Peave [Phoenix] ~ Vs ~ ratte[ ] TD: 212.660.000

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    • Peave [Phoenix] ~ Vs ~ ratte[ ] TD: 212.660.000

      Peave -vs- ratte

      Attacker Peave

      Battlecr............. 3.500

      Attacker Peave

      Battlecr............. 5.997

      -= V S =-

      Defender ratte

      H.Cargo............ 8.400
      L.Fighter............ 240
      H.Fighter............ 80
      Cruiser............ 240
      Battleship............ 80
      Recy............ 240
      Destr............. 232
      Death star............ 2
      R.Luncher............ 9.800
      L.Laser............ 2.000

      - after battle -

      Attacker Peave
      Battlecr............. 3.397 . . . . . .(lost: 103)

      Attacker Peave
      Battlecr............. 5.848 . . . . . .(lost: 149)

      Defender ratte
      H.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 8.400)
      L.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 240)
      H.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 80)
      Cruiser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 240)
      Battleship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 80)
      Recy............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 240)
      Destr............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 232)
      Death star............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
      R.Luncher............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 9.800)
      L.Laser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2.000)

      Defender ratte destroyed.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured: 2.311.249 metal 281.775 crystal, and 4.340.724 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 21.420.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 191.240.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 28.164.000 metal and 25.488.000 crystal.

      -= Result =-
      (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
      Attacker gain (-lost units): 39.165.748
      The attacker lost a total of 21.420.000
      The defender lost a total of 191.240.000
      Total Damage: 212.660.000

      -= Harvest report =-
      Your recycler(s) (2.800) have a total cargo capacity of 56.000.000.
      At the target 28.734.600 Metal and 25.764.199 krystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested
      28.734.600 metal and 25.764.199 crystal.

      -= Next raids =-
      9.977.337 metal 70.443 crystal and 27.681.819 deuterium.

      Advanced bilance
      Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
      Summary: ...............................76.895.347

      Defender lost.............gain..........difference
      Summary: .............................-191.240.000