Flexible universe

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    • Flexible universe

      Not all universe have a strong start and not many players are joining from the beginning , later in the game we find ourselves with 1000- 200 players spread across 9 galaxies.

      My proposal:

      When a universe starts make it with one galaxy and automatically add a new galaxies as the player count rises.

      Later in game, would be great to disable galaxies if there are not enough player to fill them ( or delete empty systems-> with distance reduction ) when the universe grows older and depopulated
    • not sure this proposal would make any meaningful difference given the fact that uni's become inflated with perma inactive/vaca accounts. moreover, if this flexibility is an option for uni merge without losing exodus perma inactive/vaca accounts then my vote leans towards counter-intuitive.

      the basic premise of this tweak is desirable, however, no one is willing to address the root problem plaguing growing uni's and established uni's... clutter that drives activity away.

    • It's impossible to do it.

      I'm sure that there'll be at least 20 players that'll spread his/her planets from Galaxy 1 until Galaxy 9 (meaning Galaxy 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 would have planets of the same player).

      If you try to diminish a galaxy, that player will loose a planet.


      Player X has planets in Galaxy 1 until Galaxy 6 and player Y has planets from Galaxy 5 until Galaxy 9.

      If you diminish a Galaxy then either player X or player Y will loose a planet.

      There are thousands of other examples that'll reject this suggestion.

      So, it's not even possible to do so.
    • this can work as the galaxys start to age and numbers decrease a icon to relocate the planets in the outer galaxys or galaxys that are devoid of active players
      a player can clik the icona nd then select the target galaxy like,
      a merger process.
      inturn all effected players get free planet relocations to more populated areas.
      and the players that are in v-mode their acc. data can be saved and when they return.
      they can go to their email clik a reactivation link
      to bring their account back buy having to select target galaxys in that universe.
      then they willh ave to wait 48 hours for the admins to re-establish their accounts. from the saved data.
      on one of the back up servers.
    • Blackamss wrote:

      inturn all effected players get free planet relocations to more populated areas.
      not liking this tweak at all. game tactics benefit an account sitting 9 or 10 planets at 9:499:xx gifted a crap load of relo's (and more value on the account/uni swap market) without spending a dime outta pocket.
    • the relocation process could be at random and not controlled buy the player.
      and since its not a pre built acc.
      how does it give a better account to a player if it is only moving what they own already Boonsey?
      besides if a person has 9 or 10 planets in one system they are begushing. for one.
      althought that type of begushing is never inforced. just look thru .org quantum
      and then at random a players planets get relocated to the more active parts of a uni .
      and the older non active parts get removed. so players are group closer together. ?
    • Blackamss wrote:

      how does it give a better account to a player if it is only moving what they own already Boonsey?
      random (system initiated) relocation is better suited than gifting a slew of relocation trinkets.

      although I am still opposed to this expanding/shrinking uni concept completely unless GF addresses dormant accounts satisfactorily. and this has been declined for years.
    • yeah i can see the way your thinking.Boonsey. with this all dormant accounts could be backed up.
      on one of the back up servers. and when the uni shrinks those accounts. would be removed from the uni.
      there buy negating any inactives or v-moders from clogging the uni.

      And if i understand what Valent means correctly. we would have targets closer to us. instead of having to go 3 or 4 galaxys to hit some one.
      and with my addition to this any account that returns after the shrinking period a backed up copy of their account. could be re-inserted into the uni.
      and any planets they had in the removed or shunken galaxys. would be randomly placed. but ticket would be needed to do the re-isnertion buy a go.

      Or those players would have to start over from zero.