Pinned IRC guide

    • This is hopefully a complete guide on IRC for users based on Roty's FAQ system.

      Complete Guide to IRC

      Table of Contents:[name=contents][/name]
      1. [to=IRC]What is IRC?[/to]
      2. [to=Client]Where can I get an IRC client?[/to]
      3. [to=server]What IRC network does Ogame use?[/to]
      4. [to=rules]Are there any rules I need to be aware of?[/to]
      5. [to=connect]How can i connect to OnlineGamesNet in mIRC?[/to]
      6. [to=channel]What is a channel?[/to]
      7. [to=chanhow]How do I join a channel in mIRC?[/to]
      8. [to=chanenglish]What are the channels?[/to]
      9. [to=authserv]What is Authserv, and how can I get an account?[/to]
      10. [to=chanreg]How do I register a channel?[/to]
      11. [to=IP]Can I hide my real hostmask/IP?[/to]
      12. [to=cmds]Is there a help for all available commands in IRC?[/to]
      13. [to=rmode] I can't join a channel, it says I need an authserv account?[/to]
      14. [to=noclient]Is there a way to connect to the IRC network without having to install a program?[/to]
      15. [to=Gline]It says I'm G-Lined, what now?[/to]
      16. [to=modes]What channel and usermodes are there?[/to]
      17. [to=basics]What basic commands should I be aware of?[/to]
      18. [to=opbasics]What basic Chanserv Operator commands should I be aware of?[/to]

      Client Installation/Configuration:[name=clientconfig][/name]

      Q1: What is IRC?[name=IRC][/name]
      IRC is a chat protocol and the abbreviation for Internet Relay Chat.
      Originally from Webopedia
      a chat system developed by Jarkko Oikarinen in Finland in the late 1980s.
      IRC has become very popular as more people get connected to the Internet
      because it enables people connected anywhere on the Internet to join in live discussions.
      Unlike older chat systems, IRC is not limited to just two participants.

      All you need is a Client to connect to the IRC network you wish to chat on.

      Q2: Where can I get a client?[name=Client][/name]
      The most famous client for Windows is mIRC.

      Other Windows clients are:

      Clients for Linux:

      Clients for Mac:

      Web Based Clients:

      For some guides on installing the clients see: [to=clientconfig]Client Installation/Configuration[/to]

      Q3: What IRC network does Ogame use?[name=server][/name]
      We use OnlineGamesNet.
      check out for further details on our servers and which ports you can use.

      [tocontent]Go to table of Contents[/tocontent]

      Q4: Are there any rules I need to be aware of?[name=rules][/name]
      Yes, the Official Network Rules can be found here:
      Please note that all the services may be related to an identity in case of severe rules breaching. In simpler words, under certain cirumstances your game and board accounts might be banned due to your actions in IRC.
      Specific Channel Rules

      Q5: How can i connect to OnlineGamesNet in mIRC?[name=connect][/name]

      Source Code

      1. /server

      Or to connect straight to your [to=authserv]authserv account:[/to]

      Source Code

      1. /server authname:authpassword

      Q6: What is a channel?[name=channel][/name]
      A Channel is like a chatroom, it's where people communicate on IRC. On the OnlineGamesNet network there's around 7700 channels in use. By typing in your IRC window

      Source Code

      1. /list

      you can see all the pubicly visible channels.

      [tocontent]Go to Table of contents[/tocontent]

      Q7: How do I join a channel in mIRC?[name=chanhow][/name]

      Source Code

      1. /join #channelname

      Q8: What are the channels?[name=chanenglish][/name]
      The channel names are direct links to join the channel (mIRC or another IRC client must be installed). - Main channel - Support Channel
      #help - IRC Support Channel - Galactic News Network Channel
      Universe Channels
      #org.uni1 - Universe 1 Channel
      #org.uni2 - Universe 2 Channel
      #org.uni3 - Universe 3 Channel
      #org.uni4 - Universe 4 Channel
      #org.uni5 - Universe 5 Channel
      #org.uni6 - Universe 6 Channel
      #org.uni7 - Universe 7 Channel
      #org.uni8 - Universe 8 Channel
      #org.uni9 - Universe 9 Channel
      #org.uni10 - Universe 10 Channel
      #org.uni11 - Universe 11 Channel
      #org.uni12 - Universe 12 Channel
      #org.uni13 - Universe 13 Channel
      #org.uni14 - Universe 14 Channel
      #org.uni15 - Universe 15 Channel
      #org.uni16 - Universe 16 Channel
      #org.uni17 - Universe 17 Channel
      #org.uni18 - Universe 18 Channel
      #org.uni19 - Universe 19 Channel
      #org.uni20 - Universe 20 Channel
      #org.uni21 - Universe 21 Channel
      #org.uni22 - Universe 22 Channel
      #org.uni23 - Universe 23 Channel
      #org.uni24 - Universe 24 Channel
      #org.uni25 - Universe 25 Channel
      #org.uni26 - Universe 26 Channel
      #org.uni27 - Universe 27 Channel
      #org.uni28 - Universe 28 Channel
      #org.uni29 - Universe 29 Channel
      #org.uni30 - Universe 30 Channel
      #org.uni31 - Universe 31 Channel
      #org.uni32 - Universe 32 Channel
      #org.uni33 - Universe 33 Channel
      #org.uni34 - Universe 34 Channel
      #org.uni35 - Universe 35 Channel
      #org.uni36 - Universe 36 Channel
      #org.uni37 - Universe 37 Channel
      #org.uni38 - Universe 38 Channel
      #org.uni39 - Universe 40 Channel
      #org.uni40 - Universe 40 Channel
      #org.uni41 - Universe 41 Channel
      #org.uni42 - Universe 42 Channel
      #org.uni43 - Universe 43 Channel - Universe Andromeda Channel - Universe Barym Channel - Universe Capella Channel - Universe Draco Channel - Universe Electra Channel - Universe Fornax Channel - Universe Gemini Channel - Universe Hydra Channel

      Q9: What is Authserv, and how can I get an account?[name=authserv][/name]
      AuthServ is used to connect your channel access with an AuthServ-account. After you auth AuthServ will recognize you and grant you the channel access you need in your channel (e.g to administrate your ChanServ).
      Please note, that AuthServ is similar to NickServ but is not NickServ itself. So you can't protect or recover your nick via a forced kill if you register it with AuthServ. Anyways, you can use whatever nick you want while being logged in and still get the privileges matching your access inside a channel.
      To register an account go here: Online Account registration
      After submitting this form you will be sent an email with your login information.
      Once registered you can login to your account by using the folllowing command in IRC:

      Source Code

      1. /authserv auth <account><password>

      If you try to login with a different IP address to what you last used then you'll need to request a new authcookie (this is for security purposes). This can be achieved by typing the following command:

      Source Code

      1. /authserv authcookie <account>

      This will send you an email containing a new authcookie, to activate this cookie type:

      Source Code

      1. /authserv cookie <account> <cookie>

      For more Help with authserv go to:

      [tocontent]Go to Table of contents[/tocontent]

      Q10: How do i register a channel?[name=chanreg][/name]
      1. Read the Channel registration guidelines. If your channel doesn't fit to these rules, the channel won't be registered.
      2. You need to get an [to=authserv]authserv account[/to]
      3. Join the channel of your choice

        Source Code

        1. /join #channelname

        If there's someone in the channel called ChanServ then it's already been registered to somebody else, so pick a different name.
      4. Finally, join #help

        Source Code

        1. /join #help

        One in the #help channel type:

        Source Code

        1. /support channel registration

        When a supporter is available you'll be invited into the support channel and asked for some information about the channel purpose. If it's an alliance channel (as it is in most cases), then you should have the okay by the alliance founder (or be the alliance founder) to register the channel.

      Once you have your channel check out this wiki page: First steps with your chan

      Q11: Can I hide my real hostmask/IP?[name=IP][/name]
      Yes, that's supported by OnlineGamesNet. After you authed (you can't use it without being authed though) type the following:

      Source Code

      1. /mode <nick> +x

      eg. /nick Kebab +x
      To get this automatically upon logging into your auth account:

      Source Code

      1. /authserv set autohide 1

      Q12: Is there a help available for all available commands in IRC?[name=cmds][/name]
      • for mIRC specific commands type:

        Source Code

        1. /help

      • for OGN services:

        Source Code

        1. /as help


        Source Code

        1. /cs help


        Source Code

        1. /gs help

      See also the OGN IRC wikipedia website:
      And this thread: mIRC / Channel Services basic commands list

      [tocontent]Go to Table of contents[/tocontent]

      Q13: I can't join a channel, it says I need an authserv account?[name=rmode][/name]
      This means that the channel has mode +r set and thus only allows users that have registered to an authserv account to join. Its for security reasons mainly, in fact to prevent botnets from joining the channel.
      You will need to create and login to an auth account in order to join the channel. See [to=authserv]authserv account[/to]

      Q14: Is there a way to connect to the IRC network without having to install a program?[name=noclient][/name]
      Yes, there are two options:

      Q15: It says I'm G-lined, what now?[name=G-line][/name]
      A G-line is a temporary ban for the whole network; you will not be able to connect to the OnlineGamesNet at all for the duration of this ban.

      You can see if there's any G-lines on your IP address and for what reason using the G-line check here:
      DO NOT evade a G-line to talk with an IRCop in the IRC. This is called G-line evading and is strictly prohibited and will be punished harder than a G-line.
      If you feel the G-line isn't correct then use the contact IRCop field to enquire about the ban.

      [tocontent]Go to Table of contents[/tocontent]

      Q16: What channel and usermodes are there?[name=modes][/name]
      On OnlineGamesNet the following are supported:
      • Channel Modes:
        n, t, p, s, m, M, l, k, i, C, c, D, d, o, v, b, Z

        [spoiler=Channel Modes Explained]Mode: +n
        This mode ensures that you can only write messages to a channel when you are inside the channel.
        Mode: +t
        This mode determines that you can only change the topic, when you're chanop (+o ).
        Mode: +p/+s
        These modes define, that you can't see the channel in a /whois - unless you're inside this channel as well. The difference between p and s is, that you can find a "p"-channel with /list but not an "s"-channel. Only one of these modes can be set to a channel at the same time.
        Mode: +m
        This mode arranges that you can only write messages inside the channel, when you're voiced (+v) or opped (+o).
        Mode: +M
        With +M set, you prevent the usage of messages sent to multiple channels (both, using "msg #chan1,#chan2,..." and also sending the same message to multiple channels via scripts) in your channel.
        Mode: +l <limit>
        This mode sets the maximum number of users, who may enter the channel at the same time. An invite (e.g. from ChanServ) overrides this limit.
        Mode: +k <password>
        This mode sets a password for the channel. All users who want to join the channel have to use /join #channel <password>. An invitation (e.g. from ChanServ or an opped user inside the chan) bypasses the password.
        Mode: +i
        This mode determines, that you can only join a channel, when you've been invited. Only chanops can invite users. Of course ChanServ can invite, too (Look at INVITEME).
        Mode: +C
        This mode sets that no one can send CTCP-actions to the cannel. NO ONE!
        Mode: +c
        This mode sets that no one can use the mIRC-Colortags anymore. NO ONE!
        Mode: +r
        This mode sets that you can only join a channel, if you are authed with AuthServ. An invite (e.g. from ChanServ) overrides this mode.
        Mode: +D
        This mode sets that joins and parts will be shown, only if the user says something or will be voiced/oped. Helpful in big channels. It is used for classes.
        Mode: +d
        This mode will be set by the server, if you remove mode +D and there are still users in the channel, whose join wasn't shown. Ops can't disable this mode. It will be disabled automatically if no „invisible“ users are in the channel anymore.
        Mode: +o <nick>
        This mode gives an user op. From now on he has an @ on his nick and operatorrights in the channel (kicking, modes, etc.).
        Mode: +v <nick>
        This mode gives an user voice. From now on he has a + on his nick and can also send messages in the channel, if the channel is moderated (+m) or when he is banned (+b).
        Mode: +b <banmask>
        This mode bans a specified mask from a channel. All users, who apply to this mask can't join or speak anymore. Only if they are voiced or opped. The banmasks look like this: nick!user@host and they can contain wildcards. An invite (e.g. from ChanServ) overrides this ban.
        Mode: +z
        This mode is only settable by ChanServ. It reassures that noone will be opped/voiced while ChanServ is absend (e.g. after an update or during a NetSplit). So channel-overtakes or netrides will be avoided.[/spoiler]

      • usermodes:
        i, d, x
        [spoiler=Usermodes Explained]Mode: +i
        This mode makes you „invisible“. The purpose of this mode is, that you are not visible on /names or /who lists for normal users, if you are not in one of the channels they are staying at as well.
        Mode: +d
        This mode does make you 'deaf'. You won't see any messages written in all of your channels. This means NO MESSAGES at all! Normally, this one is only useful for bots, not using a channel-trigger and being commanded by /msg BOT COMMAND. You may be contacted via queries though.
        Mode: +x
        This mode hides your real host. Instead of you will get test@Account.user.OGameNet. This mode is only effective if you're authed. You CAN'T disable this mode again.[/spoiler]

      Q17: What basic commands should I be aware of?[name=basics][/name]
      More help on OGN's commands can be found here:
      to join a channel of your choice

      Source Code

      1. /join #channelname

      eg. /join -- to join the channel

      Changes your name

      Source Code

      1. /nick newnickname

      eg. /nick Ginger -- Changes my name to Ginger

      to do an action message

      Source Code

      1. /me 'does anything'

      eg. /me humples Grady -- * Kebab humples Grady

      to leave the channel your currently in

      Source Code

      1. /part

      to disconnect from IRC with an optional quit message

      Source Code

      1. /quit [reason]

      to change any of the [to=modes]usermodes[/to] on your account

      Source Code

      1. /mode +<mode>

      to send a secret message to one person in the channel

      Source Code

      1. /notice nickname (message)

      eg. /notice RedAlert Nice hit m8 -- -> -RedAlert- Nice hit m8

      to see information about another user

      Source Code

      1. /whois nickname

      eg. /whois Kebab

      to chat to someone in a private tab

      Source Code

      1. /query nickname (message)

      eg. /query Cupcake Got a second?
      Opens a new tab where just me and Cupcake can talk

      to display the channel's userlist

      Source Code

      1. !users

      to op/deop or voice/devoice yourself

      Source Code

      1. !up / !down

      to op/deop or voice/devoice yourself on all channels

      Source Code

      1. !upall / !downall

      to have chanserv display a greet message upon joining a channel

      Source Code

      1. !setinfo <infoline>

      to have chanserv invite you into an invite only channel

      Source Code

      1. /cs inviteme #channel

      Q18: What basic Chanserv Operator commands should I be aware of?[name=opbasics][/name]
      to change the channel topic

      Source Code

      1. !topic (message)

      to give a user access

      Source Code

      1. !adduser <nick|*account> <level>

      to remove a user's access

      Source Code

      1. !deluser <nick|*account> <level>

      to change a user's access

      Source Code

      1. !clvl <nick|*account> <level>

      to suspend a user's access

      Source Code

      1. !suspend <nick|*account>

      to unsuspend a user's access

      Source Code

      1. !unsuspend <nick|*account>

      to resync the channel userlist

      Source Code

      1. !resync

      to change [to=modes]channel modes[/to]

      Source Code

      1. !mode +<mode>

      kicks the person out of the channel

      Source Code

      1. !kick <nick> [reason]

      kicks and bans the person for a specified time

      Source Code

      1. !tb <nick|mask> <time> [reason]

      eg. !tb Zombie 1h Go take a shower -- Would kick and ban Zombie for 1 hour

      time is in the format:
      • s - seconds
      • m - minutes
      • h - hours
      • w - weeks
      • M - months
      • y - years

      to undo the ban before the time elapses type:

      Source Code

      1. !DELBAN <nick|mask>

      eg. !delban Zombie

      Kicks and bans the person until you unban them

      Source Code

      1. !b <nick|mask> [reason]

      to remove the ban type:

      Source Code

      1. !unban <nick|mask>

      [tocontent]Go to Table of contents[/tocontent]
      Written by: Kebab
      Credits to Happy, Julian & rotvicX
      Translated to BBCode by kwinse
      Last edited by Kebab - 21/10/2010