Pinned [S] Swipe (touch gestures)

    • [S] Swipe (touch gestures)

      Gestures to swipe over a touch screen.
      - Those events are depending of the area in the OGame page, see the screenshots below.
      - To swipe means: move the finger first and then touch the screen or do it at the same time. Touching first and then move the finger scrolls the screen only.


      - Swipe to the right shows the panel. You can start from outside the screen.
      - Swipe to the left hides the panel.

      - Swipe down opens the event list or shows more details (concept - not implemented)
      - Swipe up shows less details of the event list or hides it. (concept - not implemented)

      Planet list

      - Swipe up changes to the previous planet or moon.
      - Swipe down changes to the next planet or moon.
      - Swipe to the right changes to the moon. (concept - might be changed)
      - Swipe to the right again or if the moon is already active opens the jumpgate of this moons. (concept - not implemented)
      - Swipe to the left changes to the planet. (concept - might be changed)

      Fleet I
      - Swipe to the right goes to the next page. (same as pressing return)
      - Swipe to the left loads Fleet I again.
      - Swipe diagonal down chooses most of all ships.
      - Swipe diagonal up resets the ships.

      Fleet II
      - Swipe to the right goes to the next page. (same as pressing return)
      - Swipe to the left goes back to Fleet I.

      Fleet III
      - Swipe to the left goes back to Fleet II.
      - Swipe diagonal down chooses most of all resources.
      - Swipe diagonal up resets the resources.

      - Swipe to the right goes to Fleet I

      - Swipe to the left or right will lead to the previous or next system.

    • Examples:

      If Routine Collect is the default for the return key, you can collect your resourses with three swipe gestures and one touch for each planet
      - Swipe right -> swipe right -> touch "Send Fleet" and at last swipe down on the planets list.

      Or to send all ships and all resources from a planet (except selecting target coordinates )
      - Swipe diagonal down + swipe right -> swipe right -> swipe diagonal down + touch "Send Fleet"
    • Concept brainstorming:

      - Swipe left or right changes the level of the AGO construction details
      - Swipe diagonal down sets this construction to the Panel.

      Head / Bottom:
      - Swipe diagonal up or down opens or hides the content lists (calculator, target table etc)

      OGame logo:
      - Adressing the little menu icons ?