
    • Maybe
    • Usability

    • joc pe un univers 3x si am cumparat 4 articole pentru ms, cand am vrut sa activez unul mi-am dat seama ca m-am pacalit, acum va spun de ce..........la activarea articolului trebuie sa ai 3kk metal si 1kk cristal pe care organizatia le ia, pierzi si cr-ul si esti atacat cu 1667 vu lucru care nu e necesar fiind un univers cu 60 la suta ramasite trebuiesc 884 vu, daca dau unui coleg resursele necesare pentru ei pot pastra si cr-ul si consum si mai putine resurse...........concluzie e ca m-am cam pacalit si cred ca aceste articole trebuiesc personalizate pentru fiecare server in parte
    • kurkan112 wrote:

      joc pe un univers 3x si am cumparat 4 articole pentru ms, cand am vrut sa activez unul mi-am dat seama ca m-am pacalit, acum va spun de ce..........la activarea articolului trebuie sa ai 3kk metal si 1kk cristal pe care organizatia le ia, pierzi si cr-ul si esti atacat cu 1667 vu lucru care nu e necesar fiind un univers cu 60 la suta ramasite trebuiesc 884 vu, daca dau unui coleg resursele necesare pentru ei pot pastra si cr-ul si consum si mai putine resurse...........concluzie e ca m-am cam pacalit si cred ca aceste articole trebuiesc personalizate pentru fiecare server in parte
      I play on a 3x universe and i have bought 4 M.O.O.N.S items. When i wanted to activate them i noticed that is not advantageous at all , let me tell you why.. . At the item's activation you must have 3kk metal and 1kk crystal to be taken by the MOONS organisation , not to mention that you are losing the DF too and you are attacked with 1667 LFs instead of 884 LFs ( as they are necesary in a 60% DF universe as is mine) . In conclusion, if i give somebody the necessary resources i can keep the DF , i pay less resources .... i feel i did a bad bargain and i think these items should be adapted to different universe settings.

      edit: moved to suggestions and changed title ( Valent)
    • I agree too, it may be useful to adapt MOONS to server settings although it may require a lot of dev work .
      Main reasoning :although universes with more than 30% def are not that frequent, players won't make much use of these items in such universes --> lower premium spending in the long run even if such universes are popular and have a higher number of players.