Fleet2/Fleet3: After using back button on fleet3 the selected routine mission (Routine collect in my case) is forgotten

    • Fleet2/Fleet3: After using back button on fleet3 the selected routine mission (Routine collect in my case) is forgotten

      In previous versions, when you used the next and back buttons on the fleet pages, AntiGame remembered the selected routine mission, if one was selected in the beginning.

      This is currently not the case anymore. Instead, something goes wrong.

      In order to reproduce, you may follow the following steps:
      1. Go to fleet1
      2. Select "Routine collect" (settings: mission=transport) -> fleet2
      3. Click on "Next" -> fleet3
      4. Click on "Back" -> fleet2 (already here, you see, that there is something wrong, in the button is the deployment icon, instead of transport icon)
      5. Click on "Next" -> fleet3 -> your settings for routine collect are ignored in some way; no resources are loaded and the wrong mission is selected (deployment instead of transport)

      Also see this visual description of the issue (only contains steps 2, 3, 4):

      AntiGame 5.6.25
      Firefox 24.0