Panel - tab Constructions/Account - Moonchance calc

    • Panel - tab Constructions/Account - Moonchance calc


      Last but not least:
      if you select pinned ships (or for special universes the defense too) advanced information could be displayed for the amount of ships (also nice together with the setting "Summarize all of a position"). The info could be the theoretical debris of those ships and the correponding chance for a moon ! (ofc you should be able to include stationed ships on the planet and/or moon if you want). The needed amount of debris and/or of crashed units for the next better chance for a moon and the corresponding amount of Light Fighter could be displayed, too. The needed amount of Recycler to harvest the theoretical debris can be displayed aswell :D
      Because there is no more space in the tab Constructions there have to be another button "calculate a moonshot" at the end of the displayed resource calculation to pin the ships onto the tab Account. There should appear another removable layer with the headline "moonshot calc:" at the bottom (there is enough space to show results of the calculations). the amount of the pinned ships should be changeable the same way like in Constructions and the moonshot calc should be displayed on each position. So you can calculate a moonshot everywhere and include the stationed civil/combat ships and adjust the needed amount of pinned ships for the wanted percentage of the moonshot