Pinned Changelog

    • v4.1.3 :: 09.02.2016
      • Update translations
      • Improvements to Event List detection
      • Fix data lose if combat reports are opened in a new tab
      • Improve CSS handling
      • Improve message deletion from Raidar
      v4.1.2 :: 24.01.2016
      • Turkish translation
      • TrashSim Button for easy combat simulation
      • full HTTP Support
      • outdated indicators for several informations
      • A lot other improvements

      v4.1.1 :: 29.11.2015
      • Raidar, the new espionage report presentation
      • Hungarian translation
      • Portuguese translation
      • Danish translation
      • A lot other improvements

      v4.1.0 :: 27.10.2015
      • Raidar, the new espionage report presentation
      • Polish translation
      • Performance improvements in Firefox
      • Italian translation
      • A lot other improvements

      v4.0.2 :: 16.10.2015
      • fix fleet behaviour on page 2, colony ship was ignored if recyclers in the fleet
      • Spanish translation by Sora

      v4.0.1 :: 14.10.2015
      • fix debris factor for external simulators
      • fix expo calculation (XML with position 0 bug)
      • fix energy detection if it contains a thousands separator
      • Swedish translation by Henke
      v4.0.0 :: 20.09.2015
      • correct some typos
      • When displaying the amount of solar satellites needed, energy was detected incorrectly if the value was greater then 999.
      • NaN display in espionage reports when there where no resources on the planet or moon.
      v4.0.0-RC.2 :: 19.08.2015
      • Update Knockout JavaScript
      • Firefox: Fix communication between content script and backend
      • Espionage report functions are now available from galaxy view. (reports there are a commander feature)
      • Small changes in espionage reports
      v4.0.0-RC.1 :: 16.08.2015
      • Highlight debris fields again.
      • Planets can be ignored, so they will be nearly hidden at the galaxy view.
      • When using a link with coordinates, like in espionage reports, the planet will be highlighted in the galaxy view. Here we have a small problem with V6 (of OGame), because this version does not have complete coordinates in these links any more. I addressed this problem to the developers and hope they will fix this so it will work like in V5
      • small code improvements
      v4.0.0-beta.6 :: 12.08.2015
      • Correction at loot detection for values shown with M for million.
      • Build page improvements: show energy needed and solar satellites for that demand
      • Build page improvements: Add key bindings (arrow up/down) to the amount field for ships and defence, cost calculation on value change
      • Correction for cost calculation for ships and defence
      • Formula improvements for planet production
      v4.0.0-beta.5 :: 24.07.2015
      • switch to new Firefox build system jpm
      • disable unnecessary research
      • Add production calculation to espionage reports and adjust ships needed
      • direct call of Speedsim and OSimulate from espionage reports.
      • Layout fix for Firefox
      • Changes for OGame 6
      • Bugfix event list in case of fragmentary fleet data (Espionage technology less then level 8 )
      • Bugfix transport capacity calculation on transport button
      v4.0-beta.4 :: 22.05.2015
      • Version 4 is a restart with Firefox and Chrome support
      • In the first steps known features are reimplemented
      • this release starts with OGame v6 support
      v3.4.5 :: 17.09.2013
      • Update for OGame 5.6.2
      • New start page recognition
      • Update jQuery (internal)
      v3.4.4 :: 18.07.2013
      • Update for OGame 5.5.3
      • Different universe speeds for building and fleet now available
      • Add Link to
      • Made espionage report enhancements configurable
      v3.4 :: 07.06.2013
      • No more 3.4 Beta versions. But I desided to skip the build calculator for now.
      • Translation to Portuguese
      • Translation to Spanish
      • Bugfix production calculation, when buildings not known
      • Include storage capacity in loot calculation
      • Update jQuery and jQuery UI (internal)

      The post was edited 19 times, last by Skynet: Version 4.0.2 ().