Alliance - ally page template

    • Alliance - ally page template

      Algunas ideas
      Seria muy bueno ver en el menu de antigame el tiempo que falta para terminar cualquier actividad en ejecucion, ademas de informar cual es el maximo que se puede construir de cada mave y/o defensa, algo asi como lo que se hizo con los satelites y por ultimo tambien seria bueno ofrecer alguans mejoras en las alianzas algo como plantillas para la creacion de las paginas de las alianzas y espacios para la creacion de los foros y/o paginas dedicadas a las alianzas que son parte fundamental del juego

      Agradezco su atencion prestada y espero que mis ideas sean de alguna ayuda

      Traduccion realizada por google

      Some ideas
      It would be great to see on the menu antigame the time remaining to complete any activity in execution, which is also to inform the maximum that can be built on each mave and / or defense, something like what was done with the satellites and finally it would also be good to offer some improvements in alliances something as templates for creating pages of alliances and creating space for the forums and / or pages related to the partnerships that are part of the game

      I appreciate your attention given and I hope my ideas are of some help
    • Hello,

      It's always better to post one suggestion per thread.

      About the remaining construction times, it's an interesting idea. Maybe it's something for AGO, maybe for Infocompte. I'll keep it in mind.

      About Alliance page improvements, i don't think that i have the time for such features this or next year.

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      >see this thread< for the remaining construction times.
      The title of this thread has been renamed to recognize the suggestion for the Allypage template.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().