Universeviews galaxytooltips stop working after AGO update 5.7.15

    • Universeviews galaxytooltips stop working after AGO update 5.7.15

      Hi Francolino,

      Since your latest update you changed the ID of the player tooltip .
      This results in Universeview crashing on that ID and not fetching any planets.

      Can i ask you to not change anything like ID's & classnames :)
      Because these are probably also used by other tools and scripts, like i do.

      Can this be fixed as soon as possible ?
      As probably a lot of my users use antigame and i don't want to loose them !

    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Hi Francolino,

      Since your latest update you changed the ID of the player tooltip .
      This results in Universeview crashing on that ID and not fetching any planets.

      Can i ask you to not change anything like ID's & classnames :)
      Because these are probably also used by other tools and scripts, like i do.

      Can this be fixed as soon as possible ?
      As probably a lot of my users use antigame and i don't want to loose them !


      Sorry for that, but this fixes an old OGame bug - using of the same ID for the same player and alliances. There is no other way to show the correct tooltip and to fix the problem, that some tooltips aren't shown.

      Please read the REL attribute first - As the tooltip library does.

      You add a letter to the ID

      Yes, it's to create unique IDs - and with a letter all tools which are parsing the playerID or allianceID are working as well.