little problem after the update

    • little problem after the update

      Hi, i have a little problem since the last update, trying to fix it but i can't...i tried both with firefox and chrome both up-to-date but have the problems with both. At top right i have the problem with the timer of antigame, the ogame timer works but the antigame timer stay hold and don't work, and the other problem i noticed is in army highscore, if you go in army highscore and then go with the mouse on a player appear a bubble with write the total amount of his army, i don't have it with antigame activated...if i try to disable it and reload the page and i try to go to army highscore with only the normal version of ogame i can see all the bubbles with the amount of the army, there are some other icon that if you go over with the mouse it must show some bubble with the description that i can't see with antigame but without it i can.

      Sorry for my english if you need some screenshots about the problem just ask and i'll put that.
    • About the tooltip i found a fix and now i can see all the bubble, i went
      on AGO menù on Skin & Usability and i deleted the mark on Show only
      important tooltips and now i can see all.

      Don't know if you can see it but if you see the ogame timer works while the
      AGO timer stay hold at the time that i loaded the page and don't work
    • Francolino, I'll answer for him..

      Yes, there is still the problem..
      Ogame timer is working properly, the AGO timer remains stationary..

      Regarding the tooltip, I would suggest to put the tooltip (the one that comes out when you go over to the planets/moons with the mouse) as important..
      Because now the players thought it was gone for a bug 8|

      That highlighted tooltip, before the updates of the last few days, it was always displayed.. Now we need to go to "Skin & Usability" and uncheck "Show only important tooltips" to switch back to view it... But this implies that you have to see all the (undesired) tooltips ;( ;(

      I hope I helped you a little bit ^^
    • BoGnY wrote:

      Yes, there is still the problem..
      Ogame timer is working properly, the AGO timer remains stationary..

      That's not a bug, it's the feature to show the time when to OGame page is loaded (and the difference to the local clock) - Please check the Time settings in AGO Options.

      The tooltips of the planet list are "less important" since i added this feature. You only need them to check a new planet - while the playing they are disturbing.
      Only - The feature "Show only important tooltips" is checked by the first update problems, so many player got this "problem"

      Finaly - All clarified here.
    • ahhhhhhhh is a new feature :phatgrin:
      never mind :phatgrin:

      Francolino wrote:

      The tooltips of the planet list are "less important" since i added this feature. You only need them to check a new planet - while the playing they are disturbing.
      Only - The feature "Show only important tooltips" is checked by the first update problems, so many player got this "problem"

      Depends on the points of view..
      I use it daily to see how many spaces I have on the moons.. So I know if I have to build obligatory the lunar base or I can build the phalanx, without having to go through the overview..

      But at this point, perhaps it might be convenient that everyone can choose what tooltip considers important, and which are secondary..
      Maybe you give a little thought to this (new) feature :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :love: :love:
    • Francolino wrote:

      The tooltips of the planet list are "less important" since i added this feature. You only need them to check a new planet - while the playing they are disturbing.
      Only - The feature "Show only important tooltips" is checked by the first update problems, so many player got this "problem"

      Finaly - All clarified here.

      Also this very handy script:
      OGame Redesign: Planet Menus does not work if you suppress the planet tool tips ;) But I disabled the option to show only "important" tool tips and it solved my "problem".