"Most ships" mixes up moons and planets

    • "Most ships" mixes up moons and planets

      I seem to have a very strange bug or I simply don't understand a feature here. I apologize in advance if so.

      Anyway, in the fleet section of the AGO settings, I defined my "most ships" standard to leave behind 500 Small Cargos and 300 Large Cargos.I use this standard for my planets. Then I made an exception for each of my moons to leave behind NO Small Cargo and 500 Large Cargos.
      Today, I had more ships on one of my moons so I clicked the "most ships" button, but it somehow seemed to have merged both settings into one, because in the end, it left 500 Small Cargos and 500 Large Cargos on the moon which I haven't set in ANY config.

      I do not want to post my entire config, but I can reproduce this bug when my entire fleet is stationed on a moon, too. Then AGO also leaves behind 300 spy probes (which is my default for planets). I have taken screenshots to clarify. Hope it helps.
