Stryker wrote:
I'm afraid my resources don't update correctly still (the totals listed
in the account section of the tools menu when complete account is checked).
Everything else seems to be working great though! I'm running the 5.7.50
version on firefox version 29.
Panel tab "Account" not always correct sums
I also get the problem with 5.7.50, using Firefox 28. The resources for individual planets are always counted and remembered
i.e. if you want to find the total avail resource on any single
planet in the AGO "account" tab, this works fine, but not if you want
the "complete account"
It almost seems like it only wants to sum over the x (x being 3-4 ish)
last planets you visited. Furthermore, the sum changes when you
alternate between the "resources" and "overview" pages.
I found that if you launch fleets, the problem goes away for some time, without the need to revisit the planets.
Everything else appears ok. -
I've got this problem with FF29 and the version 5.7.52
It seems that the amount is not updated correctly when switching to another planet. -
Up, still doesn't work in 5.7.54!
Same problem here, FF 29, it's been this way for a while now. My current AGO version is 5.7.55.
Yes, all problems in the Panel are still there - task of the next week.
Fixed in Beta
Fixed as of beta!
Thanks alot, your efforts are much appreciated, they make this game so much more fun -
Thanks a lot :)
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