Messages - Spy reports - Detailed Loot Column

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    • Messages - Spy reports - Detailed Loot Column

      it would be great if the loot Colum were more detailed... i don't like the little popup cause you can't sort for a specific loot.
      Therefore i've changed my local AGO for displaying the M/C/D colums.

      would be nice if these changes are in the next AGO Version.. maybe with a on/off option in the AGO Settings for these people who don't like the detailed colums

      Line 40 changed

      Source Code

      1. T6:"loot"


      Source Code

      1. T6:"∑"

      Line 41 after

      Source Code

      1. "minimize/maximize table"


      Source Code

      1. ,T29:"M", T30:"C",T31:"D"

      Line 67 after

      Source Code

      1. a).attr("data-value",e.LOOT.s).addClass("tooltip").appendTo(k);


      Source Code

      1. k=$("<td/>").addClass("sh_textRight").appendTo(h);"M53")?STR.shortNumber(e.LOOT.m,1):STR.formatNumber(e.LOOT.m);$("<span/>").html(m).attr("data-value",e.LOOT.m).appendTo(k);k=$("<td/>").addClass("sh_textRight").appendTo(h);"M53")?STR.shortNumber(e.LOOT.k,1):STR.formatNumber(e.LOOT.k);$("<span/>").html(m).attr("data-value",e.LOOT.k).appendTo(k);k=$("<td/>").addClass("sh_textRight").appendTo(h);"M53")?STR.shortNumber(e.LOOT.d,1):STR.formatNumber(e.LOOT.d);
      2. $("<span/>").html(m).attr("data-value",e.LOOT.d).appendTo(k);

      8) thx