Fleet - Collect and Save Routine - Resource preselection if not under Attack

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    • Fleet - Collect and Save Routine - Resource preselection if not under Attack

      Hello everybody,

      a lot of bla bla in here
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      with my fleet growing, I recently started to make more use of the Save Routine in addition to the Collect Routine. However, I keep confusing the two in terms of ressource pre-selection. I don't know how often I have already sent the whole of my ships into the safe, but forgot to take my precious ress with them. That means I have to recall and send the fleet again ... a few million units of deuterium wasted for nothing.

      I remember posting a similar question back in the old antigame forum and recieved the following answer from Franco the Lino ;)
      Collect : Takes a few ships and all resources
      Save: Takes all ships, but NO resources

      I WONT add a feature which takes everything.
      Alright, I understand that you do this for balancing reasons. You don't want this comfort function to be abused in case a player's fleet is getting intercepted and it would allow him to save both his fleet AND his ressources withing only a few seconds. Ok, agreed.

      So instead, my suggestion would be:
      Allow the Save Routine to pre-select all ressources just like the Collect Routine does, but ONLY IF there is no attack imminent. The same mechanism could be applied to the Collect Routine, too.

      I believe that 99% of the times the Save Routine is used are non-combatting situations and I cannot see any harm in speeding them up just like the Collect Routine does. Also, I'm an old demented man (24) who tends to mixing things up %)

      Best regards and good luck with the synchronisation feature you're currently working on!


      *EDIT: your forum has given me a hard time posting this thread. I hope, I did not spam your moderation queue :(
    • Hello,

      I know that many player likes an improvement here, but (for now) my last answer is still valid:
      The behavior becomes to complicated when the resources are only taken if there is no attack.

      MightyMalcolm wrote:

      Collect : Takes a few ships and all resources
      Save: Takes all ships, but NO resources

      I WONT add a feature which takes everything.