Please read before you start with work.
New To-Do list
(Wiki - to do list - old)
Main points to keep in mind while working on tutorials:
1) you are explaining to beginners - be clear
2) you are sharing your knowledge - be objective (they might wont understand)
3) you are writing tutorial, not a novel - be short
4) your writing style have to be easy to understand - be simple
5) guide mustn't be overcrowded - make sure it looks readable on 1st view
- clear
- simple
- short
- objective
- readable
- correct grammar and spelling
Every guide must have:
- short and 'interesting title'
- clear message and state point of each argument
- advice (not only text text)
- sense
- dose of motivation (if is possible)
Style and technique:
1) do not use colors, bold, strikeouts - plain text only
2) do not use different size of letters, different fonts
- use only normal font, normal font size, normal color letters
2 why? 2 that's why
We have 2 different guides:
~ Wiki guides which use different code so only plain text is recognized
so Wiki team will take care of technique while uploading it
Wiki guides are here: Tutorials / Guides / Tactics
~ Board guides which use full BB code - for those feel free to use anything you like
Board guides are everything else: Rest of section
When you are editing, changing, fixing, correcting guide sample:
1) do not use quotes - add text whole and do the edits on it
2) please use the color to highlight words and parts you edited to be clearly visible for rest of us
Further on:
1) we want to have short version of each guide
- check more on: Click here
Type of work:
1) we will work as group work in steps
few guides per week
- more info about next meeting will be announced in timeline thread
Be creative:
We are looking to have your help, to hear your ideas, suggestions and feedback in general
Every help is more than welcome
Your Origin Team
New To-Do list
(Wiki - to do list - old)
Main points to keep in mind while working on tutorials:
1) you are explaining to beginners - be clear
2) you are sharing your knowledge - be objective (they might wont understand)
3) you are writing tutorial, not a novel - be short
4) your writing style have to be easy to understand - be simple
5) guide mustn't be overcrowded - make sure it looks readable on 1st view
- clear
- simple
- short
- objective
- readable
- correct grammar and spelling
Every guide must have:
- short and 'interesting title'
- clear message and state point of each argument
- advice (not only text text)
- sense
- dose of motivation (if is possible)
Style and technique:
1) do not use colors, bold, strikeouts - plain text only
2) do not use different size of letters, different fonts
- use only normal font, normal font size, normal color letters
2 why? 2 that's why
We have 2 different guides:
~ Wiki guides which use different code so only plain text is recognized
so Wiki team will take care of technique while uploading it
Wiki guides are here: Tutorials / Guides / Tactics
~ Board guides which use full BB code - for those feel free to use anything you like
Board guides are everything else: Rest of section
When you are editing, changing, fixing, correcting guide sample:
1) do not use quotes - add text whole and do the edits on it
2) please use the color to highlight words and parts you edited to be clearly visible for rest of us
Further on:
1) we want to have short version of each guide
- check more on: Click here
Type of work:
1) we will work as group work in steps
few guides per week
- more info about next meeting will be announced in timeline thread
Be creative:
We are looking to have your help, to hear your ideas, suggestions and feedback in general
Every help is more than welcome
Your Origin Team