Pinned Announcing and providing user projects

    • Announcing and providing user projects

      Dear developers and project leader,

      OGame offers you to support your projects following options:

      - Add it to the Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins list which is announced in all communities.

      - The official thread (see Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts ) can be used for the user support.

      - Additional you can have your own subboard in User Projects as you like. Contact TheViking or benneb to request it.

      - You can request a community news announcement and / or a OGame Facebook posting ( e.g when your project successful started or for important updates ). Please contact benneb with a prepared text preferably with a screenshot.

      Regards, your OGame.Origin team

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ErikFyr ().