I looked around the suggestions for the fleet menu and i wanted to tell you my suggested layout for the fleetpage 1
corresponding threads:
- Deathstar in Calculator
- Debris in case of destroyed fleet


So you can see that the RIPs are included here in the calculator and in the cargo ship section in the Detailed Info.
There you still see the needed amount of cargo ships (for each type) to carry all resources,
but in addition you also see the current selection and for the other ship types you see the differece of the needed amount of this shiptype.
By clicking this amount they get selected additionally...
To the left you see the fleet info.
there can be more position relative and selection relative information, like the maximum cargo capacity for all ships in relation to the cargo capacity of the current selection. the same is for ressources, expedition points and (as I suggest to add there) the destroyable units paired with the moonchance.
More information can be given by tooltips (like show the limit for the next bigger or lower moonchance)
corresponding threads:
- Deathstar in Calculator
- Debris in case of destroyed fleet


So you can see that the RIPs are included here in the calculator and in the cargo ship section in the Detailed Info.
There you still see the needed amount of cargo ships (for each type) to carry all resources,
but in addition you also see the current selection and for the other ship types you see the differece of the needed amount of this shiptype.
By clicking this amount they get selected additionally...
To the left you see the fleet info.
there can be more position relative and selection relative information, like the maximum cargo capacity for all ships in relation to the cargo capacity of the current selection. the same is for ressources, expedition points and (as I suggest to add there) the destroyable units paired with the moonchance.
More information can be given by tooltips (like show the limit for the next bigger or lower moonchance)
The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().