a moon, you will have only the option to buy. If the planet has no moon and has the required amount of resources, you can buy&activate the item, one or more in a row. At each activation of the item the resources are deducted.
      Gold M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1h
      Costs : 100.000 DM, and 2.500.000 Metal, 850.000 Crystal

      Silver M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 18h
      Costs : 50.000 DM, and 3.000.000 Metal, 1.000.000 Crystal

      Bronze M.O.O.N.S.- Warm up: 1d 18h
      Costs : 30.000 DM, and 3.500.000 Metal, 1.150.000 Crystal

      ==Acceleration Button - Building and researching in two clicks==

      This feature allows you to speed up the construction time of a building by 50% of it's initial construction time with every click, so you will be able to finish a building/shipyard queue/research in two clicks by paying Dark Matter fees; the first activation will halve the initial construction time, and the second will finish the building/shipyard queue/research
      Every single activation will cost an amount of Dark Matter based on the initial building/researching time, following the rate 30min / 750 Dark Matter.
      1. Building X takes 10 days to be built. The first activation will reduce the time to 5 days, and the 2nd activation will reduce the time by 50% of the initial construction time, which is 5 days [not 2.5], meaning, the second activation will finish the construction.
      2. Building x takes 10 days to be built, it still has 6 days until it's done, by activating the feature, it's construction time will be cut by 50% of the initial construction time, 5 days, meaning that the building will be done in 1 day.
      3. Building X that takes 10 days to finish has 3 days until it's done; activating the feature will finish the building, but the price you pay is the one for a 50% reduction.

      As mentioned before this feature requires Dark Matter to be used. It needs huge amounts of Dark Matter.
      The price is set according to the initial building/research time, but it has minimum and maximum limits from 750 Dark Matter to 108.000 Dark Matter per click

      Buildings and shipyard queues need a minimum 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 72.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is set based on the initial building time).
      Research need a minimum of 750 Dark Matter up to a maximum of 108.000 Dark Matter per click (exact price is based on the initial research time).

      ==Relocation - Moving around the Universe==

      The relocation allows you to move your planets to a different position in a preferred system.

      While you are on the planet you intend to move, go to galaxy view, select the desired new location, click on the small icon named “relocate” and in galaxy view at the selected coordinates you will see a 24 hours countdown until the planet will be moved. The same countdown will appear on the moving planet's overview. During this time you can use your planet as normal. When the countdown finishes, the planet is moved to the new location. The relocation will be canceled if any construction, research is under development or fleets from that planet are in flight at the time the countdown ends.

      When the relocation is successful, the buildings and all stored resources on the planet and the moon (if there is a moon attached to the relocated planet) are moved immediately. The fleet will automatically fly to the new coordinates on speed of the slowest ship. The fleet will be invisible to phalanx. In the case that a Jumpgate is present on the relocated moon, it will be deactivated for 24 hours.

      1) You can start building/research/fleet development immediately after relocation of your planet as usual.
      2) You can also use your phalanx immediately after relocation.
      3) Planet temperature and picture will be changed; however, planet size stays as it was. That means that a relocation switching 1-3/13-15 position will result into a change on the solar satellites energy and into the deuterium productions.
      4) Before launching a relocation it is important to keep in mind that:
      - You can only move to an empty position,
      - you can move between 1-3 and 13-15 slots.
      - You can move across the 4-12 slots.
      - You can't move from 4-12 to 1-3 or 13-15 slots but you can move from 1-3 or 13-15 slots inside the 4-12 slots.
      5) The slot you're moving to is blocked to other missions as soon as you start the relocation.
      6) You can cancel a relocation, but the planet will have a cooldown time of 24 hours while you will not be able to launch another relocation.

      A planet relocation costs 240.000 Dark Matter. Only when the planet relocation process finishes successfully the Dark Matter is charged. The payment will be done when the countdown finishes.