New Top Player Limits For Expeditions

    • New Top Player Limits For Expeditions

      Dear player and tester,

      With one of next updates the top player limits (#1 in Highscore) for expeditions will be extended. The new limits are triggered with:

      25.000.000 points of #1
      50.000.000 points of #1
      75.000.000 points of #1
      100.000.000 points of #1

      Those new limits will give a new range of resources finding values and will trigger a maximum amount if #1 in highscore has more than 100.000.000 total points. In other words... with those new limits you will be able to find more resources on expeditions than before (once #1 has reached 5.000.000 points).
      The minimum limit of resources findings will be untouched, so nothing else has been changed.

      To test those new limits we will start some tests on the Origin universe. This test will start today, just by enabling those new limits. #1 in Highscore has currently more than 25.000.000 points so the first new limit will be triggered, but during the week we will also test the 100.000.000 limit, stay tuned.

      Contest #11: The first five player who found more resources ( > 2.4m ) gets a coupon. Please report these expo results to the GO.

      Best regards, your OGame.Origin team
    • Dear player and tester,

      today i received a screenshot from the first winner of our contest #11.

      I will send him his coupon as soon as possible. We wish everyone else a good luck in finding similiar ressfindings. If you find more than 2.4m ressources feel free to contact me. We still have 4 Coupons waiting for contest winners.

      Best regards, your OGame.Origin team