experience - a way to measure progress in game

    • Alliance and Player Interaction

    • experience - a way to measure progress in game

      change the game focus from point accumulation by spending resources towards experience
      - introduce experience as main highscore, keep the existing highscore system but make it less obvious- Make ogame more community centered, reward players with more friends in a higher measure.

      how to get experience ?

      Give rewards for active play like:
      - login everyday
      - building something ( count the item/ building, not the resources )
      - send a fleet in transport -
      - send a fleet in attack
      - send a fleet in defense
      - participate to auctions and import export
      - send expeditions, have them returned with goodies
      - get experience points from your active buddies
      - get experience points from your active alliance members
      - get experience points from destroyed units ( defense and ships )
      -get experience from number of messages ( PM and circulars)
      - the stronger is your alliance , the more experience you get for each action

      In this way players that are using premium to grow faster will retain the payed advantages, but non paying players will have own score by which they can measure the success ingame .

      Probably this is not a system to be implemented in existing universes, I think that the redesign era is closing to its end as we are approaching of the end of the list with named universes.
    • Hmm ... sure this is a successful gameplay for many games, and yes i like it, only ... is it really good for ogame to be part of the mainstream ? When i look around all those games, currently Goodgames Empire , they all have a similiary gameplay.
      Of course i like the aim very much .. involve the player more.
      In my opinion OGame should have / find an own, special way. And yes, this is a good discussion entry, even the idea to create a "new ogame" after RD.

    • 10:58] <@Valent> some actions that can be performed quickly and have a meaningful result
      [10:58] <@Valent> and the old medium to long term actions that have the known result
      [10:59] <@Valent> give soething for every style
      [10:59] <@Valent> for example expeditions are a good example
      [11:00] <@Valent> but they last for at leas 1.30 hours
      [11:00] <@Valent> that is why i say that every action in game should be rewarded, even sending a circular
      [11:00] <@Francolino> :) some weeks ago i got the idea to have a second "speed range" ... you can increase the ship speed a lot for fast attacks, but the plunder decreases the higher the speed is choosen - and / or the risk to loose the fleet is higher
      [11:01] <@Valent> interesting
      [11:01] <@Francolino> this matches the aim "short fast play in a pause"
      [11:01] <@Valent> a fight that can't be simulated
      [11:01] <@Francolino> more or less you can
      [11:01] <@Francolino> e.g double speed = half plunder
      [11:02] <@Francolino> those simple relationships
      [11:02] <@Valent> then you should also increase the defender's advantages
      [11:02] <@Valent> nobody like to be raided
      [11:02] <@Valent> likes
      [11:03] <@Francolino> sure, as said the risk to loose ships increases as well
      [11:03] <@Valent> this will make speed unis obsolete
      [11:03] <@Francolino> no no
      [11:03] <@Francolino> you have much more resources
      [11:04] <@Francolino> and building construction is faster etc
      [11:04] <@Valent> the joy in raiding is the attack itself
      [11:04] <@Valent> not necessarly the plunder
      [11:04] <@Francolino> explain this to the raiders :P
      [11:05] <@Francolino> The plunder is a very important part in OGame .. mainly cause of the very high deuterium consumption

      [11:05] <@Francolino> half of all OGamer are miner .. and fleeter needs them to get enough deut
      [11:05] <@Valent> more than half
    • Experience points as a measure of playing habit(s) is understandable, but shouldn't there be some reward for experience? Maybe a research boost?

      Dunno what to say about speed fleeting bonus, my 1st reaction is a calculating back time nightmare for fleeters?
    • Boonsey wrote:

      Experience points as a measure of playing habit(s) is understandable, but shouldn't there be some reward for experience? Maybe a research boost?

      Dunno what to say about speed fleeting bonus, my 1st reaction is a calculating back time nightmare for fleeters?
      My proposal is to quantify these activities in points and make a highscore out of it .
      For example
      a successful attack on active player= 10 points
      succesful attack on an inactive player = 1 point
      a succesful ACS ( make formula to count number of participants )
      a succesful ACS defense = 10 points
      phalanx use= 2 points
      IPM sent = 2 points

      a transport mission = 1 point
      a deploy mission= 2 points
      an expedition = 2 points
      a message ingame= 0.5 points ( rounded to integer )
      being part of an alliance ( each activity point is multiplied with 0.02 *ally size )
      and the list can continue

      In this way active players can show off how much time and effort they are paying to the game
    • Valent wrote:

      active players can show off how much time and effort they are paying to the game
      agreed. experience is an important and overlooked aspect of this game.

      however, I would like to see this experience pay off eventually, such as a research time improvement, or attack strength bonus, or something boosted in-game. eventually :beer:
    • [11:03] <@Valent> this will make speed unis obsolete
      [11:03] <@Francolino> no no
      [11:03] <@Francolino> you have much more resources
      [11:04] <@Francolino> and building construction is faster etc

      please don't! Valent has a point speed univs WILL get obsolete, and maybe even the normal univs, people join them because they know that they won't get raided in a few minutes. Months of effort are months of effort no matter how fast the uni is...

      As for the original idea, I like it, except that I don't think circs should give points...People could just spam all day and there is no experience in that...
    • ideas by zohar88 and me:

      :ycircle: correlate that experience with account advancements
      - you can not build metal mine lvl30 if you dont have XX experience
      - you cant make a rip untill you hve XX expo
      :ycircle: tutorial tasks increased and improved
      - increase number, lead through details and update to fit with new updates
      :ycircle: possibility to gain officer from expedition (1, 3 or 7 days)
      :ycircle: auctions to be limited
      - if you win 2-3 in row, you cant participate in next 2-3
      - you win one, and you can not be in next one
      :ycircle: events with treasure planet in each system more often

    • :ycircle: correlate that experience with account advancements
      - you can not build metal mine lvl30 if you dont have XX experience
      - you cant make a rip untill you hve XX expo

      no, please not...
      everyone should play ogame like he wants. So please dont stop the progression of a account with self created blockades.
    • what about having an achievement section, that shows only to the player itself the achievements they have already accomplished.
      All achievements could be visible, but greyed out and the ones accomplished are colored batches.
      For each one you accomplish you get a certain sum of XP points and / or DM (small number, like you can find on Expeditions).

      The highscore, visible to all players, would only show the total of XP points, not how they have been accomplished. This way another play does not know from the highscore already if somebody has a RIP for example. If they want that option they have to scan the player.