Tutorial 13: Colonisation

    • Update for Wiki

    • Tutorial 13: Colonisation

      At the beginning every player is automatically assigned his/ her home planet to start constructing buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets means more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research the astrophysics as soon as possible and also the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      ==How to colonize planets?==
      To colonize a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the cost of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium to build a colony ship are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the appropriate amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonize a second planet the astrophysics must at least be on level 1. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonize. It will only be possible if there is no other player in that position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position (with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found an open slot you will have to select a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonize” to the coordinates you have chosen. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship reaches the coordinates, one of these three cases will happen according to the given situation:

      (1) The position could be colonized and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      (2) Another player has already colonized the position you had chosen or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship will automatically return home and is soon ready for a new try.
      (3) You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics so the colony ship returns in vain.

      Tutorial Reward:
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      When you make your first colony and you are lucky to find a large planet, you can consider abandoning the homeworld and thus the first found colony becomes the new home planet. A homeworld with more building slots can be precious for miners later in the game.

      ==What do I have to bear in mind?==
      Every new planet costs a colony ship. That is why you should start building mines to boost your economy straight away. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Therefore, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – after that you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 3:00 am server time.

      ==Which position shall I colonize?==
      Planets at the outer edge of the solar system will have less planet fields and they will have lower temperature. Positions 7, 8 and 9 often become most usable colonies. However the size of a planet is random and you can't know the size of your new planet until colonization is complete.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important. Try to imagine that the fixed star (The Sun) of the solar system in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The closer to slot 1 on galaxy view, the closer the planet is to the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature and because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is to the sun more efficient the solar satellites can work and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets are, the more the deuterium production is boosted which are slots 9 to 15 and are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      ==Colony sizes and temperatures==
      Below is an empirical investigation into colony sizes and temperatures. The given temperature is always the second number shown on the ingame overview screen; for example if you had "Temperature 7°C to 47°C", 47°C would be used.
      Position Planet temperature Satellite energy Deut. level 10 Deut. level 30 Fields
      minimum ø maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum ø maximum
      1 220°C 240°C 260°C 60 66 103 145 2.093 2.931 95 100 108
      2 170°C 190°C 210°C 51 58 155 197 3.140 3.978 97 103 110
      3 120°C 140°C 160°C 43 50 207 248 4.187 5.025 98 118 137
      4 70°C 90°C 110°C 35 41 259 300 5.234 6.072 123 164 203
      5 60°C 80°C 100°C 33 40 269 311 5.444 6.281 148 179 213
      6 50°C 70°C 90°C 31 38 280 321 5.653 6.491 148 194 227
      7 40°C 60°C 80°C 30 36 290 331 5.862 6.700 141 193 238
      8 30°C 50°C 70°C 28 35 300 341 6.072 6.909 163 208 247
      9 20°C 40°C 60°C 26 33 311 352 6.281 7.119 155 197 238
      10 10°C 30°C 50°C 25 31 321 363 6.491 7.328 154 188 223
      11 00°C 20°C 40°C 23 30 331 373 6.700 7.538 146 176 204
      12 -10°C 10°C 30°C 21 28 342 383 6.909 7.747 136 154 171
      13 -50°C -30°C -10°C 15 21 383 425 7.747 8.585 109 115 121
      14 -90°C -70°C -50°C 8 15 425 466 8.585 9.422 81 86 93
      15 -130°C -110°C -90°C 1 8 466 508 9.422 10.260 65 69 74

      The post was edited 2 times, last by ErikFyr ().

    • At the beginning every player gets automatically assigned his home planet to construct his buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast, that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets mean more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research as fast as possible the astrophysics and the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      How to colonise planets ?
      To colonise a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However, to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the building costs of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the accordant amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonise a second planet the astrophysics must be on level 1, at least. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonise. It will only be possible, if there is no other player on this position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position ( with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found a place, you will have to elect a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonise” to the accordant coordinates. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship achieves the approached coordinates, one of these three cases will happen, according to the given situation:

      The position could be colonised and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      Another player has already colonised the position you have had approached or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship adjourns home again and is soon ready for a new try.
      You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics, the colony ship returns in vain.

      Tutorial Reward:
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      What do I have to bear in mind ?
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost the own economy. But in the further progress the size of the planets will be more and more important, because more and more mines and other buildings have to be constructed. After a reasonable time you should break away from the too small colonies and replace those by bigger ones – most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonised planet, which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed so you lose resources, but the damage, which will be done by a too small planet is much bigger. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 till 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – not till than you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 1:20 am.

      Which position shall I colonise ?
      The size of the planet will be defined not until with the colonization and it is very random. So you cannot know in advance, if the planet of your dreams with more than sufficient fields occurs this time, or just a useless boulder again. However you can control it with the choice of the position. The more the planet is at the outer edge of the solar system, the lower is the chance to get a useable planet there. In contrast the central positions 7, 8 and 9 often produce useable colonies.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important: try to imagine that the fixed star of the solar systems in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The more above in the galaxy view, the closer the planet is at the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature. Because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is at the sun, the more efficient the solar satellites can work, and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets, the more the deuterium production is boosted – why planets, which are more down, are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      Colony sizes and temperatures
      Below is an empirical investigation into colony sizes and temperatures. The given temperature is always the second number shown on the ingame overview screen; for example if you had "Temperature 7°C to 47°C", 47°C would be used.
      Position Planet temperature Satellite energy Deut. level 10 Deut. level 30 Fields
      minimum ø maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum ø maximum
      1 220°C 240°C 260°C 60 66 103 145 2.093 2.931 95 100 108
      2 170°C 190°C 210°C 51 58 155 197 3.140 3.978 97 103 110
      3 120°C 140°C 160°C 43 50 207 248 4.187 5.025 98 118 137
      4 70°C 90°C 110°C 35 41 259 300 5.234 6.072 123 164 203
      5 60°C 80°C 100°C 33 40 269 311 5.444 6.281 148 179 213
      6 50°C 70°C 90°C 31 38 280 321 5.653 6.491 148 194 227
      7 40°C 60°C 80°C 30 36 290 331 5.862 6.700 141 193 238
      8 30°C 50°C 70°C 28 35 300 341 6.072 6.909 163 208 247
      9 20°C 40°C 60°C 26 33 311 352 6.281 7.119 155 197 238
      10 10°C 30°C 50°C 25 31 321 363 6.491 7.328 154 188 223
      11 00°C 20°C 40°C 23 30 331 373 6.700 7.538 146 176 204
      12 -10°C 10°C 30°C 21 28 342 383 6.909 7.747 136 154 171
      13 -50°C -30°C -10°C 15 21 383 425 7.747 8.585 109 115 121
      14 -90°C -70°C -50°C 8 15 425 466 8.585 9.422 81 86 93
      15 -130°C -110°C -90°C 1 8 466 508 9.422 10.260 65 69 74
    • At the beginning every player gets automatically assigned his home planet to construct his buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast, that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets mean more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research as fast as possible the astrophysics and the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      At the beginning every player is automatically assigned his/ her home planet to start constructing buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets means more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research the astrophysics as soon as possible and also the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      How to colonise planets ?
      To colonise a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However, to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the building costs of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the accordant amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonise a second planet the astrophysics must be on level 1, at least. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.

      How to colonize planets ?
      To colonize a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the cost of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium to build a colony ship are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the appropriate amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonize a second planet the astrophysics must at least be on level 1. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonise. It will only be possible, if there is no other player on this position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position ( with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found a place, you will have to elect a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonise” to the accordant coordinates. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonize. It will only be possible if there is no other player in that position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position ( with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found an open slot you will have to select a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonize” to the coordinates you have chosen. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship achieves the approached coordinates, one of these three cases will happen, according to the given situation:

      The position could be colonised and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      Another player has already colonised the position you have had approached or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship adjourns home again and is soon ready for a new try.
      You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics, the colony ship returns in vain.

      As soon as the ship reaches the coordinates, one of these three cases will happen according to the given situation:

      (1)The position could be colonized and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      (2)Another player has already colonized the position you had chosen or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship will automatically return home and is soon ready for a new try.(3)You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics so the colony ship returns in vain.

      Tutorial Reward:

      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      What do I have to bear in mind ?
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost the own economy. But in the further progress the size of the planets will be more and more important, because more and more mines and other buildings have to be constructed. After a reasonable time you should break away from the too small colonies and replace those by bigger ones – most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonised planet, which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed so you lose resources, but the damage, which will be done by a too small planet is much bigger. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 till 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – not till than you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 1:20 am.

      Tutorial Reward:
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      What do I have to bear in mind ?
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost the your economy. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – [color=purple)after that[/color] you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 1:20 am server time.[/color]

      Which position shall I colonise ?
      The size of the planet will be defined not until with the colonization and it is very random. So you cannot know in advance, if the planet of your dreams with more than sufficient fields occurs this time, or just a useless boulder again. However you can control it with the choice of the position. The more the planet is at the outer edge of the solar system, the lower is the chance to get a useable planet there. In contrast the central positions 7, 8 and 9 often produce useable colonies.

      Which position shall I colonize ?
      The size of the planet will be defined but not until the colonization occurs and it is very random. So you cannot know in advance if the planet of your dreams with more than sufficient fields occurs this time, or is just a useless boulder again. However you can control it with the choice of the position. The more the planet is at the outer edge of the solar system, the lower is the chance to get a usable planet there. In contrast the central positions 7, 8 and 9 often produce usable sized colonies.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important: try to imagine that the fixed star of the solar systems in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The more above in the galaxy view, the closer the planet is at the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature. Because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is at the sun, the more efficient the solar satellites can work, and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets, the more the deuterium production is boosted – why planets, which are more down, are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important.Try to imagine that the fixed star (The Sun) of the solar system in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The closer to slot 1 on galaxy view, the closer the planet is to the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature and because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is to the sun, the more metal is produced and the more efficient the solar satellites can work and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets are, the more the deuterium production is boosted which are slots 9 to 15 and are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

    • Template & Wiki Updated.

      Thanks Marlboroman :beer:

      just a one more small thing:

      What do I have to bear in mind ?
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost the your economy. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – after that you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 3:00 am server time.

      ALL the scripts now run at 3:00 :)
    • Yes and I know that but that slipped by me.... :wacko: When I did these Tutorials it was late and my mind was tired. I even re-read what I straighten out before I submit them and just now re-reading again I found a few errors of my own.... :pillepalle: But Thanks for pointing that out.... :thumbup:

      I don't know if these Tutorials have a "Finish Deadline" or not. If not I will slow down and will have time to triple check them.
    • Maybe here is the place to add the possibility to abandon home planet ( implemented since version 5.3 ) :

      "When you make your first colony and you are lucky to find a large planet, you can consider abandoning the homeworld and thus the first found colony becomes the new home planet. A homeworld with more building slots can be precious for miners later in the game. "
    • Valent wrote:

      Maybe here is the place to add the possibility to abandon home planet ( implemented since version 5.3 ) :

      "When you make your first colony and you are lucky to find a large planet, you can consider abandoning the homeworld and thus the first found colony becomes the new home planet. A homeworld with more building slots can be precious for miners later in the game. "

      Good point :P
      Thx Val ^^
    • At the beginning every player is automatically assigned his/ her home planet to start constructing buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets means more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research the astrophysics as soon as possible and also the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.

      ==How to colonize planets ?==
      To colonize a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the cost of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium to build a colony ship are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the appropriate amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonize a second planet the astrophysics must at least be on level 1. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.

      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonize. It will only be possible if there is no other player in that position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position ( with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found an open slot you will have to select a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonize” to the coordinates you have chosen. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship reaches the coordinates, one of these three cases will happen according to the given situation:

      (1)The position could be colonized and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      (2)Another player has already colonized the position you had chosen or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship will automatically return home and is soon ready for a new try.
      (3)You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics so the colony ship returns in vain. Special attention must be taken if the required level of Astrophysics is reached while the colony ships travels to the new colony spot. It is wise to log off and relogin after the research is finished and before the colony ships arrives to the destination.

      Tutorial Reward:
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.

      ==What do I have to bear in mind ?==
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost your economy. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – after that you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 3:00 am server time.
      When you make your first colony and you are lucky to find a large planet, you can consider abandoning the homeworld and thus the first found colony becomes the new home planet. A homeworld with more building slots can be precious for miners later in the game.

      ==Colony distribution through the universe==
      There are several aspects you will have to consider when selecting your colony placement through the universe: Your playing style, your friends and alliance, your enemies, age of the universe.
      First you have to keep in mind that ogame is a strategy game with indefinite duration, all your choices have to take into account a long term play. Also, depending of your playing style ( fleeter, trader or miner) will require a different planet distribution. Being member of an alliance and having friends in your universe, you will want also to be closer to your buddies, to be able to trade, defend or attack together. Age of the universe is also a factor: in old universes players have an uneven spread trough the entire universe with large gaps of deserted systems, especially in upper galaxies, while lower galaxies tend to be more populated. Placing of colonies is entirely up to you but from our own experience we can suggest not to place all your colonies in a single system even if you are a miner.
      Your first colony should be placed to a reasonable distance from your home planet in order to ensure you a comfortable fleetsave duration because fleetsave by deploy between colonies is one the safest methods in new and old universes as well.
      Another aspect you have to consider is placing your colonies in populated areas of the universe so you can easily find targets to raid and have an optimal spread of your planets

      ==Which position shall I colonize ?==
      The size of the planet will be defined but not until the colonization occurs and it is very random. So you cannot know in advance if the planet of your dreams with more than sufficient fields occurs this time, or is just a useless boulder again. However you can control it with the choice of the position. The more the planet is at the outer edge of the solar system, the lower is the chance to get a usable planet there. In contrast the central positions 7, 8 and 9 often produce usable sized colonies.

      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important.Try to imagine that the fixed star (The Sun) of the solar system in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The closer to slot 1 on galaxy view, the closer the planet is to the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature and because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is to the sun more efficient the solar satellites can work and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets are, the more the deuterium production is boosted which are slots 9 to 15 and are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      ==Colony sizes and temperatures==
      Below is an empirical investigation into colony sizes and temperatures. The given temperature is always the second number shown on the ingame overview screen; for example if you had "Temperature 7°C to 47°C", 47°C would be used.
      Position Planet temperature Satellite energy Deut. level 10 Deut. level 30 Fields
      minimum ø maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum maximum minimum ø maximum
      1 220°C 240°C 260°C 60 66 103 145 2.093 2.931 95 100 108
      2 170°C 190°C 210°C 51 58 155 197 3.140 3.978 97 103 110
      3 120°C 140°C 160°C 43 50 207 248 4.187 5.025 98 118 137
      4 70°C 90°C 110°C 35 41 259 300 5.234 6.072 123 164 203
      5 60°C 80°C 100°C 33 40 269 311 5.444 6.281 148 179 213
      6 50°C 70°C 90°C 31 38 280 321 5.653 6.491 148 194 227
      7 40°C 60°C 80°C 30 36 290 331 5.862 6.700 141 193 238
      8 30°C 50°C 70°C 28 35 300 341 6.072 6.909 163 208 247
      9 20°C 40°C 60°C 26 33 311 352 6.281 7.119 155 197 238
      10 10°C 30°C 50°C 25 31 321 363 6.491 7.328 154 188 223
      11 00°C 20°C 40°C 23 30 331 373 6.700 7.538 146 176 204
      12 -10°C 10°C 30°C 21 28 342 383 6.909 7.747 136 154 171
      13 -50°C -30°C -10°C 15 21 383 425 7.747 8.585 109 115 121
      14 -90°C -70°C -50°C 8 15 425 466 8.585 9.422 81 86 93
      15 -130°C -110°C -90°C 1 8 466 508 9.422 10.260 65 69 74
    • At the beginning every player is automatically assigned his/ her home planet to start constructing buildings there. But that does not suffice in the long run to keep up with other players – if you do not develop new planets, you will notice very fast that you will stay behind the other players. Although the creation of new colonies is very costly at the beginning of the game, it gives a good return again. More planets means more mines and more planets from which your fleets can go on raids, which means a bigger raid area. That is why it is important to research the astrophysics as soon as possible and also the colony ships to expand your empire gradually.
      How to colonize planets?
      To colonize a new planet you need a colony ship – a special unit, which has only that function. However to build it you need the impulse drive on level 3, and the cost of 10.000 metal, 20.000 crystal and 10.000 deuterium to build a colony ship are far from cheap. Anyhow it is profitable to save the appropriate amount of resources early to build colony ships. To colonize a second planet the astrophysics must at least be on level 1. For each further planet you have to research 2 extra levels of that technology.
      As soon as the needed level of the astrophysics is done and a colony ship is available, you can look for a position in the galaxy view to colonize. It will only be possible if there is no other player in that position, hence the line is empty and if the level of the astrophysics suffices for this position (with level 1: 4 – 12, with level 4: 3 – 13, with level 6: 2 – 14, with level 8: 1 – 15). If you have found an open slot you will have to select a colony ship and to send it with the mission “colonize” to the coordinates you have chosen. Normally you have to be patient for a few hours, because the colony ship is anything but fast.

      As soon as the ship reaches the coordinates, one of these three cases will happen according to the given situation:
      1. The position could be colonized and your empire was expanded with one further planet. The colony ship disappears; instead the common resources for the start appear on the new colony. Resources, which have been picked up additionally by the colony ship, will also be credited there.
      2. Another player has already colonized the position you had chosen or a planet has been abandoned there quite recently. Your colony ship will automatically return home and is soon ready for a new try.
      3. You do not have the needed level of the astrophysics so the colony ship returns in vain.
      Tutorial Reward:
      As soon as you have established your first colony successfully, you get access to all features of the commander for three days for free.
      What do I have to bear in mind?
      Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and build mines to boost the your economy. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – after that you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 3:00 am server time.
      Which position shall I colonize?
      Planets at the outer edge of the solar system will have less planet fields and they will have lower temperature. Positions 7, 8 and 9 often become most usable colonies. However the size of a planet is random and you can't know the size of your new planet until colonization is complete.
      But there is another reason why the position of the planet is important. Try to imagine that the fixed star (The Sun) of the solar system in OGame is on position 0, while disregarding the distance. The closer to slot 1 on galaxy view, the closer the planet is to the sun. The outcome of this is a difference in temperature and because of that, two important attributes for a decision are the result: the energy production of the solar satellites and the production of the deuterium synthesizer. The closer the planet is to the sun more efficient the solar satellites can work and that is of particular importance to achieve the necessary energy for the graviton technology. But also miners or other players, who count on that energy source, will have problems with a halved production. To balance those cons: the colder the planets are, the more the deuterium production is boosted which are slots 9 to 15 and are suited better for the production of that worthwhile resource.

      Colony sizes and temperatures
      Below is an empirical investigation into colony sizes and temperatures. The given temperature is always the second number shown on the ingame overview screen; for example if you had "Temperature 7°C to 47°C", 47°C would be used.

      Tutorials for OGame
      First stepsBasic economyBuildingsDefenseResearchShipsSavingTradeEspionageRaidsACSInterplanetary MissilesExpeditionsColonisationNoob ProtectionMoonAlliance & CommunityPremium featuresAccount settingsRules & Problems
    • Every new planet costs a colony ship, at the beginning of the game that is first and foremost none too sparse. That is why you should maintain every planet as a start at that time and start building mines to boost the your economy straight away. As you colonize new planets, take note of the amount of fields it yields, most of the players define 200 fields as minimum level. Henceforward Therefore, every new colonized planet which does not meet your requirements, should be abandoned immediately – indeed you lose resources, but the damage which would be done by keeping smaller planets is much bigger in the long run. After destroying a planet, an asteroid field occurs at that place, which stays there for 24 to 48 hours and bans that position for colony ships – after that you can send a new ship there and try your luck again. The deletion of asteroid fields always takes place at 3:00 am server time.