Embedded forum chat

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    • Embedded forum chat

      Embedded forum chat
      • Info : Adds an embedded chat to Ogame
      • Author :Faction
      • Website :N/A
      • Support :N/A
      • Download :[spoiler]

        Source Code

        1. // ==UserScript==
        2. // @name Embed Empire Forum Chat
        3. // @namespace EmpireForumChat
        4. // @description Embeds Empire forum chat into Ogame
        5. // @include http://uni1.ogame.us/game/*
        6. // @version 1
        7. // ==/UserScript==
        8. window.onload = function(){
        9. var link = "http://galacticempire.web-rpg.org/"
        10. var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
        11. var div = document.createElement('div');
        12. //Set the div to the height/width of the chat box, and hide any extra junk
        13. div.style.position="relative";
        14. div.style.width="893px";
        15. div.style.height="320px";
        16. div.style.overflow="hidden";
        17. div.style.margin="auto";
        18. div.style.clear="both";
        19. div.id="chatContainer";
        20. //Adjust the positioning in the iframe to view the portion of the website with the chat box
        21. iframe.style.position="absolute";
        22. iframe.style.top="-340px";
        23. iframe.style.left="-25px";
        24. iframe.style.width="925px";
        25. iframe.style.height="700px";
        26. iframe.scrolling="no";
        27. iframe.setAttribute("src", link);
        28. //Add the iframe to the div
        29. div.appendChild(iframe);
        30. //Add the div on the page, above the footer
        31. document.body.appendChild(div);
        32. }
        Display All
      • Screenshot :i.imgur.com/DMshsPR.jpg
      • Browser :Firefox (using Greasemonkey), Chrome (using Tampermonkey)
      • Languages : N/A

        -Just puts my allys forum chat at the bottom of the Ogame website.
      Edit: Looks like I posted the script a few too many times..removed the extra copies. Sorry about that.