behaviour of input field in V5.7.0

  • behaviour of input field in V5.7.0

    I got a problem with an input field and i am just asking, if AGO can modify this maybe to the better ?!


    moon with 0 resources(has to be 0 resources, else it works as always)

    I am in the construction menu for ships or defense and want to build 500 light laser. So i try to type in 500 and then then click the small i of AGO and then use transport button to the moon.

    The input field doesnt let me enter numbers bigger than 1 and always defaults back to 1, if i try to enter something else.
    So this is a pain, cause you have to add just 1 light laser with clicking i and then use the arrows to raise it by 10 per click until you reach the wanted number.

    Any idea if AGO could modify this or if Gameforge only can change this for us ?
  • yes, i have AGO 5.7.0 and i tested it with Firefox and Google Chrome, botht the same...

    It only happens, when there are no resources and Ogame also gives you the new button(start with DM) above the input field.

    It happens on lunar bases with 0 resources and only if the new button(start with DM) appears.

    I didnt test it out on planets. Maybe it has something to do with that lunar bases got not storage buildings ?

    I dont always get that new button on lunar base and on planets.

    example from my lunar base with shipyard 8:

    It has allready: rocket launchers, light lasers, gauss and plasma

    The new button(start with DM) comes only for: rocket launcher, light laser, heavy laser, ion cannon. All the other work normal and no new button and no problem with input field.
  • Hmm - it's difficult to change, mainly because this limit is part of the premium feature.
    Right now i see two solution - Using another input box in the summary or a button to change the input box behave ONE time